Is this the greatest game ever created?
Is this the greatest game ever created?
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No, this is.
it's even better than that
maybe if the ending was less shit.
Hell, remove Arsenal Gear. It takes a 8/10 game to a 5/10 game
That's not Deus Ex
How's it like being retarded?
it's hard to pay attention when the game suddenly turns into a total mess and never recovers
Nigra you don't know real Vidya until you've played this legendary masterpiece.
I like BOTW, but it isn't even the best zelda game
Its a great game but overall I really wouldn't wanna see its gameplay become the main formula from now on
I surely hope you're not implying ALBW is better than the actual best Zelda game, ALTTP, which it leans on like a crutch and has that horrible item rental system to boot.
The thought has crossed my mind especailly after I finished it for the first time all those years ago.
It's no coincidence that MGS2 came out the same year as link related.
Hell, it isn't even the best game in its own series.
All I meant to imply was that it was better than BOTW. I liked rental though, because it let you go out of order and try new things. I like ALTTP too, but ALBW hold it's own as a unique game in my opinion.
I would rather ALBW become the standard for 2D than BOTW be the standard for 3D. I don't mind open world, but I want dungeons more like TP or OoT. And more of them.
It's in my top 3 of all time, so I certainly don't object to it being called the greatest.
>it's a badly disguised sony viral marketing thread
sage report hide etc
>not getting tired of Plant even
i was going to post the "you tried" star but fuck you, you don't even deserve it for bait this weak
>Viral marketing for a 16 year old game
At worst it's a shitposter
Overrated garbage.
/m/ boys reppin
nice argument
>I liked rental though, because it let you go out of order and try new things
The Dark World dungeons in ALTTP can be completed in about 66 different orders and combinations without item rental, being that most key items are within the first few rooms of dungeons if you know how to access them via things like bomb jumps. But I guess that's just splitting hairs
I remember finally being able to play this game after hearing so much about it for like a decade. It was completely retarded. You can't even control the camera.
Snake Eater was WAY better.
>You can't even control the camera.
t. never played MGS1
My opinion doesn't require arguments.
it was so good it broke all concept of goodness in games since
excuse me
No. The gameplay, writing and level design are absolutely garbabe.
nice baseless opinion then
MGS2 is the worst MGS game and has the most insufferable fanbase.
I've never played any mgs games I tried 2 back on ps2 but never liked it how much am I going to be missing out on starting with 5?
greatest game? no
greatest plot in a game? yes
Literally nothing. MGSV barely has any story and most of it is self contained.
you will miss quite a few references to older games but thats about it
its better to play the older ones but not needed in the slightest
This guy gets it
>greatest plot in a game? yes
the plot goes off the rails at the end? How is it great?
as someone who played through most of snake tales, most of it required memorization of how the shit was patterened. A fixed camera would've been great
The game builds up to a big meta twist in the end that people are still getting wrong to this day. I don't think MGS2 says anything particularly insightful about its themes, but I guess the bar for video game writing is pretty low.
nah, the one after this might be tho
can't argue with those
>The game builds up to a big meta twist in the end
that falls flat on its face. The game was okay up to Arsenal Gear and then goes full retard
Snake Eater was made to be played fixed camera, the rereleases added the camera system but you can switch back and forth. You should play MGS3 at least once using the original MGS2 style mode.
I mean, it going full retard is what ties everything together. It really wasn't presented nearly as well as it could have been but there's some foreshadowing and buildup in there.
MGS2 is a good story that is told poorly, it's just that the presentation of the story isn't very important when talking about the plot.
I like that the threat spirals up. First your fighting gunmen holding suits at ransom. Then jets, and mechs, the government, the Illuminati, then reality itself. It was thrilling when it first came out.
Why don't we have the HD collections, or at least competent ports of these games on PC?
Will we ever get them?
>it going full retard is what ties everything together.
... what? This statement makes zero fucking sense.
Without it going full retard and completely breaking the physical constraints of the space and the reality of the setting, all that foreshadowing just turns into irrelevant red herrings that pollute the narrative and serve no purpose, as well as making any payoff simply evaporate. The game was clearly built from the ground up to go where the ending goes, and without that the story is measurably worse.
they story was perfectly fine up until Arsenal gear/Patriot AI Reveal/etc....
it felt like I was playing a different game at the same point with zero presentation of a good transition from "Game A" (Tanker & Big Shell) to "Game B" (The clusterfuck that was Arsenal gear)
inb4 you say something retarded like "that's the point"
I have tried watching that video. The guy comes off as an elitist douchebag and I end up closing out the video and no giving a fuck to what he said
snakesoup did it better
i actually think kojima didn't even intended all this
That's what I said. The presentation itself is not good and could have been done better, but if you just replace the ending without altering some of the other story beats like Emma's computer worm thing and the dubious nature of Raiden's mission, all you have is a bunch of loose ends that make for a worse story.
sucks to be you I guess
>Emma's computer worm thing and the dubious nature of Raiden's mission, all you have is a bunch of loose ends that make for a worse story.
make the Fake Roy be an AI made by Ocelot and still keep the whole Solid Snake Simulation stuff to train Raiden as a weapon to take down Snake.
There better ending and those plot holes get fixed.