Fighting game suggestions?

Fighting game suggestions?

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Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite

Hunter X Hunter



Naruto Ultimate Ninja 2.

Waku Waku 7

someone host.

fantasy strike nigga. it comes out in two days

Arcana Heart 3 LOVE MAX SIX STARS !!!!!!

No better fighting game than Melty Blood. Here's a better question, who's your main?

But UNI[st] is superior.

My go-to's right now are Uniel, Rev 2 and Central Fiction.
I got a bit burned out on Guilty Gear after a while and a couple friends only have Blazblue so I got it and to be honest I like how much easier it is to do flashy stuff and long combos that don't require RRC's or execution wizardry. The amount of cool characters is also neat. Still, Elphelt is best ArcSys Girl.!38YgRTIS!hXliYFjdKtYvtMYd9M2Az2HuigizUvNtpYMOAurmyXY

>casual the fighting game: casual deluxe edition

yea its casual. it is what it is. but its also fun

So like I really wanna play as this stupid fucking cat.
But that's like 60 dollars man.
Is it worth it?

Im sorry but i like my fighting games to come with basic functions
like crouching

But why would I play weird Relius with Pilebunker or an even slower Potemkin if I could just play the real thing which is much prettier?

I like UNI the most. I like Blazblue less than I used to. I play SWR pretty casually. I also like Divekick but no one plays it.
It's an extra $8 on top of that to play as Jubei since he's DLC. He's not even really good even though people have been waiting for him for like 9 years. He's not bottom tier, though.

I've been toying with a fighting game starring historical characters that focuses on over-the-top supers

Like Hitler throws the enemy into a gas chamber, then the camera pans out to see him rubbing his hands maniacally while hundreds of Nazi troops march over the horizon and trample the gas chamber

Harriet Tubman smashes her enemy into the ground like a nail, driving them miles underground, where they finally come to rest in a tunnel on some tracks. Then a loud whistle is heard, and the camera pans over to Tubman, in a steam train, and she then rams the enemy

Jesus Christ nails his enemy to a cross, then hurls the cross, Mario 64 style, into the sky, where God's hand catches the cross. God holds the cross steady, while Jesus leaps into the air, approaches them, and then forgives them and turns the other cheek for massive damage, then God lets the cross fall to Earth, after he and Jesus share a thumbs up.

Thats as far as I've gotten. I call it Fistory.

If you're looking for a game that actually exists, play Anarchy Reigns

Central Fiction costs 30 Bucks and Jubei 8, where are you getting the 60 from?

because you can play with friends that did not spend 50+ hours in training mode just to perform enough to entertain you in a match

Like Hitler throws the enemy into a gas chamber, then the camera pans out to see him rubbing his hands maniacally while hundreds of Nazi troops march over the horizon and trample the gas chamber
Fuck me now that sounds like a cool idea.

White Len aka best girl.

Or I could just tell them to pick Stylish Mode.

Those constant Melty threads/lobbies before the steam launch were fun. We should do it again sometime.

I don't actually know what the PS4 Community is like but I'd imagine it's better than the PC one.
If you're american you should be able to find matches most of the time, unless it's like early morning and there are always a healthy amount of rooms up but if you're a European you only have around a 5 Hour window in the evenings to actually find ranked matches midweek, during the day you can just open a room and after a couple minutes it always tends to fill up, just beware that you'll see a lot of people with +1000 games.

If you ever do make a fighting game, don't make all of the supers 10 hour long cutscenes. If you must save those for things like instant kills, or only have them trigger when the enemy HP is below a certain threshold, ya dig?

It's not even out yet is it?

Holy shit

disc jam

That would be nice, be the change that you want to see user. Evenings and weekends would probably be the best time.

>want to buy MBAACC on steam
>but keep hearing the multiplayer is trash
>MB ACwas the only fighting game besides smash that had me interested
feels bad man

Beat me to it

if I ever pick it up again I'd say warc necoarc or nanaya in that order
IDC if they're bad or good I like them

Fight of Gods has jesus and the only controversy it got was that Taiwan banned it, that's it.

Necoarc is a shitpost in the form of a character.

I know I love her no neco

Just play

>Maining Nekoarc

It is trash but I bought it anyway.

Post them mains.

Pretty much everyone uses caster anyways, at least until Madscientist gets rollback working on the steam version, whenever that is. I still bought it just to support it.

Smash 4

I'm scared of actually playing MP though since I got brave enough to challenge some dude on that MBcaster or... whatever it was five+ years ago on MBAC and he gave me the royal kickass on a platter

Someone explain the story of Melty Blood to me
I just started today and trying the wiki doesn't make any sense besides something some vampires, emotions made real, time paradoxes for plot and separate characters, and neko neko nyaa~

F-Warakia, F-WArc, C-Neco Chaos

Rather a nekoarc than a nero.

