Name that game Sup Forums hates but you secretly like.
Name that game Sup Forums hates but you secretly like
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Sticker star
Dark Souls III. I enjoyed it a lot more than Bloodborne.
You on the other hand need to kill yourself
Color Splash
you like das 3 kill yourself
why you post pedofile
Dark Souls 2 and 3
Arkham Knight
New Tomb Raider
Sup Forums doesn't like any games. Sup Forums hates everything.
I really enjoyed secret of Mana, but most people on Sup Forums seem to shit talk it
I am legit curious to know the source of this if only because I feel it is probably a gold mine of out of context images.
Gone Home
Dead Space 3. It wasn't scary at all but given that it was Issac's 3rd time doing that shit it makes sense. I still wish I had a buddy to play Co-op with so I could find out what all those co-op only sections were.
Really? I've seen mixed replies but mostly positive, although I personally write it off a nostalgiafaggotry.
same. deep game, not everyone will understand it
Sauce me up nigger
I dont know about Sup Forums but I remember it being polarizing in /vr/.
Seconding this, but for another reason.
never played it but wasn't the whole thing just "Gay people have a difficult time coming out sometimes."
maybe for stupid people it will look like that, but you need to think to undetstand it's message
Dark Souls II was the best one.
I also kinda like Devil May Cry 2
Theme aside, the game is a really good exploration game. The plot is told with the environments and items, and it's up to you how to connect the dots.
I mean, it was made by Bioshock 2 dev after all. There's a reason why they somehow wanted to made it on the same universe as SS2.
PUBG is fucking fun. Fuck you Sup Forums.
the good one
Eat shit OP.
Modern ND games, anything they make seems to be kryptonite for Sup Forums
drak soulz zwei
There's always a catch.
Horizon: Zero Dawn.
Wowo, fuck right off homo.
That's a positive though.
What a fag
then what exactly was the message?
I always liked environmental story telling in games, but I thought the game was you picking up objects and have an audiolog play.
NBR though.
At least it isn't netorare.
Whats that?