Thank Me Tomorrow



>no New Folder
Fake & gay

Here you go, user.

In a previous thread, where you posted this, I told you about how all of the folders were created between 19:20 and 19:30, not within minutes of each other on 9/12
Now you've hidden that, it makes me think it's more fake

>sushi striker

>no paper mario remasters


>when OP is such a colossal faggot he typed up folder names for the (you)'s
Not going to happen, queer. But I'm sure Sup Forums as usual will live up to it's level of excellence and believe this horse shit

name ONE time Sup Forums didn't meme something into reality

Image is too clear, fake as fuck.

So legit, user.

I still see a bunch of 9s, meaning these were all made in the last two weeks. Which still seems suspect to me.

Look at the dates of the march 3rd direct leak... all made within the last week or so before the direct dropped

>No porn filters
At least troll with humor

You forgot to include Bayoneta 1 and 2 for switch

>Sushi Striker

>Not Xenoblade 2
Fake and Gay


No this one weev shitter

Brace yourself for Etika's army.

What does the Main Presentation folder convey then?

Game shown during the e3 treehouse for 3DS

Where is the remake of Virtual Boy Wario Land?

What did he mean by this?

The image could be blurrier, but I'll believe you because everything on that list seems pretty possible.

See this is restrained enough for me to believe it.

>no deep strange journey
its bullshit

Why is everyone confident in Smash showing up in this direct? Did I miss something?

>microsoft excel 97
What can't anyone at nintendo update their computers? Even gamefreak used windows 7 last year

>Nothing that new besides a animal crossing

It seems boring, bland, and stale. So its probably real. In fact, the very idea that they would waste fucking time on that fucking Sushi Striker game enrages me to no end, which makes me believe that it is most definitely real. Which sucks.

>Question Man

Bloodborne II

That lineup looks so terribly shot that it could possibly be real.

It's definitely fake. Xenoblade 2 is right around the corner and there is no fucking way in hell they're not talking about it/announcing new amiibo.

Bloodborne Kart.

>No Xenoblade
>No Zelda DLC
>No Arms DLC release date
>No mention of Samus Returns

Remember it said "over the next few months". This shit is fake as hell.

This shit makes me so nostalgic for 2007-2008 when Brawl "leaks" were everywhere and I was so naive and excited for everything. I really got my hopes up every time and I wasn't even slightly disappointed when it wasn't real.

I miss being happy.