RTS is a dead genr-

RTS is a dead genr-

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Its not tho this game is a pile of shit

I got FAF, RTS is dead to me by merit of never being able to be better than supcom.

kill yourself furry

well OP, explain
I'm waiting

This game is tons of fun
Story mode is really cool and the multiplayer is a blast

Another game inspired by Redwall, is it?


OST for this game is pretty incredible
quartermaster is cute

So is this game just full of commie furries?

I like the fox sharpshooter. Is it a dude? I hope it's a dude.

commie furries are 1 faction, and that's stretching it - they're really more of a disenfranchised peasant mob

the other 3 factions are bourgeoisie furries, secret police furries, and theocracy furries

she's a girl unfortunately

So, it's literally a life and death situation and women are fighting? Lol, what a dumb idea.

it's so life-and-death that you either pick up a gun or end up on someone's dinner plate

not too much of an impetus to reproduce when you know your children will literally be fed to your enemies

I really love the artstyle in this game and the atmosphere.

and I'm not even a furry

Do people recommend it?

>le shallow bad casualized """rts""" for furfaggots
fuck off shill

GOG has copies as well so can do full trial run of it. OST is same guy who did Flow and Journey, it's pretty awesome.

>full trial run

What do you mean? Also I love those soundtracks so that's a definite plus.

I kinda find the mouse in blue kind of hot...

I know!

who wins the civil war?

post trailer

Thats an embarrassing attempt. When people start treating the genre with respect instead of something that needs to be reworked or more like shitty LE ESPORTSZZ XD like starcraft.

yeah, shes pretty foxy

Usually GOG games are DRM free so pirate away.

I meant the male on top


OST trailer:

This game reminds me of Redwall. ;_;7 RIP Brian Jacques

he's taken user

Best faction coming through

>my color
>swagass fucking coats

Sign me the fuck up.

>one eyed nazi fem-rodent

>You will never read lavish descriptions of squirrels eating sweetmeats again
kill me bros life just isnt worth living anymore


Burr aye

Remember that you are either Civilized or you are Dinner.

honestly the resemblance is more than skin-deep
>commonfolk leader talks in adorable dibbun-esque accent
>mother badger can rip you in two
>giant birds of prey that eat unwary rodents (and regurgitate them out later as paratroopers)
and you have the same selection of animals, too - rodents, small reptiles, and birds

where are the stoats and weasels
best villains ever
also, Pearls of Lutra is tragic, tragic
she didn't have to die like that, you know who I'm talking about

>she's a girl unfortunately
fucking ruined, not purchasing this pile of garbage

Too many fucking games are coming out/are on sale.

This thing
Heat Signature
MoW2 Origins
911 Operator
Strain Tactics
The Fruit of Grisaia
Dominions FUCKING 5

It's not fair bros. Fuck videogames. Also like and subscribe to this blog.

>Dominions FUCKING 5
The only good game in that list. Everything else is for plebs.

Yes, let us go purchase The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim for the fifth time, old chap! At least then we know we're getting a top notch game!

>Dominions 5

Holy shit, what?? Is it out yet?


Yeah, by me

>tfw you wanna like the game but you cant get past the final commonfolk mission because it's whack-a-mole point defense with really punishing RNG
>tfw the rest of the game onward is basically that

November. Dominions at this point feel like a series of the same game where the most major updates become new games. It's fine and worth getting eventually but I hope they can change things more drastically.


>literally changed the entire engine to make battles entirely different
>completely changed recruitment
>completely changed movement
>completely changed pretender design
>minor changes

Don't be dumb user.

Ffffffffuck the snake unit. If you opponent takes them, you might as well give up on the notion of using defensive structures or high end units at all. Just trade them into anything and you win.

yeah, the whack-a-burrow missions are frustrating because there's no real way of splitting up your units in any cohesive manner, and the game is balanced around these big clashes of armies that's totally circumvented when you have little dudes just pecking away on your structures from all sides

the last commonfolk mission isn't even that bad in that regard because the vast majority of ksr forces come properly under the quartermaster from a single direction

all you have to do is push forward with your five billion guys, consolidate your gains, and fend off the airraids by pulling your lizard skirmishers to the back

Game is alright, seem like a mix between cossack and advance warfare somehow.

Not worth 20 bucks tho'

is this redwall the game?

Stop exaggerating. Most of those except the combat change do not qualify as "completely change", and more importantly most of the game's core structure remains unchanged.

>letting you hire more than one commander per turn per province is not a massive change

Don't be dumb user.

snakes are fucking cancer


Will one copy of the GoG version let me share it out to play multiplayer at lans?

Are you stupid? Yes, it's got no DRM. How is this difficult to understand.


It work better as a tabletop game.

>buy the DLC or lose: The game

No thanks.

Hear hear. How is it possible in current year to not have surpassed it yet?
You'd think with stronger hardware etc. it would've been easy.

Yeah, until she got raped, tortured and put to a gulag when the war ended.

Is this worth getting even though I hate furshit?
Should I just pirate instead?

Jesus fuck, that's the last mission? I'm on the one the matriarch gives you. It's just so hellish because the guys always spawn so far away from each other.

>The intellectual
>The rebel
>The dictator
>The religious

Could you BE any more tropey?

What is this meme game

You could be Bioware.

I don't think one-eyed rat is dictator. More like agent of dictator.


but that's not what happend...

Calm down, Magnus.

Monaco is the most played game in my Steam account, but I am afraid I don't like RTS, so this game is a bit of a bummer

anyway i am sure is pretty based, judging by the time they took to develop it, and the cool artwork


friendly reminder that CoH with mechs will be a thing

This looks great. I really wish Foxhole had gone in this style to be honest. Just imagine this great artstyle and the mechs, included in a huge 140 player scenario.

frankly its the only game imlooking foward to getting currently...

Shills dont exis-

This doesn't feel like a game that will get big player numbers, so MP will quickly die off I think.

So it pretty much rides on the SP being good and long enough to justify the price.


How does it play; Which RTS is this most similar to? C&C, CoH, something else?

Frankly this is barely RTS. It's more like lane defense mobile games.

Gorgeous, the theme is great and the music is awesome but... yeah.

>Also on PS4 and Xbox One

Doesn't sound like a good thing, console RTS games have to be casualized.

After watching a youtube video of people playing 2v2 but not having played the game myself it's something else.

I'd fuck the red rat

So if you're playing this with a keyboard and mouse are you moving your hero around with WASD or clicking like a normal rts?

You made this exact same thread yesterday. Did you know spamming the same threads is ban worthy now?



can I just play the pirate version? or will I miss a lot?

Is the nazi one a girl

Dude, supreme commander sucks. All you see is a zoomed out camera angle with a bunch of icons when you actually play the game.

The last good RTS that came out was Command and Conquer 3 + Kane's Wrath

More like liberal, commie, fascist and conservative.

What does "KSR" stand for? Don't think I caught the full name in the game. Also, how come there's no singleplayer skirmish mode?

Why is it so common for games that feature anthropomorphic animals make MCs mice?


could you BE any more tropey?

They're common
They're social
Their paws look sort of like hands and therefore can easily be imagined holding tools and weapons
They don't have the same negative associations as rats



I guess somebody need to be top then