Game dev thread

So Sup Forums, how's your game coming along?

Other urls found in this thread: Castle.7z DEMO 1,2(2).7z

Good. I've got a lot of work to go, but good. Today was mostly spent wrapping up the design of the second level (pic related) and optimizing a bit of code.


I feel like the text is way too small

RPG Maker MV, though it started in Ace.
Noted, thanks mate.

How do you draw so good?

It's coming along

On top of working music on a pretty bangin' project, I do have another game chugging along which I contributed the music to about a year ago.

You can listen to my hot Sega Genesis jams for that soundtrack here:

Give it a listen! It has some of my best Sega Genesis chiptune work, imo. It's supposed to be for a horror themed pinball game. Actually just got a call out of the blue from the dev of that to contribute one more short track for final boss. Pretty neat.

First time in a long time it looks like music I contribute will go towards actually finished games. Which is rare.

Been doing well, mine is a game about curvy robots fighting aliens.
There's some progress made on a new demo that should be around 3 hours long, and I got to see some LPers and a streamer go through the already available demo.

I've done a few animations for cutscenes too, though some of them are just dataminer bait.

y do robot haf hare

There's also a demo for this other puzzle/adventure game named Stargem Castle.
Progress is rather slow though, as I only intend to work further on it after I'm done with the newer demo of the robot game.

If you want to try it out then feel free to do so, it should be around 30 minutes long. Castle.7z

user, would you hug her?

Link to a demo for the robot game too, if anyone's interested. DEMO 1,2(2).7z

Be sure to use the shadow remove tool along the left walls so the premade shadows don't throw off the limited color scheme. It gets annoying to have to do all the time but the devil is in the details with this kind of thing.

I dig the style tho. Looks a lot like a project I was working on a while ago. Pic related, random stuff on a scribble map.

I spent an hour and a half today troubleshooting why half my clouds wouldn't appear after I spawned them or if they were destroying themselves from spawning juuust out of the room or so on.
I used irandom() instead of random() when randomly setting their xscale/yscale sizes. So half would spawn at 0 and of course wouldn't appear.
Almost 2 fucking hours on a retarded mistake like that.

How the fuck do you make text scroll in that typical JRPG sense?

If it isn't the first frame that your scene is running, you should make sure the cloud spawns off-screen by looking at its width and height. You can see one pop into the top left corner right around 0:02 on your webm.

Also, this is entirely a stylistic point, but you should consider having your clouds use a similar pixel resolution as finished ground tiles.

Take your sentence that you're planning to write and an empty string. Have a timer that adds the next character or word to the once-empty string and write that to the dialog box. If you do it by character, check the length of the full word to make sure it won't go over the dialog box boundary.

Thanks, yeah I'll have to keep that in mind later since I hadn't really noticed about the stylistic aspect. I'll have to think about it, I kind of like fuzzy clouds. But all that art (like that ground tile) is just placeholders since I'm mostly just getting the code and mechanics in place first so a lot can change.
The pop in thing is actually me fucking things up while testing trying to find the stupid bug.

I haven't started, yet... I'm torn on whether to use Unity or GMS 2 to start off with. What did you guys start with?

still fucking around

whats the difference between mv and ace

Testing camera offsetting.

looking good

home alone mod for halflife. ask me anything

Release this around Christmastime and loads of people will play it.

it'd be better if you minimized and centered the text box. Looks halfassed the way it is now

like the hell it isn't full screen.

Nothing to ask just please continue working on this and keep being cool :)

Spent a solid week programming inventory and the underlying cargo system, so the player can now blow up and loot things properly.

Every time we have one of these threads it's nothing but people recycling old ideas. Why don't you make a small group dedicated to shitting out a horrible game full of memes and tropes. Not some RPGmaker crap or a pixel art game, I mean a visually impressive piece of trash which makes the industry say "...what?". That would actually leave your mark.

Starting out on Game Maker 2, how hard is it to recreate a turn-based RPG made in 2 months on RPG Maker with all the same functionality?
And by that I mean complex mechanics such as switching up Counter-Attacks with buffs and equipment, in-battle dynamic party-member switching and complex plot routes that have branching choices and stuff?

