Why do Sup Forumsirgins hate this game so much when it's easily the best in the series?
Why do Sup Forumsirgins hate this game so much when it's easily the best in the series?
I liked the ds version
They hate it because everyone likes it. They also hate it because they didn't live during the time when it was new.
I love it user
>liking the worst version
Shit graphics, everything is harder but still has the bullshit encounter rate, and they even fucked up the music
I think it's because IV is immensely popular that it warrants itself a sequel and 3D remake unlike other SNES era FF, even though it's very basic compared to other titles.
Well technically it does have a 3D remake. In fact it has 3 remakes and sequel. Unfortunately the sequel was shit and all remakes (except PSP) are shit too
Both 5 and 6 are better.
In what ways? FFIV has the best story and characters, as well as the game play being better in a simplistic way. I think the world is also better designed.
it's easily the shittiest of the three FFs on the SNES
the story is bare bones basic and is only better than the second half of V, VI's story is better (though nothing special in its own right outside of the world ending midway). The gameplay is by far the worst offender though and is in no way better than V or VI, regardless of your bullshit "in a simplistic way" phrase. 4 is just an inferior product to V and VI. Music is better than V though
The gameplay in V and VI are not better. 2/3s of the characters in 6 are useless and in V every character feels exactly the same, which is always the problem with an unrestricted job system
>2/3s of the characters in 6 are useless
did we play the same game? only Rem is useless because of glitches which are fixed in the GBA/emulation
also if we're talking about useless party members IV has its fair share.
>n V every character feels exactly the same, which is always the problem with an unrestricted job system
how about you make them into different classes dumbfuck?
Its my personal favorite as a huge fan of the series but its not hard to see what people wouldn't like about it.
>revolving door of party members
>almost all of these temporary characters blows ass in combat
>'punished' for leveling/fighting before final party because the exp is essentially wasted
>don't even get your finalized party until well into the second half of the game
>edge and kain are still pretty shit tbqhwy
>normies don't even like classic rpgs because they're "too hard"
3DS and psp versions were both great because they took a lot of steps to alleviate this issue (which is the main one I see people complaining about) but I still love the original.
V has the best gameplay in the series.
Haven't played any of the remakes. It's not that interesting. Not much to the story or characters. Gameplay is really basic since there's no real character customization. Comes with all the standard problems of FFs like frustrating encounter rate and status effects being unusable on every enemy you'd want to use them on. At least it doesn't have that much missable stuff.
because 4 is worse than 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, and 12 (also worse than 11 and 14 if you wanna count MMOs)
Sup Forums dislikes popular games because they get overexposed and it makes a board full of people talking about videogames all the time get kind of tired of hearing about it.
4 isn't even that popular anymore, 7 and 10 far outshine it in popularity. Pretty sure 6 is more popular now too
Move that I to the rogjt and double it we got a deal.
>Why do Sup Forumsirgins hate this game so much
The overwhelming vast majority of FF threads on Sup Forums are either XV shitposting, or full of Lightning 'worshipper' autists.
If you're surprised they hate IV, you haven't been here very long.
>Make them different classes
Because that's sub optimal.
I see IV as a weak but very important FF game. The story is pretty lame and predictable, the characters are one note, the gameplay is pretty basic, and the difficulty has been fucked up in both of the most publicized western releases(SNES was too easy, DS was too hard), but despite these major flaws, it was the first time we had story that tried anything in an FF game, the first characters with enough personality to have an opinion on, and it introduced ATB to the series. So despite the game being a bit outdated, I still look very fondly on it. The SuFami logo is horrible, whose idea was it to put fucking Kain on it?
being optimal in any FF game is using one move over and over again while having a healer AoE heal, if that's what floats your boat then go ahead but don't fault the game for your autism. 10 has the best battle system of the turn based games but if you wanna be optimal it's quick hit spam, real fun. FF games aren't hard anyway
Oh hey, people on Sup Forums who actually have good taste.
I like the DS version too, though I prefer the music in the SNES version. I wonder if anyone has made a patch that gives the SNES version the DS version's translation.
>thinking the PSP remake is good
>'punished' for leveling/fighting before final party because the exp is essentially wasted
How do you mean? When characters join your party they're at a similar level to Cecil. If you want you can grind up to level 99 just after becoming a Paladin and have all the characters come back at that
ATB is a shitty system. It's basically just the normal turn system except it punishes you for not taking your turn as fast as possible. FFX's CTB system is far better.
