Let's face it that game produced by the garbage spanish studio scored that high because Metroid brand
Let's face it that game produced by the garbage spanish studio scored that high because Metroid brand
the new metroid game is cinematic garbage while sonic mania is gameplay kino
>cinematic garbage
they added movies?
>he doesn't know
>shitting on games you haven't played
No, the cutscenes are few and far between according to reviews.
Let's face it that game produced by the sega scored that high because sonic brand
>implying that isn't a disadvantage
The same gaming review press responsible for cancerous top 50 games of all time lists and handing out 10/10s like candy along with advertising deals.
>Metroid: 48 critcs
>Sonic: 18 critics
Trying to decide if I should buy it now since I can get $5 off amazon or will it go down in price in the next year?
get the prime trilogy if you have a wii. 3 of the highest rated and most commercially successful games of the franchise. plus an artbook from Retro studios before their gods left.
I'm guessing less review copies were released for Mania since it's digital only
pretty much, Metroid: Other M got good scores too
>A small, ragtag team of fan game developers managed to put out a game that's scored higher than any Sonic game in a DECADE
>Metroid fans make a great game and Nintendo sent them a C&D because they were insecure about their own product
>not enjoying both
Yes, counter attack is a cinematic. You lose control of Samus for about 0,3 seconds
Already have them all, huge fan but pissed about them holding fusion mode out for the amiibo, but if I can get it $5 cheaper maybe.......
But the Nintendo Metroid game is just as good as the fan Sonic game...
Really makes you think....
or maybe they're both just decent games
a gameplay mechanic is now a cinematic. Guess Mario's jump is a cinematic because I can't walk midair when I jump. Guess going fast in a sonic game is a cinematic because I don't have to press a single button once sonic's at mach speed. Sup Forums really has the worst concentration of retards next to Sup Forums and Sup Forums, jesus christ.
>posting a reasonable argument
Where do you think we are, user?
your a mongoloid if you go by metacritic. take 10 off the score, then get the review
Where the fuck is metriod prime pinball
Dude, fuck off, can't we just be happy both 2D classic Sonic & 2D Metroid got a new game after so long and are being welcomed with praise?
>Both games end up with the same Metacritic score
What did they mean by this?
i gave tribute in my own way
dumb spiderposter
First play the fucking game and then come back with objective shitposting.
>He is so insecure of his own judgement that he has to resort to scoring sites
Metacritic has separate scores for each version of multiplats for some reason. The PS4 one has 66 reviews.
they killed it on metroid's fucking birthday. on it's fucking 30th birthday. i will not forget that shit i was legit triggered
BotW is still higher than Bloodborne going by that rule though : )
This is why fan game creators need to stay anonymous and not be able to be found. Just use a fake name and fake location. I hope Mother 4 comes out.
Spics with Nintendos backing = autistic Sonic fanboys > Sega
>waaaw they protected the IP waaaaaaw
You should've killed yourself on your 30th birthday you fucking faggot
I don't get the argument, is it a jab at Sonic or Nintendo? because a small team making something on par with a big developer is pretty impressive while vice versa is pathetic
snot yellow suit... why ninty?
>waaaw they protected the IP waaaaaaw
It's a non-commercial project. They have no right.
>Killed it
>Can literally look up and find am2r on google in a matter seconds
Any opinion from somebody not hating videogames or Nintendo? I have never played a metroid game and I actually want to know if it has the level or not.
This isn't Nintendo though, it's the same people who made the shitty 2.5D Castlevania games. Nintendo is just publishing with Sakamoto directing.
i dont care, im showing you spergs that metacritic is based on bullshit on ALL platforms. MGSV was given straight 10s even though it was unfinished, and the same sites that reviewed it, are the same ones creating OP's point
MGS is the most over rated trash ever in gaming.
Fuck off acfag, you lost.
>2D Metroid finally got a new official entry after years of nothing from Nintendo and it's great
>2D Sonic finally got a fantastic new entry after Sonic Team just told a bunch of super fans/hackers "just make it yourself"
>But because it's Sup Forums, we need to argue for no reason about which one is better even though both are great.
This. Same with Pokemon Prism, Nintendo suck ass with C&Ds, "oh no they took it off two sites, what will I do?"
>games you haven't played
I already played Mirror of Fate
>trailers look like utter dogshit
Shitposting is fun XD
>Not being a shiteating fanboy makes you a shitposter
Hey what about this Ninty, make an actual good game and people will like it
I truly hate how pressing buttons makes the character do things that aren't 100% in my control. Think of all the time wasted in Breath of the Wild from Link attacking with his weapons. The current state of gaming is abysmal.
Nintendo pushed them and they said as much. It's happened many times before.
Retro Studios underwent a complete and total corporate restructuring to get Metroid Prime made
I wish there was a recording of the board room meetings where Miyamoto flew off the fucking handle and the translator just said things like, "Mr. Miyamoto is very upset," I can imagine him flailing his arms around and banging his fists on the table. Especially knowing who president of Retro Studios was when they came in.
That seems like a fair score for Metroid.
It's a jab at Sonic because Sega shit the bed so hard for over two decades that they needed fans to make a decent Sonic game for once.
>this level of denial.
Nice try.
or it's actually good. nintendo seems to be a bit more strict when 3rd party developers work with their ip's