Game is pretty much done. Also have a website built, trailer, screenshots. But I don't know how to begin unveiling it...

Like should I try to get a Steam page first, or release the trailer and a demo first? Aghh I don't know what to do.

Also I need people to test it.

oh god, you make me have a new fetish

Movement seems a tad slow and easy to bore the player. Is there any planned sprint/dash/run function?
Also, melee attacks would feel better if they pushed your character forward just a little but that's entirely optional.

In middle of roll a ball tutorial for unity, anyone know any good tutorials?

Demo first with trailer released the same day to attract attention. Post your demo here and on other places before 'publicly' releasing it to gather feedback.
Do you have a twitter/tumblr or some place to post devlogs at? Any sort of fanbase that will eat your shit up? If not, then go work on it first, then release the demo.

I've been tinkering for about 2 weeks, learning game maker along the way. Does anyone know any pendulum code I can use. The code i've been working on has some odd quirks to it that I'm having trouble fixing without making the code crazy complicated, mostly involving collision

find people on twitch or youtube who plays similar kinds of games, give them a free copy

cut every exciting thing in the game into a trailer and release it at the same time

stick it on steam with a release date not too far in the future that people forget about it but far enough to create the frustration of wanting to play but being unable to

If it was so easy to 'make the industry say what' then the industry wouldn't be as stablished as it is.

Doing the menus will make you hate your life, I spent about a month just doing a barebones inventory menu all the buttons and controls I want.
For the rest it's mostly it's just keeping track of your variable state triggers since there's no specialized interface for stuff like that. A lot of it is having a detailed plan in place of what you need/want, and programming xp of how to do it through code. I keep rewriting shit as I think of a better way of doing things so it takes me a lot longer.

inventory system finally done
as much as i need to move on, anyway

kek, gl

consumer user here! I love a good indie game, and I hear you're all making games yourself! Sell your games to me!

reminds me of bondage fairies

Are there any tutorials on menus and such? I didn't even think of those yet, pretty much used simple RMMV stuff for it.
I have a little javascript knowledge from making and editing plugins but nothing crazy.

As for a plan, my game has a full playable area with most of the mechanics set up and a detailed GDD so that wouldn't be an issue. I plan on creating a database for items, skills, enemies and all that based on RPGMaker for minimal effort "porting" it.

If you have any tutorials you used or recommended stuff I'd be very grateful.


Dogs dug up skeletons that spooked them. You play as a skeleton and spook other Dogs.

thanks guys, i hope to release around thanksgiving.

here's another vid for you showcasing sliding that will be used on ice and the bricks from home alone 2

>Movement seems a tad slow and easy to bore the player. Is there any planned sprint/dash/run function?
No plans for a sprint function. There's already a dash for dodging enemies. I'm going for an original Castlevania feel, so there won't be a lot of empty space or any backtracking at all.
>Also, melee attacks would feel better if they pushed your character forward just a little but that's entirely optional.
Yeah I was thinking about that.

total and complete coincidence

that slow movement sounds like it will result in dash spamming to get around


It's going well, earlier this week I changed how hitboxes work to allow for pseudo-combos

Why is Battle Block considered indie when it had Microsoft bucks behind it?

because you touch yourself at night

Your walk cycle looks like it has same arm same leg motion, so it looks really unnatural

It might, but with enemies and hazards all over the level it'll be dangerous to overuse it. I'll make a test level and add a run if it's really needed, but I'd rather not.

I added a hidden surprise to an enemy

Slowly but surely

How will the shield work? Any timed-counters planned, cause I'm a huge sucker for those.

Robot fetish?

Yeah, no, i've given up on actual pendulum physics, they're too complex for what I want. I just correct points so they're always within a specific distance. I currently just have 4 points with a bezier curve to simulate the chain. Problem is that doing that gives me weird results when I want a weight to drag along the ground. I have some ideas I was going to implement, but I wanted to make sure I wasn't over complicating my code.

I'm not entirely sure yet since I'm just fucking around, but I like timed counters too so I'll definitely be trying some stuff.
It's hard to make out for me, got any suggestions? Should I make the back-leg darker or something?

>I have some ideas I was going to implement, but I wanted to make sure I wasn't over complicating my code.
There's no way to do pendulums that isn't really complicated.

