
what the FUCK was their problem?

Other urls found in this thread:


I love Junko!

Aoi is best girl.

how did you manage to make danganronpa the cancer of this board?

Junko converted them to despair like she was SUPPOSED to have done to the 77th class.

I love her stinky sister!

FUCK baconfags


Here I'll post this just to piss that guy off
A reminder that Kyoko is the best girl!

Hello friend


eat a salad fatty


I posted this one last time, but sure.
>Ultimate Jack of All Trades
>has near ultimate status in almost any conceivable talent, second only to the ultimate of whatever their single specific talent is
Here's the execution.
>I stand alone inside a room so tall the ceiling is not visible
>hexagon shaped patterns cover the floor the floor
>I sweat nervously while looking down at the explosive collar I've been fitted with
>"Trial of Fire and Silver Tears: Execution of the Ultimate Jack of All Trades. Status: Executed"
>suddenly the room fills up with monokumas, each wearing the uniform of a different profession
>one monokuma has a detonator for the collar
>he cackles as he presses the button, causing a timer to light up on the explosive collar
>the room begins to shake as the hexagons on the floor start to rise as platforms
>the detonator monokuma jumps on the fastest moving one and quickly disappears above
>I quickly jump to a rising platform, other monokumas start to struggle and fight each other to stand on platforms too
>the floor quickly crumbles to reveal burners that light the floor on fire and slowly rise
>I jump from platform to platform, desperately fighting off monokumas that are trying to push me down to get to a platform
>each platform is numbered and crumbles after a certain height is reached
>I can see the detonator monokuma, there's 30 seconds left on the explosive collar
>I make a leap of faith to his platform and barely grab onto the ledge, I can see him smiling and laughing at me from above
>with the last of my strength I pull myself up and see the detonator on middle of the platform
>I quickly scramble to it and turn it off
>just as I think I've been saved, I look up and see a balcony hanging from the ceiling, it's marked as '1st place"
>the monokuma, now wearing a crown, looks down and laughs, my platform says "2nd place"
>tears fill my eyes as I fall backwards to my death, pointlessly, I reach out to the platform as I fall

lets pay respects to the stepping stone who sacrificed itself to make the waifu wars stop.

It's so close I can taste it.

Shit writing. Real shame since I liked Kotoko.

Hey Monacafag, were you here in the last thread? Or did you just join us?

Being in a bad game.


>PS4/Vita gets art book, sound track, and steel case
>PC get's "Mini OST", Trading Cards, and useless Emoticons because they're only Monokumas


rei is worst girl

2 more weeks until V3!

I was there, just not avatarfagging. Didn't really see a point of interjecting in that mess.

best girl

Better than Asuka, but still pretty damn bad. Best NGE girl is EVA Unit 01.

nope asuka best girl

That's why I'm getting both.

Yeah I just kept posting puzzled Junko faces. Didn't know what else to say at that point


I was going to make the same post again.
i remember your post from that thread, i like when people get creative with their OC executions.


jeez i knew baconfists was a mutt but this is ridiculous!

It's about fucking time.
I still want that artbook, but OH WELL
Thanks Ace

will you fags just move to vg already
youre just shouting names and posting pictures

Why do you open a thread if you don't like it? You do realize you can hide threads right?

Thanks, I also made the Ultimate Acolyte execution in the other thread. That one actually had one of my drawings too.

That wasn't me desu.

based chiaki poster bullying baconfags into submission

well thanks now
same person, if not same then Chiakifags are actually revolting


How mean

I turned myself into an AI, Naegi! Boom! Big reveal: I'm an AI. What do you think about that? I turned myself into an AI, Naegi! I'm AI Junko!


>All these waifufags arguing over nothing
>They don't know about the perfection that is Celes
Really makes you think


>wake up
>still no Junko gf
woo i wanna die

>Junkofags actually think that she has the best legs and not that Yumeno does


let's make this thread better.
post characters with guns

shit writing

Don't drag Celes into this shitfit, thanks.

I love Ishimaru. He deserved better.



Here are your "poison antidote" pills, ma'am. That will be $249.99 plus tip


If that's her pharmacist, she'll probably just pay him in blowjobs


the blacker the berry

Hey pigshiiters come out already

dont forget you need to have them on you before you know youll need them

they're hiding because if based chiakifags are going to do this to baconfags just imagine what they're gonna do to pigshitters

They were joining with chiakifags though

Speaking of which. Come out already chiakifags

Holy fuck this thread is even more shit than the last ones, i Know there's nothing new to discuss about but at least try to do less Waifu posting.

All the more reason why I want to protect him.


2 more weeks. Just a bit more.

>Imagine being THIS upset over a fictional character

I'm not even posting that many Junko pics

>They were all (You)

Is this real? Did they do a crossover? Thats so weird. Family Guy has at least been somewhat funny since it came back on the air but seeing a minecraft crossover is zombie simpsons territory.

you should be posting more if anything


How do people argue over waifus holy fuck.
I want to breed with Mahiru really badly someone please fucking help


I cant wait so much, the ride has been very long.
I will never be not mad everytime I remember that Ishimaru was killed in the shitshow that was 1-3.

Talking about 1-3, how would Sup Forums improve it?
Hard mode: The killer and the victims are the same

Only a select few are arguing

I want to be cucked by Mahiru really badly

It's not too bad right now. It's only a handful.

I just like egging him on. He fascinates me on a strange level


Okay I don't wanna be cucked on her but I want her to tread on my face and demean me and when I get bored properly fuck her into submission

Ditch the whole Robo Justice thing. Once you find out that weedman couldn't actually move in it things become too obvious.

you're just as fucking bad baconfag

I came from the end of the last thread my guy, it became horrendous


I'm not denying it, I just want to see how mad he gets


chiaki is best girl

Anons let's all consult instead to the ultimate waifu connoisseur, he might be able to help us.
he's just behind this door, we just open is and-




>not appreciating all the main waifus but still having your select favourite
seriously why is mahiru so underappreciated



At least you aren't mad anymore.

Junkos stinky sister loves Junko

Ran off all the baconfuckers. I can just stick to posting best girl now.