Do you guys think gamergirls will ever retreat to where they came from? I just want to vidya like the good old days.
Do you guys think gamergirls will ever retreat to where they came from? I just want to vidya like the good old days
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i want to retreat to in between those fat yellow titties
>you can only like games if you're a self-loathing white male
It truly does feel good to not be so pathetically insecure that I cannot enjoy a hobby because other people do.
brianna wu, did you make this thread?
how much would it cost to befriend anri and hang out with her for a day?
>tfw you will never be a titty streamer
Are there any swole male streamers that stream with a tank top or something?
probably a few but nothing pulls EZ viewers like tits
She said she'd go on dates with white guys if they could speak Japanese
They seem resilient
8 years
Dont give that fag (you)s, man. Get your shit together.
If I could look like that, I'd get a sex change in a second.
I would've voted for Trump too if I lived in the US, buddy. But this shit has nothing to do with Trump anyway.
My uncle worked for a company that fired two guys because a woman was complaining about them staring at her tits when she walked by. Thankfully for them, the union stepped in and rehired them. Turns out they weren't looking at shit.
Our country is weird. We have women advertising their tits all across town, but looking is considered rape or harassment.
>Be girl
>Be bad a League of legends
>Stream with near nip-slip levels of cleavage
>Men donate boxes of $100+ to me at a time to be on my "top donor" list
>Never thank them because they'll cum if I say they're worthless to me
>Later, start patreon, doing essentially the same thing
>No creative passion or reason to have it, just support me so I can keep "streaming"
>Make more per year than a college graduated engineer
>I am oppressed
Your soul and a packet of rolos
that's a tranny?
>Ywn play vidya with Anri
This. I feel bad for guys who are legitimately impressive at gaming and/or entertaining but have less of a following than camsluts hanging their tits out.
Guys gotta put in more effort for views.
Do you guys think this mini game will be cut from yakuza 6 for the west?
damn those are nice big tits, what's her name?
What if they could fake it? Get some voice changer, only show the the fake prop tits occasionally, and then stream the rest of the way through?
the thread on twitter made me kek hard the girl was triggered saying that her stream is not about her boobs and never was and people need to grow up. yet almost every titty streamer has a twitter/instagram with all kinds pics in low cut shirts
>Do you guys think manchildren will ever retreat to where they came from? I just want reality to be like the good old days
I miss Sup Forums being largely apolitical. We had more fun then.
Anri once gave a fan a blowjob on set. He won a contest to be on set for a day, and at the end of the day she sucked him off. She mentioned it on the reddit ama
When betas stop giving them attention. You're the reason for their popularity.
Some guy named Tyler1 but he has autism I think
Yeah, Japanese tranny named Anri Okita.
>the state of twitch IRL section
my sweet fuck
>you will never be able to look at her plump fun bags bounce in the air in person as she celebrates after kicking your ass in a game
Shit, I miss when the internet at large was mostly apolitical. It seems like you can't turn around these days without coming across some comment section that looks like a Sup Forums raid.
Who gives a fuck about some faggot from neogaf getting his panties in a bunch? His shit image doesn't mean dick.
The only time I hear about Sup Forums shit here is when sjws scream about their favorite boogieman because they don't like the culture here, or when falseflag as Sup Forums.
I checked with this south park skin difficulty thing. They literally don't even give a fuck. Used to it maybe.
You mean Japan, where they've been playing vidya since the beginning?
The whole concept of vidya being a "boy's club" is an almost entirely American one. Blame AAA publishers and "gaming" "journalists" for ruining the hobby, no newcomers who only know as much as they're told.
gamergirls are fine, its when the "gamergrills" show up and want the environment they've invaded to change FOR them, instead of adapting and trying to fit in.
>ice banned from twitch
>banned from YT streaming
>Waaaaah, why can't you just bend over and accept our agenda forced into every hole! It's all you're fault for ruining the internet and everything! You brought politics into this!! Now excuse me, I'm off to /r/politics before I watch John Oliver and Colbert, then I'm going to complain about white people on tumblr.
To be fair, the gaming media has been pushing that gaming is a loser's hobby and only white males are losers.
But yeah OP the gamer girls only in it for the attention will leave eventually. Probably when the younger generation of girls grows up and then gaming is seen as gender-neutral.
Norms have to ruin everything, they weren't happy with how much freedom we had and had to step in and shit on everything.
You mean that reality TV trash?
holy shit, you never can tell these days, I say man those are some nice tits and they are not tits at all, it's a man's boobs, fucking gross
You're really gullible.
not once desu
how? it looks like a woman
I miss when newfags didn't scream Sup Forums at memes and board culture too.
