How can we fix Sup Forums? I don't want a hugbox but newfags trying ironic posting and this nihilist board culture is depressing
How can we fix Sup Forums...
Ban all normalfags. Anyone anti-anime should be permanently banned. That fixes the website tremendously.
>nihilist board culture
Yeah cause there's a lot of value and meaning in anonymous posts on a mongolian pottery board that archive after 15 minutes, never to be read again
Rangeban Brazil so you don't have platform war shit and PC portbegging taking up half the catalog.
Hire an assassin to kill Ruggarell, Barneyfag, Cody and John Bettendorf.
Also ban any Neofags. Sure it'll remove around 70% of the users but it'll be worth it.
>Yeah cause there's a lot of value and meaning in anonymous posts on a mongolian pottery board that archive after 15 minutes
There is the opportunity to make a good thread that will last hours and possibly avoid people making shitposting
Everyone who doesn't have at least 3 of the 5 currently supported systems (PS4, PS-Vita, Xbone, Switch, 3DS) + a PC should be kicked out. This will remove all the kids and most of the shit posters
>buys Nintendo trash
>calling others children
I would completely ban all Nintendo discussion if I were in control of this website. The autistic population would evaporate.
Ban all leafs, ban Sup Forums, ban any cross posters from reddit or neogaf. There everything is better.
>ban Sup Forums
>the cancer is trying to say what should be banned
Ban everything I don't like.
Good counting you gigantic retard. You could still have 3 of the 5 if you hated Nintendo products and refused to buy them
Ban everything.
>old Sup Forums
Sup Forums is a disease, the alt-right tumblr because they're constantly triggered and always want to start shit about their beliefs that nobody but another Sup Forums user gives a shit about. If you defend Sup Forums odds are you are Sup Forums and should fuck off back to your shithole.
every single post that isn't directly related to a video game's content should be deleted
get rid of the self proclaimed oldfags and the goobers that still lurk around.
Why would somebody own both an XBone and a PS4? Jesus, you're stupid. And Vita, really? I already have every Nintendo thread filtered. I wish I could filter all Nintendo fans so I wouldn't have to argue with you faggots.
>talking about the alt-right unironically
hi rebbit
>I can't count and I hate every system but one so I'm just going to call you a retard, get mad and accuse you of being a fanboy
Good job!
This would probably work too
thread is already people talking about Sup Forums and gamergate
That's why we shouldn't have banned this back in 2014
>I hate every system but one
Wrong. PS4 and PC are two systems. Also, I wouldn't call somebody who owns a 3DS a Nintendo fan but anyone who owns the fucking garbage that is the Switch absolutely is a fan. The kind of fan that claims the latest Zelda is the greatest game of all time and buys every iteration of Mario.
God, Nintendo is a disease that just warps the minds of the stupid.
>create a separate containment board for sonyfags and move them all there
>ban weebs, this is a video game board
hello /r/nintendo
Ban all Sup Forumsposting
Ironic or not
sonyglets are responsible for 90% of all console war shitposts on this board and probably like 80% of all the garbage on Sup Forums
Source: your ass
>muh made up statistics
I bet you voted Hillary.
there is a reason why Sup Forums is called Sup Forumsintendogaf
Sup Forums is supposed to be a board for videogames enthusiasts and hardcore gamers, and yet at any given time it is possible to see multiple threads about Nintendo, a company infamous in the sector for being the one that most widely caters to the taste of casual and occasional gamers.
Now, I don't see any threads on Sup Forums about series like Modern Family or Grey's Anatomy, despite both being some of the most popular TV series airing, and that's because the userbase is mature enough to either not watch those programs clearly aimed at a completely different audience than the film enthusiasts who browse it, or to realize that discussing them is out of place in a site dedicated to enthusiasts of particular interests like Sup Forums is.
On the other hand, Nintendo threads plague Sup Forums constantly, and are some of the worst threads on the board in the matter of quality of posts. This, of course reflects the immature and non-internet-savy nature of the average Nintendo fan, which is not and could ever not be a videogames enthusiasts, so these threads pose an actual nuisance to the actual hardcore gamers that wished to discuss their hobby with likeminded individuals on Sup Forums. They are also known falseflagggers, shitposters and general console warriors, further decreasing the quality of content on the board.
My proposal to solve this issue, which is arguably one of the root causes for the current state of Sup Forums, is to ban any user that mentions anything related to Nintendo, be it games, consoles or IPs. I'm sure that the quality of the board would increase tremendously, as the moderation makes clear that Nintendo fans are not welcome on Sup Forums, driving them away from the userbase in a permanent manner, thus removing the main source of bad content on the board.
Feel free to discuss how long the ban should be, I advocate a 3 days ban for first offenders and then a permanent ban for repeat offenders.
Go back to "The Gaf"
All Sup Forums needs is proper moderation. Not super strict, but just people who can kick retardation to the curb.
I'm talking about console systems because everyone on this board obviously owns a PC. Hence why the minimum require should be 3 of 5 systems + PC. If you can find 0 reason to own any system but one (e.g. PS4) then you're probably a console warrior fag
>but the switch is only for fanboys!
Then get a 3DS ($80ish) and either a PS Vita TV ($20) or a Bone ($150). If you can't find enough games on at least 3 of the 5 existing systems then you're a narrow minded dork. I also can't think of a better way to filter both "muh system" "[goldenface.jpg]" "[wojak_with_hats.jpg]" tards and underage users who can't afford more than one system + a toaster
The average age of Sup Forums's audience is very young. The board will remain the same. You're growing older. Time to move on.
you can't fix it because of mobile posters, you can easily get another IP and continue shitposting
Ball all pro-Steam posters.
