Well, Sup Forums?

Well, Sup Forums?

The right. People get hung up on the "half" part because they're looking at splits, or sections of a run being summarized and quantified. When you look at the run from beginning to end there are no half presses. Just a long series of full A presses.

So there is only an A press? In other words the left cancer character is correct?
Because you said the right cancer character was correct.

I just explained why people think there are half A presses. I explained why the argument doesn't need to exist. The act of not letting go of the A button is perfectly fine. People get worked up over this in a limited A press challenge because they fail to acknowledge that letting go of the A button when you don't have to is a waste and would result in a failed challenge; or at least a bad attempt at the challenge. When describing this the dude uses the term half an A press which naturally makes people think he's referring to pressing the A button down halfway. When corrected they threw an ego defensive fit and now we have some stupid meme.


>Another instant Marina win

She can't keep getting away with it

>instant win
>lost 2 of 3 splatfests

Marina always wins in my heart

She's going to win the rest

I'll admit I don't know the context, but why did he make up the idea of "half an A press" when it's just an A press?
From what you described, he just pressed A quickly. So the only differential is time, which can be split by "pressing A" or "holding A". I get what you mean, though, and people will term it whatever they like.

Thanks for the explanation, but I still don't understand which side you agree with. Right or left? Or both?

The left obviously. The way he described the mechanic is fine, but its also wrong on semantics. The press itself isn't seperated into three parts, he even says it himself when he begins it with it being "pressed". In a full run it takes 0 A presses to get the star, but for that level alone it takes one.

He was describing certain levels as only needing something like 2.5 A presses because he would either start the level with the A pressed down from a previous level or end the level with the A pressed down because he didn't need to raise it to complete the level and could take advantage of it being down at the start of some other level.

I agree with the right because you don't need to lift the A button in some situations and you can still progress through the game like that; ultimately saving you A presses. What I disagree with is unnecessarily splitting up the run into sections and trying to count A presses in that particular section. What matters is how many it takes for the entire run and that will always be a whole number.

In certain levels you only need to hold down the A button to beat it. So you can have the A button held down from a previous level, then just keep the A button held through that level, thus never actually "pressing" A. The idea of a "half A press" is to capture that idea while doing single level runs. You're only using half of the "A press" function so its only a "half A press"

Well Sup Forums?

commies > nazis
see: ww2

Just like the other guys are overexplaining, a Half Press is essentially having the A button held down when Mario is spawned into a level, but not having to press the button during the level.
The point is that having the button held gives you certain moves.

A "half A press" is simply terminology for a give situation which pancakeman overexplained. In short, he was holding the A button when he entered the level, so he didn't need to press A to beat the single level. But he would need to press A in a whole game run, in order to put himself in the same situation. Half A press was never meant to be taken literally, it's just what A button challange people call that situation.

usa > commies
see: cold war

Unfair comparison, Germany had to fight a two front war.

didn't bum tickley make this joke?

I'll just leave this here.

But victory is determined by the amount of land occupied, so nazis win.

Have you ever seen a map?

They CHOSE to fight a two front war. Dumbasses attacked Russia even though they had a non-aggression treaty.

The Western front didn't open up until after Germany was already retreating.

Bunch of fucking nerds! We're talking about pressing A here.

thats funny, i can't seem to see the german flag here. which bit of land were they occupying at the end of the war?

WW2 didn't have a time limit so it's accumulative.

That Hitler fellow doesn't sound like the sharpest pencil in the case.

> Half A press was never meant to be taken literally
Exactly, that's why left is correct. I watched the video, I know the function of holding the button down, but the term still doesn't exist for anything other than to give context on what he's doing.

Oh. Have you ever seen a map, though?

The German team occupied the most land throughout the war, so they win.

That's not how you win a war. Also that's false.

But it's a term that exists. "Henry" said that there is no such thing as a "half A press", which isn't true. It doesn't mean anything outside a very specific context, but it is a thing that exists.

It is how you win in splatoon though.


What a fucking mess that must have been.

Thanks guys, I get it now

Allies gained it all back in the last 15 seconds.

Axis Powers vs. Allied Powers Splatfest when?

>someone would actually agree with TJ """"""""""Yoshi"""""""""" Henry.

No fucking kidding.

No take backs there wasn't a time limit. So it accumulated to a high score.

I think that's already been decisively decided.

>. "Henry" said that there is no such thing as a "half A press", which isn't true
But it is since it doesn't exist in a literal sense. You can't beat "Watch for Rolling Rocks" in half an A press because you literally press A once in order to do it unless you are doing a full run of the game in which case it takes zero A presses. The terminology is a descriptor of a scenario, but the terminology doesn't exist as its own object, which is what Henry was talking about.

WW2 didn't have enough squidkids and pop stars.

No shit, thank god USA isn't for Nazis.

>Squidler will never gas the Urchins



Americans are fascists though.

>scrubs don't know we weren't playing turf war
Get with the program.

fucking choking to death here

Creator the hit comic "Loss"

Also a last note. Just like I said before, he even shows you why "half an A press" doesn't actually exist in his own video when he describes the function of holding down the A button.

I'm only here for Marina posts. Why are there none?

At this pont the argument is no longer about half A presses and more about if there needs to be a thing that exactly fits henry's original conseption of the idea for it to "count". And that's little more than a diffrence of opinion, which can't be truly argued for or against.


>nazis only succembed after a full-scale assault from the world's other superpowers
>communists caved in on themselves after a couple of decades from sheer dysfunction

Certainly makes you ponder...

> if there needs to be a thing that exactly fits henry's original conseption of the idea for it to "count"
There is. Just because Henry is right doesn't mean he isn't also retarded for not paying attention to what the descriptor means in context.

wait are we already having another splatfest?

How about one where the answer is obvious?



>implying marie wouldn't be team ass

I'm going off the picture.


That's just disregarding everything in the video, though. All three parts are what constitutes a press, not just the initial press. You literally claimed to have won the argument because you wanna.
How's that sort of thing working out for you?

What's the point of posting in this thread if you don't get the reference?

Go watch the fucking video, Tj (((Henry))) Yoshi.