You can have one vidya related wish

You can have one vidya related wish


there's a catch

I want Asagi to have her own game!

I want Wario to be remembered by Nintendo Waluigi can come too!

So what's the catch?

Just go back to the original PM formula please God

its a Vita exclusive game.


he will, on a blog post.

Is the catch that I have to become the mommy people think I am?
Because if so I want a Ace Combat style game that is a new version of MUSHA.

I want /ll/ to be in more games.

A loli sex game with deep gameplay.

Will you be my mommy?

Video games must be legitimately difficult.

The wish will come back in fifteen years and demand you marry it.

Shin Megami Tensei is more popular than Persona.


>Exclusive to Vita
I wish


my waifu is real

the catch is that there are actually TWO of her and they both love me an eachother and we live together happily ever after!!!!

The only way you'll get deep gameplay is with a micropenis.

Mario party in the classic 1-8 style, with crossover like mario kart had.

Oh, okay.

I wished for Monster Hunter 5 and for it to be on PC. The catch was it became Monster Hunter Worlds

I'm not really mommy material. There are complications.

Halo Reach on PC
go easy on the catch pls

It becomes Persona in all but name in order to do so

I'll take you up on the offer.

Would the penalty be that I have to start working out again?

Is you being male one of said complications? Because that's okay, so long as you have a girly voice and a mommy butt.

>a penalty

No problems there! ;_;

Early Access games have to be free of charge on Steam, with no micro-transactions.

You don't understand how much tunnel vision I get.

It's multiplayer is dead and you have no story mode, only forge

Too far

I want a new Dino Crisis.
Bring it

Catch: It's just as bad as TTYD.

My wish is that I get three wishes free from any catch

God Hand will have a proper sequel.

>As bad as my favorite game

sign me the fuck up

Early Access
Since your first wish has a catch, the consecutive ones have even worst catches

The unreleased Star Wars Battlefront 3 gets finished and released

I can't imagine anything worse than what's already happened to it


I want good video games again

Every early access game is invariably shit and that comes with the opportunity cost of actually good games not coming out.

Well yeah. And I am pretty sure my voice and hips aren't big enough. I guess people just think that because of the way I word things.

Delete this

Asanagi make a game with his usual stuff.

Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy gets either a remaster or a fully fledged sequel.

It's F2P and lacks a custom games browser. Loadouts use a card system given through lootboxes. Credits become paid cosmetic currency while ranks use a new EXP system. Rank exp has a rested system. Windows 10 exclusive with cross platform play and balance changes to keep PC players from being too strong. 30 fps and field of view locked.

you grow old and tired of them before the shower of great games

I want City of Heroes to come back.

From the team that made the Silent Hills Remaster

>Can't beat the cock The Game
I would play that

Third Chrono game is released.

Platform exclusivity is gone forever and older exclusives are retroactively ported.

Sup Forums becomes 200 times more toxic
Another vidya gum crash

uhh, yeah nevermind then
no proper PC port is better than desecrating its grave like that

Where is her right hand? Did it get absorbed by the cakes breast?


The monkey's paw is defeated by the power of shit taste. It can't disappoint someone who will enjoy any old garbage.

I want a sexbot that looks like Roll

DLC vanishes and we return to proper expansion packs!

>Early Access
For a single player game, it wouldn't bother me so much, but needing an early access would rings a hell lot of alarms because then, it means that it can't be offline single player anymore, and all the baggage that could bring.

I just looked into the abyss, and the abyss looked back at me.

>Asagi will never have her own Prinny style platformer with a bigger budget

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So long as you treat me right, I'm okay with that stuff, Mommy.

Well, if they actually have the source code they should be able to do it okay.


The sex bot can only be used inside a police station.

Me and you both

Fine, but companies look at Bethesda's release cycle and start releasing content every 2 years or so

someone posts exodia and all anons in this thread get b&

Expansion packs are the same price as a new game, no matter the size.

It's all barneyfag shitposting.

Live in an old police station. Boom.


Yeah, just like Silent Hills ! :^)




Fuma is that you?

It's exclusive to a Vista-equivalent of Windows 10.

big tiddy mommy gf pls

The catch to the initial wish will be that the next 3 wishes also have a catch, unbeknownst to you.

He didn't say yes and you're already calling him mommy, that's weird user.

I want a mommy too but you shouldn't be a weird, foot-fag tier nigger about it. Keep it to yourself.

Pure Reason Revolution comes back and does the soundtrack for Kojima's next game.

Did I click on /u/ again?

she has a dick

That are only given kazoos