I want to create the next billion dollar IP

I want to create the next billion dollar IP.

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>doesn't release it on xbox

Its not gonna be any of that 60 dollar multiplayer only bullshit.

>doesn't release it on xbox, the only group that gives a shit about his name
>also shits on xbox players
>called PC players names in the past
>stuck with Sonyfags who have games 10x better they could be playing just like every other platform

Should have stuck around Gears.

>says thing
>does other thing

i react

What's his name again?

>Shit on PC gamers
>Shit on Xbox gamers
>SJW game

Someone post the pic of the pill or company or someshit that lets parents choose their child's gender or change it.

>doesn't release it on xbox
>The game is even less played in the PS4 than in PC
Is that the sort of business decisions legendary devlopers make?


Man how is it that both battleborn and this game have such trash character design? The Pixar wannabe shit was clearly working for Blizzard and even paladins, this looks like something from a bad unreal knockoff from 2004. I don't even see how Tarantino is part of that design.


They all just look like generic sphes muhreens.

>Cliff Noplayesrinski
>Cliff "I like my playerbase like I like my genders, no more than 63" Bleszinski
>Cliff "BUY MY GAME YOU BIGOT!" Bleszinski

Like overwatch, but not like overwatch, but worse

>Reddick & Memey shirt


look at this line up
problem is i can't tell what they do
all the same size, all the same shape

is the flying one supposed to offensive flanker?
is the knife one just DPS?
whats the difference between the cannon and rifle guy?

None of that $60 bullshit

Who the fuck greenlighted that shit? That was worst than Randy trying to start shit with overwatch, at least that was funny, this tranny bathrooms is disgusting, how many retards that give a shit about that are people who buy games?

whats the over under on this going f2p by halloween?

Isn't this the cuck guy? It's funny he's wearing a shit that parodies the "We can do it!{" slogan.




>that character
How did Cuck Bazinga think that he could compete with Blizzard, who can actually make attractive female characters instead of horrifying sheboons?

Goddamnit! Videogame Culture Needs to Stop Fetishizing Player count on Multiplayer only games FFS

jesus, somebody do a hair edit on cliff right now



How much you guys think he paid Faze for the stream?


None of that thirty dollar zero-player only bullshit.

Dead game? uh I don't think so.

>this looks like something from a bad unreal knockoff from 2004
His parent company are literally the creators of Unreal Tournament and the Unreal Engine.

There's literally no way to corner any of Overwatch's market without making your game free-to-play off the bat

But user, it's none of that sixty dollar multiplayer only bullshit!


>Less viewers than an MMO during dead space before the new patch
>On a level with unreleased games and a 4 Year old Shooter


>PS4 version doesn't even have voice chat

>it's already fallen below Battleborn
>soon it will fall below all the unmarketed indie arena shooters

>Stop caring about player numbers!
That's a retarded thing to do when you're considering purchasing an multiplayer-only game. Why spend $30 just to wait 10 minutes to connect to a match with the only two other people who will probably steamroll you anyway?

Was this supposed to be an ugly girl or just tranny?

Never would've thought Cliffy B would end up spouting SJW shit in an effort to stay relevant. Always thought he was a dudebro kind of guy and would end up like Metzen as a corny dad kind of person.

Being honest, Twitch in general is going down the drain. It seems like Amazon keeps adding more rules, and less incentives for streamers.

>Never would've thought [jewish man] would end up spouting SJW shit
What did he mean by this?


I bet Cliff paid for this one out of his own pockets.

I don't believe in betas that take place a month before the game launches.

So here's our beta that takes place a month before the game launches.

I'm surprised he has any credibility left after he royally bungled UT III's development and release. Ragequitting support and hanging PC gamers out to dry when modders refused to step up and fix such a busted game was only the diarhea icing on the shitcake.

Playercount fetishists are fairly douchy.

How can people not love this game, which such memorable and attractive characters like this one?

He ditched PC gamers to be Microsoft's lap-dog with the Gears series, it made him rich and that disaster was brushed aside because consoles were the dominating force. Now he's come crawling like to PC's and PS4 and is getting the kind of reception he deserves.

>tfw Randy is still claiming blizzard copied battleborn with overwatch

hahahahahahaha laughed at this so much

Thats so fucking disgusting

>that pic
Absolutely destroyed in seconds

>only cute girl in the roster is Asian
What did they mean by this?

aspirational indeed

Randy really needs a social media intern.

