This is Poison. Say something nice to him

This is Poison. Say something nice to him.

Other urls found in this thread:


His cock is bigger than my arm.

It's polite to refer to transsexuals by their gender identity and not by their biological sex.

As I understand but I may be wrong, Poison has always been a woman but due to "her" appearance capcom decided to "censor" making it a man who changed his sex to be a woman. I do not know how that is censorship but it works

absolutely degenerate


no its not you are pandering to mental illness,they need help not encouragement down a path of sin


Well, yeah, I guess you're right, but still.

Calm down there, Frollo


In Japan poison was referred to as a newhalf which is slang for transsexual. It is unknown if this is retconned or not because the devs said it's up to the individuals to decide which is the shittiest, most uncreative cop out there is.

I do believe poison is a newhalf due to censorship, but it might as well be final fight lore at this point.

>I do believe poison is a newhalf due to censorship
Either that or your tranny fetish is showing.

archiveofourown org/works/11054994

Poison is full of surprises.
gfycat com/VelvetyCautiousAmbushbug

It's polite to try to be accommodating of others, even if you do not understand them or agree with them.

I mean, it's in official documentation my dude. I'd prefer poison to be referred to as a woman because I find her sexually attractive as a cartoon can be, and dick doesn't appeal to me. Of course, in the states poison was changed to a male entirely.

It's not like with metroid where Woo said Samus was a tranny because a joke was made in a strategy guide.

>Implying you wouldn't fuck Woo for one million burgerbucks.

I like her hair

I wouldt be able to without drugs, but assuming no rules against it, sure. I could probably spin a million to live the rest of my days fairly comfortably. I'd do just about anything to not be a wageslave into my 70's which I probably will be because boomers exist.

>In Japan poison was referred to as a newhalf which is slang for transsexual

No, someone asked if poison was a trans and the guy just said "yeah sure whatever help you sleep at night"

IIRC the goblin wu was the one that was pushing the whole "poison is trans" shit.

The concept art for the game has the word newhalf right next to poison

You are so fucking dead wrong it makes my skin crawl.

Also, fucking denial.

Wu pushed Samus being a tranny. Poison was referred to as a newhalf in concept art for Final Fight. If they decided to change that, cool, but I know that much to be true.

It could have been an in joke. I think comedy is lost in translation a lot, especially when it's written or passed down verbally.


Official art with poison labeled as newhalf


The smell of her groin makes me tingly in my tummy!

I want Poison to cum full force in my mouth, vagina and anus until I'm pregnant.

But you're boy

>hurr durr you're wrong

>Originally conceived as a transgender female thug in Final Fight and part of the game's antagonist group, Mad Gear, concerns during the game's development about reactions from North American audiences to fighting women led to the character being re-imagined as a "newhalf". However, that was not considered satisfactory and both Poison and her palette swap Roxy were replaced by the male characters "Billy" and "Sid", and have been for every subsequent North American port of the title on Nintendo consoles and handhelds.

good thread


>Originally conceived as a transgender female thug


Mental illness is failing to see a physical representation of a woman hiding a dick and considering that a dude because of a hidden dick.

If you cut some guys' balls it's still a guy. If you cut someone's arms it's still a human even though humans have two arms normally.
What matters is social presentation, if it kind of looks like a girl, just call it a girl and go live your life

>/ss/'s ryu and ken
>ryu hadouken fists her (him)

>According to the book All About Capcom Head to Head Fighting Games and Final Fight director Akira Nishitani, the characters were originally planned to be female, but were changed to "newhalfs" (a Japanese term for pre-op trans individuals) after the game's release,[8][9] due to the suggestion that "hitting women was considered rude" in America and the concern that feminist groups would sue.[6][10] However, concept artwork included in the 2005 compilation Capcom Classics Collection of the pair specifically uses the kana for 'newhalf' (ニューハーフ), contradicting the statement the change occurred post-release.

Oh yeah forgot to mention
>concept art being final product

So they officially became newhalf? Then that settles it.

Mental illness is believing in fairy tales like "sins."

>tips fedora

Not yet, people will still persist that she's trans.

>Mental illness is believing in fairy tales like "sins."

Newhalf is trans

Like clockwork

>hehe fedoras amirite?

I'm sure your canonically existent vagina must feel pretty bad having everyone who knows you pretend that it doesn't exist.

