How do we fix the fantasy genre?
How do we fix the fantasy genre?
By staying in the realm of fantasy.
Your precious golden age arc wasn't even fantasy faggot OP.
Fantasy isn't a game genre, it's a setting.
By making everyone a cute blonde magical girl with green eyes.
The Golden Age was perfect fantasy, because it kept it on the low burner. It was hinted at closely, but never became the focus like later Berserk.
It was certainly fantasy, however. The best type.
GA would make a great game.
by focusing on sexy armor and not using swords as the basis for every fucking game mechanic
>It was certainly fantasy, however. The best type.
It really wasn't user. Fantasy doesn't just mean "funny shaped armour and weapons".
i have hair like the guy in the middle
The GA didn't have any funny shaped gear. It had demons and plenty of fantasy elements, however.
The reason I like the GA more than most other fantasy styles is because it is grounded in reality, though. The armor is realistic (typically).
>The GA didn't have any funny shaped gear.
Fucking lmao.
>it had demons
Apart from Zodd, and the other guy, no it didn't. And even then, they were a prelude and foreshadowing to the real fucking fantastical elements that came after that arc.
>reason I like is because it's more grounded in reality
Then go watch fucking friends or some shit you boring retard.
The God Hand and all the Apostles in the GA are fantasy elements. The Behelit is fantasy. Skull Knight is fantasy.
The armor isn't completely realistic, but it's not over-the-top in its style. Even the most unrealistic of the GA armor, Griffith's Hawk set, is still fairly tame on the fantasy side.
I like it when fantasy is kinda kept fantastical. When it's made into a system, and presented straight-up, a lot of that mystical appeal is taken away.
No need to sling insults. Just trying to have a decent conversation. I feel like a lot of vidya fantasy ruins the fantastical element of fantasy by making all of it just a regular occurrence, instead of sightings and encounters (Skull Knight and Apostles), and legendary events (Eclipse).
>burn through the GA of berserk cause it's so good
>lost interest after
>haven't picked it back for years
>but now I'd need to reread the GA all again cause it's not fresh
But I've heard your mileage may vary the enjoyment of post GA.
Why not use some different mythologies? Hindu is pretty underused. So is Native American themed. What if the entire game-world is on top of an elephant, on top of a turtle?
finalize it
Ban anything derivative of Tolkein.
No more dwarves, bring back dwarfs.
Post-GA is just very different from the rest. I find Conviction to be the best arc. I really enjoyed the political commentary and hype of the GA, and how you could really root for the group of underdogs moving up to the level of elite nobles. Post-GA throws all that progress out of the window.
>Post-GA throws all that progress out of the window.
This, I could never put it into words why I stopped but this is it. It felt like a whole reset and it was fuckin weird. Like the end of the GA arc should have just been the end of the manga period. But it's literally the prologue and backstory.
Because the Black Swordsman Arc showed us that, at some point, Griffith will take everything away from Guts. It had to happen at some point. The GA is so long, however, that people will forget about the BSA by the time the Eclipse happens. I think it's brilliant writing, even though it's very shocking.
The GA would make an amazing strategy game.
Yeah but since Guts did lose everything after the GA it's almost like a "well why give a fuck now?" Gut's character arc at that point seems basically concluded sans the whole revenge thing now. And since they threw out all the characters to care about. Seems more like a bad end that you're now watching.
I'll probably re-read it when it's finished cause dat art and dat writing is so good.
He has something to fight for after the Golden Age: Casca. And he learns to accept new people again, as he forms a new band and leads a new quest.
I think it's still amazing after GA. It takes a short while after for it to establish the next "main goal" (restoring Casca), but when it does, it shoots off and gets just as much character development as the GA.
Plus, we got that spicy GA flashback from the OP image. Probably some of the best 3 chapters in the entire manga.
>dozens of fantasy races
>your party is made up of humans, pointy eared humans and palette swapped humans
Nigga let me go on an adventure with centaurs and orcs and harpies and shit.
Guts still develops post-GA; he learns to move past the revenge quest and learns to love again, and realizes what's important: protecting what you still have left (Casca).
It isn't broken.
Yeah I know he still does development, like this is a long ass manga he has to.But coming off of the GA back into the actual plot is just real jarring cause it felt like all the arcs were coming to a close then Eclipse time boy. Which is the point and it's cool and well written at all but then once you're done the manga really needed a strong arc after that to really pull you back into the present goal and Guts and at least to me the whole faerie shit failed to do so.