You posted the only one worth playing, but UNIST can help fill the French Bread void until Melty 2.

Melty Blood is based off the visual novel Tsukihime.

Len and Seifuku
I'm an air kinda dude

UNIEL is on sale too for 7 bucks


I want to get into Melty Blood but I'm too afraid to join the caster peeps because I just know they're all pros and would bully me to the point I'd quit. I would never feel like I'm progressing if I play them. Lrarning this game requires someone at you skill level and progressing enough to fight good players. That's how most anime fighters are and most people don't play them.

Lethal league.

What if they make another Melty Blood and add Fate characters?

>Riesbyfe Stridberg

this is probably the worst fucking names ive ever seen in any kind of media ever, this is fucking worse than RAGNA THE BLOODEDGE.

arcana heart is tons of fun

so is puyo

>tfw no Saber in Melty

Probably after the Tsukihime remake.

This would be a good ultimatum directed towards Nasu

If they added those versions of the characters that you see in the tiger dojos and Illya's castle (I don't know what you call them) like how they have the neko characters in melty then that would be great.

>good netcode
>good tutorial
>good, simple inputs
>good animations
>good amount of good easter eggs
>good price
>welcoming but small community

>He doesn't know
NRVNQSR is a legit thing. It read as Nero.
You got me with Roast Beef though.

I don't into japanese
English version when?

UNIEL is a good successor to Melty Blood.

Yeah, if only there was a competent blond girl in a dress that loses to the MC's dick in melty blood.

good training mode too
they recently added debug buttons that let you make the game go frame by frame

Angelia a best

>those names

WHO names their children / name themselves that? who thought that'd be a good idea? Who wouldn't think they're just a bunch of try-hard dorks with names like those? What country are those names supposed to have originated from anyway?

holy christ, japan, if you got so much of a hard-on for foreign names, why not just stick to the basics, you gooks?

finally someone with taste

Samurai showdown v came out on ps4 today and the netcode is perfect.

A really good, fast paced, weapon based 2d fighter.

Yeah, too bad the netcode is shit and the game is dead.
I play fighting games local-only since I think it's the genre that DEMANDS perfect netplay to work online, outside of anything in GGPO/Fightcade since that shit is gold

yeah, hopefully good rollback becomes commonplace in the future. i don't have any locals to go to so i'm stuck online

Just use fightcade, it has GGPO

I used to play more anime fighters but now i only play guilty gear. blazblue and under night are pretty fun though.

Yeah, about that...

Might as well wait for AH4

NRVNQSR is a biblical thing. Number of the beast and whatnot.
The other is just a stupid name.

i wouldn't expect that for a port anyway, maybe for ah4

I would like to see Dies Irae fighting game and Melty Blood HD.

I like to have a lot of mains. C-Nanaya, F-Tohno, C-Ryougi, F-Len, and F-Seifuku. I also play a very shit C-Wallachia and H-Roa sometimes.

The one and only
Full moon, DP motions into air grab only.

so why not just put it as "Nero 666" or whatever? it's still try-hardish, but it's a heckuva lot less pretentious.

I want to believe
But as time goes on, I'm losing hope

At least I want to believe AH characters in Cross Tag Battle

Anyone else care about the Touhou fighters? I've found a lot of people who like 12.3 tend to like Melty Blood as well.

>He can't read moon
It reads Nero btw.

>but it's a heckuva lot less pretentious
Dude, read the game's full fucking title:
"Melty Blood: Actress Again: Current Code: Hologram Summer Again, Tri-Hermes Black Land"
You think that's not enough?

Did you not follow the kickstarter? AH4 is coming right after they finish porting Six Stars. And on that note of CTB, Mori more or less stated that AH is the next series he's looking to collab with

We don't talk about that game here.
Just go to their local discord and ask for fights there.

NRVNQSR is an excellent name nigga.

I want source on both those statements
I need to recover hope

sonny, i lived through all the SF2, Real Bout & Guilty Gear naming revision shenanigans. by this point, it's standard for fighting games to come with bullshit naming schemes for every revision that comes out.

character names, however, that's a line i gotta make.

Soku on Switch when?


Six Stars got a ton of money and exceeded a few milestones but didn't get all the characters the developers promised. The extra funds and interest should propel an extra title in the series, I'm fairly sure they mentioned updating the graphics sometime or another

As for the crossover inclusion, this article is in moonrunes and was from earlier this month. Mori was questioned the topic of why Guilty Gear wasn't included and mostly said Ishiwatari hasn't given a response to Mori's offer while French Bread and Atlus did. He specifically mentions "a girl with a heart in her hair" as a point of interest for future possible collab works

Woops, forgot to link the article in the case anyone was interested

I think I can go to sleep with some recovered happiness in me
Thanks user

Yes, I play 12.3 extremely casually but I'm not into Melty (or the new ones for that matter fuck those games).

Wait what
Why are they talking about Demonbane near the end?