What the fuck went wrong with western men, Sup Forums?
What the fuck went wrong with western men, Sup Forums?
How do we kill these dumb sissy white bois?
Nothing, they're genetically cucks
The bad guys won WWII.
The BBC broken their minds and their women's vaginas.
They post in off-topic threads
How do we FUG these dumb sissy white boies?
>What the fuck went wrong with western men, Sup Forums?
they complain to much on anonymous websites as to hide just how powerless and beta they truly are by seeking echo chamber circle jerking like the bunch of shitty gay lords they really are.
Western women became utter shit so the white bois just decided to become women themselves.
Something happened to white males, most actually like "boipussy" so we shouldn't worry about them, we'll help when they stop being gay, they fell for the "it's not gay" meme shekelstein told them, then they started drinking his tapwater
allowing mental illness to be celebrated
The only difference between east and west is that Japan has tradituonally been more accepting of transpeople and homos than 'Murkins which is why they don't produce the rabidly vocal and reactionary queers that they do.
If anything it's conservative masculinity that's a western construct.
So like video games?
That can't be a dude
with a 10 ft pole to the eye socket.maybe you'll hit the right brain part and uncuck him.
>mfw Americans actually have to worry about hte purity of their tapwater
>mfw they really think they're still 1st world
Women. We want more rights instead of being stay at home mums. Gets work, gets lots of dick. oh shit, i'm 30 now, marry me (aims for guys with 6 figure salaries only) finds out no one wants their roastie ass. Tries to catch someone below* (*realistically, on their if not slightly above) finds out most of them are taken or have go with more preferred domesticated won't cheat on you or have fucked 50-100 other guys before you asian* (*or swap over with what ever other race, but mainly asian) girls. Now really has to settle for less or pretty much become a cat lady.
In the mean time they fucked over the whole market now that 50% of the population also wants jobs. You reap what you so sow cunts.
White males are degenerates. No ifs, ands, or buts about it
Why did the shoe come off?
bad thread
I'm all in favor of making it a trap/reverse-trap thread
Why are they not fighting back?
man so open world rpgs amirite?
if only there was a good one
>barely readable collection of buzzwords
the power of Sup Forums safespace.
If you can't recognize the artist then you don't deserve to be spoonfed.
open chest
show bobs
A large number of things all at once. First problem is that we reached the pinnacle of human evolution within our race. Unfortunately, all that is left is for us to die off.
I just fap I'm not a fucking scholar
how bout that vr?
i was playing superhot vr and it was immersive as fuck
i really enjoyed dodging the bullets with my body like i was neo
we need to find a way to block dynamic IPs from posting
>unzips chest