
Where are all the nerds and geeks at?



Funny how mods can delete shitposting threads within minutes after being posted yet furfag and ERP threads are allowed to stay up

Show me one (1) thread where there is currently furshit

Funny how even though the mods go overboard when it comes to deleting anything furry people still bitch about it. And they will keep bitching about minorities until the end of time.



Sign up to be a hotpocket if you give that much of a shit about what strangers do to have fun.

Man, I started reading that at the beginning
How times change

Nah I just think it's funny how fucking pathetic they are. I mean can you imagine what these people's lives are like, they masturbate to fucking animals. LOL what a bunch of fucking losers

I'm having a hard time caring.



8-Bit Theater is a fucking masterpiece.


Mah niggas

I like the one where he blocks the earth.

Funny you should mention, that's one of the strips I keep handy.

one of the few that actually seemed to get better as time went by



Genuinely good writing does that. Plus unlike other webcomics, Brian actually wrapped up the story eventually and in a satisfying way.



I unironically cheered for Black Mage through all the years this thing was going on.

>in a satisfying way.
I think he'd be extremely disappointed to hear that, by his own admission he made a point to fill the comic with anticlimaxes whenever possible

8BT was excellent but it really started to drag after the Air Orb I'm

Should have ended a couple hundred episodes sooner.

An anticlimax is still a type of climax. The story still ended.

Besides, it was a comedy. It couldn't end any other way.



Multiclass Ranger-Ranger is still one of the funniest jokes I have ever read in a webcomic.

I love anti climatic comedy endings like Mahoujin Guruguru

>4 white mages? It'll never work

8-Bit Theatre is amazing. I remember when I was a tryhard pseudointellectual I thought it was the apex of humor but now that I'm an alcoholistic troglodyte I still find it hilarious.



whoa. Thats actually pretty cool

At least correct your Google translation shit yёбa