Ban all posts defending paying for digital only games.
There, Sup Forums fixed
there is no point in arguing with obsessive nintendo fans and ironic redditors
They hate Sup Forums and they want to destroy our hobby
>Sup Forums is supposed to be a board for videogames enthusiasts and hardcore gamers
[citation needed]
>answering to bait pasta
This is the most autistic thing I've ever read, and I'm saying this as a Sonyfag.
Lol not your safespace /r9k/. Literally running away from reality won't help you.
This picture was made by a mad nintenbro
Maybe the solution is to just make the site fucking impossible to use on mobile, or even painful
Most mobile users are normie turbo niggers anyway
>Ban e-celebs. Especially those that shill on a 24/7 basis like DSP or GiantBomb.
>31 years old
>never owned a smartphone
am I super-human?
Jesus christ, man
You're a fucking sorcerer
Sup Forums is to popular, too many people are right here. That's why it so shit. Maybe time to switch to another language, I don't know Esperanto only video game board sounds fun. Shitposters are too dumb and lazy for that kind of thing.
DSP posting is slow lately. Last year it was 5~8 threads every hour
Not even kidding
you can easily write a css for mobile to redesign shit
you have extensions and apps for Sup Forums already
and going the obnoxious ad route is easily solved with ad blockers
maybe prove that shilling isn't real somehow so that people will be able to express positive opinions about anything without being accused of having an ulterior motive.
Pretty much any thread talking about a game in a positive way has at least one guy in the first few posts accusing them of being paid by the game's publisher.
(before anyone says, an user claiming to actually be a paid shill or a bunch of threads for a game almost being released using the same image (which is always one of the top 3 google images results) are not proof)
>nihilist board culture
Sup Forums is the last bastion of gaming that the left hasn't taken over. We're standing at the front lines of the culture war.
Nihilism is an appropriate reaction to the histrionics in the gaming media whenever something counter to their views happens.
speaking of making Sup Forums better when will Hirojew ban phoneposting? block android and ios = fix Sup Forums
>Ban all normalfags
Right because the faggots in here bitching about gaming culture dying and wishing every game that comes out fails, are totally not part of the reason this place is a fucking cesspool.
>Pretty much any thread talking about a game in a positive way has at least one guy in the first few posts accusing them of being paid by the game's publisher.
sorry but Bethesda and Ubisoft pay people to shill here at least since 2012.
We need more positive users to talk about obscure games
are you by any chance a kissless virgin? If so, you're a death master battle-shaman
i had a girlfriend 4 years ago. And she was cute
Too bad she was spoiled and loud like every modern girl
No they don't.
People talk about games on Sup Forums because it's a site dedicated to talking about games.
Either way, you still see people accusing several year old indie games of being shilled, somehow.
Everyone is insane OP. Give up. Johnny-come-lately iPhone normalfags who don't give a fuck and literal children are the inheritors of this board
Yes they do. And yes some indie games receive paid shilling here (Undertale, Fez, Hollow Knight, etc).
Why would someone give up on what they love?
How the fuck do you communicate with people you fucking autist? Most people in real life you'll never see again, so does that mean that you should never engage in any discussion with strangers if the opportunity exists?
People talk about fez and undertale because they're interested in them.
I know a lot of my friends were super excited for it back when it was new, and told everyone they knew about it. It was honestly kind of annoying having like 8 of my friends recommending me this weird looking indie game.
Overwhelming weariness and incredulity
Banning Sup Forums, twitter, SJW related rage, GG, e-celeb, and template threads would be a start. So basically 90% of current Sup Forums
Literally ban anyone who even so much as mentions game-unrelated politics on the spot. Board will be better in a few months.
We should do a test.
Comb through the catalog and hide everything you don't like.
Banning eceleb posters and phoneposters would improve Sup Forums infinitely.
You have to believe. Find people you can call your allies so you can weather the endless onslaught together.
user why do you think a garbage game received 10/10 everywhere? makerting and brainwashing
consider the possibility that some people like things that you don't like.
Back in the day, we called them fanboys, and accepted that they liked things that we disliked. Shilling is a paranoid delusion.
>How can we fix Sup Forums?
Sup Forums died when it lost GG.
The day when I saw autistic amiiboo collectors having fits their threads were not getting attention while media outlets were shitting on vidya gamers was the day I knew Sup Forums was gone.
We're in some kind of post nu-Sup Forums period where all that's left is nihilist board culture.
unironically this
This pretty much. Viral marketing won't get a game anywhere if it's shit. It has to still be good somehow for it to keep its popularity.
It's actually scary how much of an increase crossboard Sup Forums posting has become in the recent years. Few years ago it was just ironic nigger posting and SJW cringe stuff. Nowadays, we have full blown complaints of people unironically defending nazis in wolfenstein threads and crying every time a non white is protagonist.
This is skewed a bit because Sup Forums is a bit better at night
ok now wat
Set up a system that checks people's PC specs and bans ramlets like you.
there are paid shills on Sup Forums
>Sup Forums died when it lost GG.
oh fuck off, GG was just chanology 2.0
Post proof
literally why would any company care about the opinions of a singaporean clay baking forum
the worst is people getting so fucking asspained whenever they see a brown person or a woman or whatever. It just degenerates into people spewing fucking fbi racial crime statistics and male/female muscle mass ratios for the entire thread
Maybe the fact that there was a clear concerted effort by sjws to put brown people in made it so that EVERY non straight white male character is assumed to be some left wing propaganda.
No there aren't.