Would telling you that it's also official artwork and not some shitty fan mock up help?

>Cyber-thumbnail guards
This is why you rein in your 3D artists when they decide to add useless detail to a design. Clifford the Big Cucked Bleszinski spending his resources wisely I see.

Congrats you have 50 more viewers than an unreleased game

He's like the Trump-twitter of developers.



Eeeugh, it's just so fucking repulsive. How could anyone think that thing looks good?

whatever happened to
>but our game's totally different from overwatch guys!

I dont know, it only makes me sad

It's funny, I'm in the technical Alpha for Gearbox's next game and they directly rip-off Overwatch, except that it's actually fun.

>that piercing

A fucking blight upon mankind.

Its funny how, almost 2 years later he does his best to never mention overwatch by name

If it really did him make him rich, this is just a vanity project.

I'm more surprised at John Romero's massive kickstarter failure. He practically made a checklist of what made 90's PC shooters great, offered to make it for us, and gamers just gawked. For all of his high profile failures, he seems to learn from his mistakes.

>competitive game
In what reality is Battleborn competitive with Overwatch.

Is that a drag queen or a metrosexual who really likes the color pink?

I beat they were aiming for Randy's car

Gender neutral bathrooms sound horrible.
>Need to take a piss
>Go to use urinal
>Have to pull my cock out in front of a bunch of women waiting to use the stalls

It's not worth the cost of keeping it online, I foresee it getting cancelled.

>still pretending the games have overlap
The games play nothing alike outside of being character oriented shooters. Battleborn wasn't a bad game upon release and probably could have found a niche with some decent marketing. Then again, Gearbox in general seems to be in a tailspin.

Gear definitely made Cliffy rich, how he handled his money, who knows. But the fact he went to developers and said to them "I want to make the next billion dollar IP" I think this game might be entirely fueled by his egotism. Also the stink of Diakatana is eternal for Romero.

How's Cliff going to fill a game with characters that look like this and give it THAT title

Racist af

See the thing is even if Overwatch did copy them Battleborn borrowed almost all their shit from MOBAs, so it's hardly original. Not to mention they would never get credit when nobody remembers the game 5 years from now

Characters like these is why I browse Sup Forums.

Disgusting sub-humans.

These characters all look so boring and uninspired, as generic as some of OW's characters were at least they were fun and colorful designs, I see absolutely nothing appealing about lawbreaker's character designs, i have no idea who they're trying to appeal to either

I am proud to call Vávra a countryman

>go to university
>old building from when only men went to school
>5th floor with slow as fuck elevator
>only gender bathrooms were in basement
>5th floor has one (mens)bathroom
>both genders use it
>no issue taking a piss while girls use the stalls

>Battleborn wasn't a bad game
It was a mediocre one with mechanics that made being on even footing difficult for new players since not only did you have to unlock characters but also had to grind to get gear for them to use in matches. End result is getting steamrolled by whatever handful of autismos you keep getting matched up with because nobody plays the game

These characters remind me of my generic XCOM team



Vavra you beautiful bastard

I do not understand these companies that think unsexy character design is going to sell. Like how much of a fucking circle-jerking closed-to-the-outside-world hugbox do you need to have to actually start believing that consumers want objectively unattractive characters rather than sexy or, at the very least, generic designs?

>Also the stink of Diakatana is eternal for Romero.
Even he knows that. It seems to have kept him honest to some degree; he did a respectable job with Area 51 before falling off the map with browser games.

I like Cliffy, he sounds like a genuinely good guy who cares about video games but Gears was clearly a fluke. He was at the right place at the right time using both existing mechanics and original idea to create something that was better than average, launching on a new platform backed by the aggressive marketing muscles of Microsoft who were looking to expand on their exclusives in time for the PS3's launch.

Lightning won't strike twice.

>pc players can literally and I do mean literally eat cow shit I will never make a game for those fucking thieves again *counts xbox fratbro millions*
>help me pc players ahhhhhh save meeeeeeee

Guy is a certified retard. Who cares anyway? Lawbreakers is just some nexon chink money laundering scheme.

post proof

Cliffy is a hipster and he just struck lucky with Gears. He is out of touch and thinks that being bargain bin hipster Overwatch will attract a crowd.

It won't. Half the reason Overwatch is successful is because of the waifus and how casual it is.

Didn't he stop the kickstarter because they wanted to get a demo out? What even happened to this? I have heard nothing about it since they removed it.

Isn't that just a unisex bathroom?