>Not having a 14 year old steam account

Other urls found in this thread:


>counter strike

>tfw 14 14 years ago

i have never ever used steam

I was 3 years old when you started your steam account :^)

>He created an account on an unknown service to play Ricochet

>being proud of being a steamcuck for the longest time
Should be banned desu

89 master race

fuck off you got hl3 killed

>Years of Service
They aren't even subtle about it.

5 years old, when I built my first Pc for games after being done with consoles bullshit

Man, you're such le cool contrarian

Tfw 9 years

>Proud DRM cocksucker for 14 years

I have either 13 or 14, I don't remember, but I don't display the badge (other than when it autoupdates, thanks Gabe) on my profile because I'd rather have it be a badge from a game I like than something that simply reveals my good goy loyalty to the cancerous, jewish, EP3-cancelling company that is Valve

Steam loyalism is bizarre to me. It's like Apple loyalism except even lamer

Gtfo then minor, MODS!

Was meant for this faggot

implying you own a single game without DRM

>implying I own a single game


>Have Steam account for 10 years
>Poor fag, only ever buy Humble Bundles via gifts
>Steam introduces a new Payment system in my country that requires a transfer in one of the many chain-stores in my country
>Use it to buy a lot of games for about a year
>2017 comes in, finally get a Job
>Get CC, buy games on Steam for a few months
>Travel away for work, still buy a few games even though i don't have the time
>Nier Automata is on sale, try to buy it as i usually do
>"You CC was declined, please contact your Bank"
>Contact Bank, try assure me nothing's wrong
>Contact Steam, they assure me it's my banks' fault
>Try buying something else, it works, Google Store, PSNetwork, Eshop
>Contact Bank again, they actually give me ANOTHER CC to try
>Doesn't work on Steam
>Try on other sites, works properly
>Contact Steam
>"It's your banks fault"

Fuck steam, they don't want my money, might as well just pirate games
And before some idiot goes "Hurr try another payment method" steam banned Paypal in my country and the other methods require payments on BANKS, no other way online, fuck.

>own a single game
lol nobody does

11 years here, belonging to the 10+ years masterrace at least

But then the number wouldn't be shiny and gold.


And here is how much $$$ I've made on Steam

Buy steam wallet cards online? Tbh there's very little reason to buy directly from steam like ever

>tfw my older brother stole my first steam account even though I bought 80% of the games on it
>Now I have only the 10 years of service badge instead of a 13

I-I'm an oldfag I swear

Yeah, let's pay 3-5$ more for a game just because Steam refused to work when it was working fine a week ago, kind of lame isn't it?
Im really frustrated, i had like $100 on my CC ready to buy a few new games to play when i get back and it starts to fuck up.


So you worked 12 years for one day's pay bound to steam wallet ?

>Not buying early access games so you can put 4000 hours into them and then refund them when they go full launch

>7 year manlet

I got a job pretty late in my life though

Haha you have got to be yanking my chain.
8 hours x $7.85/hr = $62.8 - 20% taxes = $50.24
That means that $663.11/$50.24 = 12.6 days worth of work.

Don't try to be a smartass to me next time, buddy.
I can see through your monkeyshines.

I had an account on hl2s launch but I forgot the login info after 3 or 4 years

Poorfag spotted

Is that wage from the 1920's? You shouldn't be playing video games if you have no education and work at Dunkin donuts user.....

Minimum Wage did not actually exist until 1938, introduced by an act signed by President Franklin Roosevelt. Even then it was only $0.25/hr.

Source: mackinac.org/V1998-17

Looks like you have done a fine job of showing who is the true man without education here ;)

Pic related - My top 10 games most played games cost upwards of $200, not to mention the cost of the HTC Vive so I could rack up those 100 hours in Steam VR. How could I afford this on a meager donut shop's salary?

I bought Half-Life when it was new in 1998, where is my 19 year service badge?

No one in this thread said minimum. Congratulations user! You're poor, retarded, and you have shit taste in Vidya.

what exactly are you trying to prove with that picture?

do not hurt my family

I prefer this shiny gold

>having a Steam account
GOG laughs at da Steam. He laughs from his mountain.

I'm reporting every single person in this thread

>he didn't register three different accounts that he forgot the usernames of up until 2007 when he actually started using steam properly
heh, fuckin pleb

>that picture
Fucking casual

>valve will someday reward us oldfags with a personal statue, or slew of free games, to thank us for being loyal customers since the beginning
feels good. can't wait to show all of Sup Forums that i'm the most hardcore gamer.


You can fuck it already

>my steam account is older than most of the people on Sup Forums


heck yeah dude

free artifact early access pass!

>buy a 13 year old account
>idle in old games like cs 1.6
>pretend I'm an oldfag and use my account age to profess my opinions on steam forums
>nobody can debate me because I've clearly been around the block

never talk shit about ricochet again
>tfw no ricochet 2

>such a plebeian my steam acct is only 7 years old
I had one before that, but I have no idea what the login is anymore.

>Giving money to the fat jew for over a millenia.
Shiggy diggy ma simple minded niggy

We were almost steam twins

Steam didn't start counting hours for games until like 2009. Anyone who played 1.6 in the golden age might not have any hours in it.

Well, it'll be 11 years soon at least.

I miss the layout in 2011 so much, everything these days looks way too clean.

>tfw autistic tier depression and just want to turn my 800+ game collection 10 years of service account into a family share account
>want to make a new one, a fresh start, back to anonymity
>but feel like it's a waste not to use the main account properly, severe sunk cost fallacy etc

haha desu senpai senpai desu??? xDD

Remember when everybody hated steam and called it forced DRM?

We sure changed. Now we all pray to big G on a daily basis.

I don't understand why steamfags pay for games when they have a free option. Every other board pirates their shit but here.

If ps4 was cracked i would never pay for a game again.

>going to tf2g

>being born pre 1997
lmao get out of here
you're too old to be on Sup Forums
fucking pedo

cheap and convenient