Be honest, you're going to buy it, aren't you?
Be honest, you're going to buy it, aren't you?
It's Sup Forums. Sup Forums will buy anything no matter how bad it is.
Nope. I shill for Arcsys now.
No. The roster is shit.
sure. gameplay seems good.
If the netcode is not shit and online not dead
of course i am
i just need to figure out who my 2nd is gonna be
Nope, i'll be playing the DBFZ beta and Pokken DX instead
get out
day 1 pirate for sure
If the netcode isn't shit maybe.
Buy GG
No, but if they announce Daredevil and if Monster Hunter doesn't look like shit in terms of design and gameplay then I will.
No. Marvel isn't good enough to stand on gameplay alone. It was always a horribly balanced mess but the visuals and roster made it enjoyable, of which infinite has neither.
I was meh on it but considered buying it until dbzf got announced and stole its spot as the next fighting game in willing to buy at launch. If marvel is actually good, which I doubt it will be the more I see of it, I'll buy the inevitable "base game + all the shit we sold to you separately" bundle when it's cheap
I'll wait for the "ultimate" edition and buy that
Possibly but I'm not expecting much more than disappointment
I'll play it if one of my friends caves and buys it, but I don't intend to purchase it myself.
They got rid of every character I used to main and all the new one's look really lame so I just don't have any interest right now.
Whenever they put Wolverine, Doctor Doom, or Magneto in then I'll probably consider it if it's on sale.
Maybe when it's on sale for like 20 bucks which, judging by SFV, won't be too long.
how can this game be marvel without xmen!?
>menat could've been an italian sukeban
fuck capcom and everything they do
heard there is no wolverine, so no
Hell no.
>no Magneto
I'm gonna pirate it so I can get a weeks worth of practice in before I actually buy it because I don't get paid for another couple of weeks. If during that practice time I decide, ehh, it's shit, or something happens that causes the community to vanish then I won't. But signs are pointing to I'm a fucking idiot that will throw away money.
Only bought it cause it was 23$ for PC .
Not really looking forward to it even if I played the fuck out of all previous X-Men/marvel cross overs.
go to bed Max
i bought SFV. not falling for capcom's shit again this year.