
>It is stated in a book that Daud has no interest in sex, implying that he is asexual. Though the accuracy of this book is questionable and the author unknown, Harvey Smith has confirmed through Twitter that Daud is asexual.[17]

What did they mean by this Sup Forums?

Some people are asexual?

After some careful analysis, I can conclude that they meant that Daud is asexual.

>assassin his entire life
he's only asexual cause he can't have sex with swords

There is no such thing as asexual, just low test beta numale cucks who want to be a snowflake.

its pretty well known that Harvey Smith is a liberal
during the elections he was posting a ton of crap about how trump is crazy
I wouldnt say he's full sjws, but it does leave a stench in dishonored 2 with half the guards being women, and making billie lurk's skin like 5 shades darker

It means they went full retard and butchered the best new IP in a long damn time.

We'll always have Paris. Or Dunwall, in this case.

Irene 'Larry' Vincent in Gunsmith Cats is essentially asexual. Though she is a lesbian, she has no interest in sex and gets her sexual pleasure from guns and cars this is canon, pretty hot desu

So people can be asexual by not being interested in fucking another person, doesn't mean they don't fap, but it just means they don't wanna fuck. Which is hilarious as people claimed he was gay.

>so fictional characters can be asexual


Oh, yes you can.

Yeah. Technically I am asexual, brain injury fucked my libido up and I don't produce testosterone.

Such is life, eh?

It means he's a man with a mission and knows that sex doesn't play into it, so who gives a shit.

He's an old, depressed fuck, whaddya want?

>Daud has no time for roastie thots
>Alt/v/ are such newfrogs they are offended by wizards
I am going to tell /r/Sup Forums about this travesty of a thread.

I'd be asexual too if I were a professional killer. Pushing a blade into someone's throat makes cumming inside a smelly pussy pale in comparison.

why is any of this impotent or relevant?

t. Daud
Bad Daud, bad. It'll stretch your skin.

>with half the guards being women

jokes on him, I have an asphyxiation fetish

Daud was just too jacked and he couldn't get it up anymore

it's not relevant, people just want to be validated for literally everything and I guess they might feel worth something if some guy who gets paid to use Twitter even says the word they place their life's value on

>Agent 47 is basically an asexual robot
>"whatever man it's ok he's a coll character"
>Daud is asexual

Why do they have to label a character as asexual, instead of just keeping him a grumpy dude who is too serious for relationships?

>couldn't get it up anymore
Hello, Daud. Heard you couldn't get it up anymore. How about one last gift, from an old friend?

>Dishonored 2: Viagra of the Outsider
>it gives him a permaboner
>gets frustrated with it
>Dishonored 2: Death of the Outsider

>WTF I Love Dishonored Now
people do actually exist

And who was validated by this exactly? There were actually more people who wanted to be validated about him being gay for being obsessed over Corvo and not having kinky thoughts about Billy.
Saying he's asexual to me looks more like saying "enough with your fucking shipping nonsense".

>Though she is a lesbian, she has no interest in sex
this is retarded

>Devotes entire life to assassination
>Abstains from sex or the pleasures of the flesh at all
>Attracts the attention of an immortal whale deity that offers him power
>Doesn't ask for shit in return, just gives it over
>Now assassination is too easy for Daud
>He starts seeing women as things to be interested in for the first time
>What the fuck did the Outsider do to me?
>Shit, better kill Outsider!
>Come hideous man faced half machine Billie! We are going to kill that sex obsessed faggot!

What it actually is is "ok when Japan does it".

Maybe like the Hainly Abrams thing in MEA it's to pander to an audience they think they need. They don't care about fans shipping Daud with dudes they care that someone hypothesized that Daud was asexual and they could capitalize on that to draw that crowd.

representation of a sexual minority is okay

People arent joking about getting wizard powers past 40 mate

Or maybe, just MAYBE, they just did it because they wanted to for whatever reason and there was no weird exploitative ulterior motive at the expense of a vague and possibly very small audience. Most people around here already assumed he wasn't really interested in sex or relationships, what's the big deal in saying he's asexual exactly?
But I guess it's smarter to always assume everything is a conspiracy.

>in dishonored 2 with half the guards being women

Yeah, and if you used the heart they were often just as awful as the male guards. Isn't that what proper gender representation should be? Women aren't any better or worse than male characters.

I don't understand the problem.

he's a plant?

Having to spend years around Billie Lurk would make anyone completely uninterested in sex by the end of it.

The problem is that it's ok to have representation that isn't shoved down our throats, but not really because if you notice it in any way shape or form then it's automatically "shoved down our throats".
Unless Japan does virtually the exact same thing, obviously.

This is not true. My husband is very sexual!

Where there any non cishetero characters in the original Dishonored? Did the madness only start with the DLC and the sequel?

If he really liked swords he'd get one that doesn't look like a butcher knife.

I wish he had more interesting powers. Like okay he gets timebend at a discount and his blink also does some time fuckery but other than that his powers look too similar to Corvo. Meanwhile Emily and Delilah get whole arrays of unique powers. He looks like a chinese knockoff by comparison.

>with half the guards being women
Considering how many people the plague killed, it is reasonable to assume they resort to recruit women as guards.

What if Daud blinked in front of you with his erect cock, and impaled you upon his mighty member?

An assassin plying his trade, penetrating your posterior with his protruding penis.

What if Emily links three men with Domino, rapes one but make all three cum.