Lurker here. More of a writer and ideas guy, but I'm putting in work in RPG Maker. It's basic as hell and straight to the point: "fight the bad guy and save the kingdom". However, the whole design and story's centered around a former "villain" protagonist (former criminal / assassin) trying to make things right- meaning stuff like a basic fetch quest would need to be pulled off in secret or with underhanded tactics. Only problem is while I can write a fuckton, I don't stay dedicated and lose my "drive" to work on it VERY quick.

A suggestion for a timed counter that worked wonders for a jam I participated in is to create two states when you press the block button:
>One lasts for a second or a few frames, this counters attacks but goes away after the counter is made.
>Second one actually blocks attacks and works until you stop blocking

I struggled a bit with making frame-perfect systems and that one was the best for it.

>Using RPG maker
You have better options

you belong on /tg/ with other self-proclaimed 'writers'

Looks neat. Keep it up.

the story is generic but look at a game like last of us. That story was told plenty of times but because the characters were written so well it became an award winning stand out hit. Also if you're more of a writer then maybe make choice based game play or a dialogue system.

Hey user, why aren't you working on your game?

the person who drew that picture has no idea what indie embodies
mighty number 9, lol, might aswell put gordon freeman on there

too busy replacing Prozac with alcohol

>He is probably just looking at shitty story telling so he doesn't do it in his game

That sounds pretty ideal. I was also thinking that regular blocks would knock the player back slightly, while counters would knock the enemy back.

I saw your game a month or two ago, glad to see you're still at it
you should post on /agdg/ over on /vg/
also what's your devblog/artblog again? I'd like to follow you to keep up

talking about devblog... where is the best place to have one?

That would work well if you make it so that when getting hit you are knocked back (during a block) regardless, but the counter-state gives you an immunity to it, perhaps?
The same immunity could work during attack animations but not walk or idle.

Either way, looking forward to it, good luck, user!

tumblr's good, despite the instinctual Sup Forums aversion to it. Just go to /agdg/ and ask for tumblrs to get some examples, every popular indie game has had one
itchio has devblogs now but I've heard literally nothing about if they're useful or not
twitter is essential if you want to make money but it's not a very good devlog platform

The SJW shit never has to reach your eyes unless you let it

Yeah, exactly my thoughts. Thanks man.

looks real good, the swings have alot of ompf, I like the delay on it. I can tell you did what you were going for.

Work on the transition.

>I will be once im done with one piece
So, never?

Making a game where you play as a wizard and cast spells by drawing shapes.

Do you think it would work better as a roguelike (with gear, stats, permadeath etc) or as a roguelite (nuclear throne/boi style)?

That's the plan, i just wanted to see if that's effective, and it kinda is.

Just delay either the arm or leg movement so that they're not perfectly synchronized with each other. Either one will work, and the delay can be slight. But it'll help the look a lot I'm sure.

ok guys, thanks for the info.
first reply choose my dev name

making a level editor/zelda game, since I've got a lot of experience with both and it's fun
already getting bogged down in backend but a little work now saves a lot later


thats a really good idea, kinda like W101. I cant wait to see it here. what is nuclear throne/ boi style?



Is this the Sup Forums scribblenauts-like Save The Princess game we were waiting for?

I'm interested in making games in theory but I don't have time to learn programming, and I much prefer just to play. I'm curious about designing a roster for MUGEN or another existing fighting engine though, just as a side hobby. Any advice?

No complicated things like gear with stats or quests, you just grab loot and run down some levels till you beat the big bad boss

ok guy

nop, i'm doing a gf simulation game

Just took a listen, you've got some good stuff on there user. You using the Sega Mega Drive or the actual chips?

Those inside corners didn't render properly. Pretty sexy otherwise.

I'm interested in making a simulation game, but I need ideas. I'm imagining an environment with a simulated population (of something, probably people, but it could be animals, aliens, bacteria, computer viruses or whatever), and the player controls a disembodied camera that can move around the environment and "possess" any one of the people (or whatever) and control their movements/actions. I don't know how this fits into the overall gameplay or story. I'd be interested in any idea, they don't even need to be about "possessing", I'm interested in any ideas for a semi-realistic simulation game or demo.