Russian driving simulator when

Russian driving simulator when

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Looks terrifying

In a way isn't this kind of useful? You can guarantee those russians are gonna be better drivers than the americans that need their signals and lights

Impressive there isn't an accident.

>SimCity 2013 traffic path finding

do you mean GTA IV

why would you say it's russia if it's not. what's the point

this is why civilized countries use traffic lights. especially for a fuckhuge intersection like that.

No, just because they can stop without crashing doesn't mean that they know to not cut people off or drive at unsafe speeds, which are the main causes of accidents in the first place.

buddy i do not know how much russian dashcam footage you have seen but this is not a tenable hypothesis

oi, why not just ev a roundaboot?

that would the tutorial level for asia driving simulator

>That one co-worker who snaked to work


Russians are the worst drivers in the world. They drive on sidewalks with pedestrians if there's traffic in front of them, they don't know basic right of ways, can't stay in their lanes, speed at a ridiculous amount, insane road rage, never ever use blinkers, there's a million fucking things Russians do wrong. Aside from North Korea and China it's one of the worst countries in the world.

>Objective: Survive

It's not useful at all, it's just poor public planning because back in the USSR they didn't have as much traffic since no one could buy a car

I've been to Egypt and traffic there was even worse. Red light basically means go but kinda watch out for other cars.
Also for whatever unholy reason they don't use lights in the dark. When they see a car coming they flash their lights making sure to blind the other guy. I don't understand why they do this.

>Falling for the carjew

Shiggy dig

Pretty much anywhere that isn't the US, Japan, Brits, Swiss, and Germany is scary. Despite the system, they actively try to enforce their driving law.

Do a majority of the "driving gets you killed stats" come from these countries?

>Russian driving simulator when
Thats cute, this is everymorning in vn

>no speed limit
>importing more and more arabs every day
will be car crash capital of the world in 10 years