>Newhalf is trans
>>(a Japanese term for pre-op trans individuals)

Do you not understand what a preffix is ?

fucking source please

Are you retarded user

oh is everyone discussing this dumbshit thing again? i thought you all had it resolved
it's the same song and dance you always go through
is this a timeloop?
i mean you guys can't be that stupid, right?
you don't have amnesia or anything
i mean, i want to end the lives of those
who have this issue
maybe so time can progress finally
the voices tell me to do this
so what is it?


>Are you retarded user
Are you ?

You disputed the fact that poison is trans by saying that she is trans


I dispute the fact that people claim she has a dick, and therefor trans, by providing proofs that she is not in fact a trans.

So when they developers say that poison is a newhalf what they mean is that she's not a newhalf?

Only if tell poison she's beautiful and post your favorite picture of her.

get a load of these triggered fedorian fuck boys.

>(a Japanese term for pre-op trans individuals)
And again, do you not understand what a preffix is ?

I bet you and your imaginary friend are having a good laugh.

>pre op trans is not trans

How retarded can one human be

As retarded as someone that doesn't understand what pre-op mean can be.

Tell me what you believe pre-op means

>poison will never force feed you her cum

Hello ESL. Please continue your English classes for a few more years before you try to post again.

Nevermind, I already found the sauce.

She's still beautiful.


Oh boy, this meme again.


So in reference to a transsexual, a pre-op transsexual is one that has not had an operation. You understand this correct?

People who believe Poison is a man are also fans of Shadman.

Aw poo, I wanted to make you work for it.

Good job sniffing it out yourself I suppose~

And thus doesn't have a dick.

Thank you for confirming that you're retarded

I'm too polite to thank you back, so have a good day user.

Just ignore that stupid trap loving faggot user. He's part of the reasons why anime has become soo shitty over the recent years.

It's amazing how can a dong of that size fit on such tight pants

probably also why the general world population has sunk so low

Why do people keep arguing this?
Can't we at least agree that the design is that of a woman?

Poison doesn't even have dick nor was she ever a male. Why are you stupid degenerates obsessed with garbage like this? Very glad I don't waste my free time on shithole anymore.

He says as he reads a thread and posts in it.

>Feminist prefers that you beat up trans people instead of women because women are weak.

Why do people still take part in this retarded religion?

they are bottom feeder low intellect subsimian plebes whose only function is self-pleasure

Poison has a huge, powerful, throbbing dick. Thanks for reading, chum.

Man, can't even have a good fucking Poison thread thanks to armchair psychologist fucks like you.

But it was the fault of conservative soccer moms. Your SJW boogiemen weren't really a thing in the 80's and lacked any real power. Shit was still dominated by crazy trailer park moms who thought Metallica summoned Satan.

>can't even have a good fucking Poison thread
good, you guys are morons

Kinda feel sorry for them. Their just in par with the degenerate Loli fags and barney fags. I'll never understand why someone will want to get excited over a female having a dick or vise versa. Most of these degens aren't even gay or pansexuals. Internet has gone to shit over the recent years.

Most of the artwork and fan artwork of this bitch doesn't even show any sign that she's a trap, she had any male features or she had or still have a dick.

Remember how Pokemon was also satanic?

And now we have idiots on the Internet bashing stuff they don't even buy from hobbies they don't even have.

hipster logic
it's not vanilla so they latch on to it like minty pasta sherbert icecream because it's so weird = hipster cred

Wow, you guys are amazing. I could never imagine being so detached from other human beings and their thought processes.

>date Poison
>she finally drops her shorts
>no penis
What do?



>Wow, you guys are amazing.
i'm pretty awesome indeed
glad you agree
though you need not look any further than the mirror for someone so crazy and disconnected!

>A beautiful, strong, sexy woman, regardless of whether nor she's transgender
>No one will ever be able to bring her up without the triggered Sup Forumstards surfing in on waves of their own diarrhea and shitting up the thread with bitching about how LE QUEERS AND SJWS ARE RUINING THE WORLD REEEEEEE!@!!!!

>no u
Man you gotta hook me up, where do you get such incredible rebuttals? The stuff of legends!

Stick my dick so far up into that pussy that whoever pulled it out would become the King of England.

>path of sin
Oh, so you're one of those apeshit tribals that believes in magical bearded jewish sky ghosts, huh. Guess that explains everything.

>recent years
How fucking new can you get?