lol, he was right.
Lol, he was right
Other urls found in this thread:
who has left since 2013?
I remember using steam on ubuntu and the games that were ported were fucking horrible (right up til last year when I quit linux and autism at the same time) and I had to refund over 75% of all games I bought for linux.
Valve seems to have offered everyone some kind of incentive to release on linux but NOT A SINGLE ONE will support the linux version after release. I remember buying RUST for linux and posting a thread on the facepunch forums and having them tell me they don't even have a linux machine to test on and told me to keep my fingers crossed that my issue would be fixed in the future.
>who has left since 2013?
Marc fucking Laidlaw.
Wew one faggy writer big deal
Is this a bad thing though, if linux gets more support?
why haven't I heard about this game before?
Asking like a moron: What about Vulkan API ?
problem is, he was also the first and last writer. All the others left before that.
>Lintards killed Valve
I have nothing against Linux as an OS, I don't see the appeal but I'm sure some people do
it's fanbase however is the most cancerous thing on this site after sonybros
Zero advertising budget. They spend all their time and money on developing gameplay.
I don't want to switch to windows 10 in 2021 though.
>who has left since 2013?
Chet and Erik
who names their son CHET?
Sounds like an asian woman trying to say SHIT
game looks mega dope though not sure how it relates to thread
but nah seriously theres like tons of dudes named chet down south.
>OMM left Valve
Let me die
>lol he was right
Yeah because he literally said things that Gabe has said in other interviews.
Hey guys I'm a psychic check this shit out
>Sometime tomorrow, you will contemplate why you visit this board
Jokes on you, I do this every day
all their writers and various other design people
there are a bunch of people that aren't really working on much and sort of in stasis
Where is
>All games are put on hold
Valve doesn't work like that, there is no upper management.
honestly why would anyone want to work for valve? you could come up with some amazing game/story/system and it may never even see the light of day
oh you mean every fucking company? at least at valve you could work on it on your own.
Yeah because companies normally let people do that.
If anything Valve has enabled ideas with potential dreamed up by nonames more than any other company.
Buy Artifact.
it'd just get so soul crushing eventually when you realize you will probably never ship a product there. at least at other companies you'd get to work on things that will see the light of day and get your name out there
>wtf why can't I be an ideas guy?
Chet Faliszek
Erik Wolpaw
Marc Laidlaw
Kelly Bailey
Viktor Antonov
Turtle Rock
more like
chet failiszek
erik wolfpaw
marc laidlow
smelly bailey
sniktor rantonov
turtle mock
Valves Strategy is Extremely shady as fuck because of one simple fact.
because you don't even realise that they are being assholes.
pretty much every 'game' they made after the first half life has just been taking other peoples Ideas and claiming them as their own while half assedly mentioning "oh yeah the Idea came From X who now 'works' for us"
but you never hear a single thing about what those devs they offered a job doing anything as creative as the Ideas Valve took from them under the guise of offering a job so its safe to assume that they get some lowest of the low tier job after valve collectively creampies their Idea for all its worth
>so its safe to assume that they get some lowest of the low tier job
Valve has a flat management structure so the only hierarchy that exist are those that form in the company's cliques. This obviously has its own problems but "given a low tier job" just isn't a thing.
someone still has to do the low tier jobs that no one else wants to do, it doesnt matter about valves fake ass """Flat management""" shit
and I bet my left testicle that it is always the new guys (aka, the latest group of devs they offered a 'job' to) that does them
There is no "low-tier job" that they don't just hire janitorial services for. Valve definitely has its share of problems in its structure but I've been to the company and talked to people who work there, it just doesn't work like that.
t. gabe
Stupid fucking Gaben. Linux is shit. Migrate to Redox.
i know why i visit this board so i will never have to contemplate that again
>flat management structure
>has resulted in virtual hats and assfaggots
it's pretty clear from valve's lack of tech support and leaving games to die a slow painful death that their is no such thing as a low tier job
>pretty much every 'game' they made after the first half life has just been taking other peoples Ideas and claiming them as their own while half assedly mentioning "oh yeah the Idea came From X who now 'works' for us"
That's a funny way to say that they hired people working on mods and allowed them to turn their ideas into fully fledged games
I'm sure they're severely pissed about getting money for something they already did for free, with tons of professional support to boot
oy vey goyim buy my card game
There's rumors that the reason they're moving to a larger office in Seattle is because they want to expand and transition into a more conventional structure like we see in most companies. This has also been rumored as the reason why so many of Valve's veterans have left recently.
Valve had a normal structure at the start though.
they always have had it, their flat management bullshit has always just been a facade just for good PR with the modders/beginner devs that valve loves to absorb to make their games for them
Don't buy it?
Wow user, I totally couldn't have predicted the writing staff getting pissed off because they haven't worked on a notable project since 2011. THIS LEAK IS TOTALLY LEGIT
What are you talking about?
>hire people so they can make a full game out of their mod
They're not even keeping it a secret
this is their idea of going viral, spamming the same shit in just any thread