Steam has good price meme

>Steam has good price meme!/en-us/games/dragon-quest-heroes-ii-explorer's-edition/cid=UP0082-CUSA06769_00-DQH2EXPLOREREDIT

So its the same price unless I give Sony even more money

it has good sales you troglodyte

>limit activations
>gather data to sell to other companies

with ps plus you get 50% discount

Piracy is still free


Almost as if the publisher decides the prices for the games they've put on Steam.

>Gaben fans are becoming cultists like nintendoyearolds

Isn't the port of DQH1 on Steam pretty bad?

only thing Sony has over Steam is basically being able to have two copies of a digital game.

aka game sharing. Steam has this system too, but two people are not able to play the same game from the one users library at all.

No I'm not talking about Share Play.

>my friend in australia share his games with me
>he literally buys every single game day 1
feels good. Also I play in my main account just like if I bought it

>PSN is having a sale on the game
>Steam isn't


not anymore since they removed flash deals

Sooo is everyone just ignoring the fact that the game is currently on sale on PSN and the regular price is $59.99 on both anyway

>b-but steam is cheaper always
I remember that narrative

I think that stopped being the case around the same time the steam sales stopped being fun/good. But people pretend it's still the way it used to be.

with PS+
Which literally means giving sony more money

Without PS+ you get 40%. Which is literally not giving money to Sony. Which I don't.

bait harder retard

so then buy a PS4, PS+ and then buy the game there you fucking retard