Anri Okita is a legit female
I'd prefer if they kept streaming tbdesu
I sure as shit didn't bring politics into anything. Hell, I don't even care enough about politics to vote on my own country, it's just annoying to see larping faggots looking for shit to get mad at everywhere I go.
Retard, it's a real woman. One Google can prove it.
>EVERYONE who doesn't want to talk about politics is a SJW KEK KEK LIBERAL TRASH
That's like saying everything you disagree with is Sup Forums but reversed. You're as bad as the SJWs you hate.
well what's her name then?
>watermelon jokes
>board culture
Step it up bub, normies have been making those for decades.
I'd be happy with just a titfuck. Damn, I wish I was that lucky.
You are retarded
jesus christ
Anri Okita is a retired JAV star
Anri Okita
>ywn ever titfuck anri
>ywn ever titfuck hitomi from the front
The point is the stuff you call "Sup Forums" is pushback from oldfags. Tumblr sjws around gg and and butthurt redditors post election started this shit, the response is reactionary and justified.
The point is neo/v/ would get triggered by memes from a decade ago. This place is sjwidf at this point.
You assume a lot. Quite like SJWs. It's just really ironic how you rag on them, calling everyone who disagrees with you a SJW, then get mad at SJWs for saying everyone who disagrees with them is a nazi. Do you see the hypocrisy here? Do I need to type it out in capital letters all spaced out?
You sound mad, think I nailed it. You should probably go back. You and I would both be better off.
source it then
>tfw Anri and Hitomi are best friends
>ywn be close enough for them to give you a double titjob
Deflecting, I see. Classic.
This, I'm surprised more and more Sup Forums/pol culture is leaking on other normalfag websites as compared to the past. I mean it's pretty common to scroll down the youtube comments and see someone with a nazi pepe avatar or some other Sup Forums or pol meme.
Won't ever happen. Too lucrative an industry for them to slut themselves up in.
Girl gamers, good. Gamergirls, bad. Learn the distinction. It's like when talking about niggers or black people - nobody wants to deal with a nigger, not even a black person.
>tfw no 8x6 to satisfy 2 sets of tits at the same time
will both you faggots just shut up and fuck off
I don't think I'd survive more than 3 seconds in a double titjob by the two of them.
>some faggots shat up the board three years ago
>now it's okay to keep shitting it up long after they're gone
Nah, I don't think so.
I've literally never ever seen an earnest SJW post on Sup Forums. I see hundreds of anti-SJW threads every day. You cant even have a black person or a woman in a lead role in a game now without a million threads complaining about "SJWs". Maybe across the rest of the internet SJWs are the plague, but I only visit Sup Forums and here anti SJWs are worse by a long shot.
I dont think you know what that word means. I used the SJW 0 times, you used it 3. Calm down and go back to neogaf. You sound triggered. Comic really jimmed your jammies, huh? Have another.
Yeah, Tumblr really should go back. GG wasn't really any of their business.
>I've literally never ever seen an earnest SJW post on Sup Forums.
I imagine you've seen quite a few which you dismissed as satire, or trolling. That said, the anti-SJW posts are far more prevalent, yes.
Don't newfags go through Sup Forums anymore? I imagine most of them would be desesnsitized to the nigger slinging that goes on in here by the time they leave to other boards and learn to use the spoiler function.
Of course, I haven't been to Sup Forums in years, so maybe things have changed over there.
"Tumblr sjws" were your words.
nice try gaylord
Japs don't have the biggest dicks but they're able to do it somehow.
I'd want to go multiple rounds anyway.
But she speaks bretty good english..
No, these faggots come straight from Reddit or whatever other hellhole and start posting immediately and eating up bait and feeding the trolls. Lurk moar, newfriends, I'm begging you.
Ideally they'll develop their own subcultures and future video game series will be designed specifically targeting them instead of trying to crudely shoehorn stuff into existing video game franchises clearly designed for other demographics.
We need western fujos.
>Japs don't have the biggest dicks
its wierd. ive seen a 4" jap dick pop off a bigger load than a 10" BBC
makes no sense
>like the good old days.
You're a teenager, aren't you OP?
calebhart does
>tfw when just want to cuddle with her
caleb is barely swole
>on the right
another giant titted jap that never does nudes
so annoying
>I imagine you've seen quite a few which you dismissed as satire, or trolling
Completely unbelievable SJWs would visit Sup Forums without getting BTFO within the first 5 minutes. They know this place and they avoid it. They would rather stay within their echo chamber then come here and learn the truth.
Truth is Sup Forums is preparing us for mass invasion.
Judging by how many of those you've saved, you're probably from Sup Forums