10's battle system makes the game easier. Every battle is about preparation rather than the battle itself. The fight with Penance for example is nothing but tedious grinding and once you actually fight him there's no tension because the battle moves at my own pace and I know that there's no way I can possibly lose. If you like games where preparation and there's no chance is everything then I can understand that but I prefer the tension that real time brings
>liking those ugly ass graphics over the sexy remastered pixels and jacked up difficulty for no reason
It's not V
I played around 80% of FFIV on the PSP remake a few years back and all I remember is like 80% of the characters sacrifice themselves for you. Like you can't go an hour in the story without a heroic sacrifice.
Don't forget
>lots of characters have heroic deaths only for those sacrifices to be negated when it turns out they're not dead at all
I totally agree, FFX has the second best combat in the series to me, but I was just saying it was influential, not good.
Tellah, Palom/Porom and Yang are the only ones really. And Tellah doesn't even sacrifice himself for you, he just wants to kill Golbez for revenge, so really it only happens twice
>Every battle is about preparation rather than the battle itself.
That's literally every FF game.
Being pressured to act quickly is interesting, but it definitely wasn't utilized very well in the first few games that did it. I quite enjoyed it by the time FFXIII rolled around though.
It has the most depth and customization of all the numbered games. Status effects generally aren't useless. Break and Death specifically are quite powerful. There isn't a boss in the game that is immune to instant death although in cases like the final boss you can kill him faster with damage than trying to hit with dark spark. The base game on the SNES has 3 full optional dungeons and the remakes have even more. The job system adds a surprising amount of replayability to the game. The biggest problem is the difficulty, which is a little on the low side since it was designed to be possible to complete using any jobs. It does mean that you can play through with literally any combination and be fine though, which again adds to the replayability since there are 21 Jobs (25 in the remake).
VII had the best story
>sexy remastered pixels
I suggest you get your eyes checked, Sonygro.
I don't hate it, but V is the better game.
Cid sacrifices himself as well doesn't he?
That's not my point. Screwing up is actually a thing in the active battles because you had to be on your toes. In FFX sometimes I feel like there's no point seeing as before the fight I know that there's no way in Hell the system will actually let me lose unless I go out of my way to
Cid also sacrifices himself.
because all the good shit was copied from the original script of xenogears
he's not wrong, most FFs have shit stories anyway
>No character customization, everyone has a preset job.
>Party composition is usually forced by the story.
>Introduced ATB but does nothing to actually utilize it like CT and later FFs did.
The only reason people like IV is for its story, which by JRPG standards is fairly tame and simple.
>Kain might have had a decent character ark, having been overcome by envy or jealousy felt toward Cecil, which ultimately turned to loathing
>completely undermined by "lol jk, he was just being mind-controlled by the moon king"
He survived actually.
The envy and jealousy was there though; Zemus used it as a base to control him. He can't just jump into anyone's mind and take control. Kain's arc is overcoming his jealously; not succumbing to it
So do Yang and Palom/Porom. Tellah is the only one who actually dies.
You're a fucking retard and clearly didn't actually pay attention to the game. Zemus exerts force over Golbez and Cain that causes their negative emotions to overwhelm them, leading to those characters doing what they do. The character arc you want to be there is actually there, which you would've noticed had you actually paid attention to the story.
>incredibly barebones gameplay, even by FF standards at the time when compared to FF II and III and ESPECIALLY V and VI
A FF game with static jobs is pretty lame coming from FF1-3 that all allowed you customization in one way or another.
>and in V every character feels exactly the same, which is always the problem with an unrestricted job system
Then don't be a fag that uses 4 Mimes or 4 Freelancers?
The only way you can "screw up" ATB is by dawdling and letting the enemy get extra turns because you decided to fumble through a long menu instead of just mashing "Attack". That's it, the bosses aren't any more unpredictable than they are in other systems. Most enemies still have a preset order of actions that never varies.
Why can't I ask for a game that has more useful classes rather than objectively better than every thing else classes?
I never played it lmao.
I honestly thought I was playing it when I actually played 3. I put the wrong title on it because I'm retarded haha
>FFIV has the best story
Everyone killed themselves but only ine died
But that's where the tension comes from; doing all the strategy in time. You may not like that but I think it's an integral part of the game. The "mashing attack" is more of a problem of contact random encounters. If they were less frequent and optional like in Chrono trigger or Earthbound then people might actually put strategy into them.
But there are tons. Ninja, Summoner, Blue Mage, Mystic Knight, Gladiator, Chemist, Geomancer, ect.
Hell, Blue Mage can one-shot certain bosses like the Adamantoise.
Not that guy but I've only played the original SNES game so any nuance in the writing was obliterated by the awful translation. I hear the remakes are better.
You got that. To even make Mime and Freelancer work you have to grind a serious amount of time.
For anything but the superbosses you will be required to utilize different jobs.
Please play the games that you talk about first.
DS difficulty was amazing
But going freelancer with two skills is always better because stats carry over
Rapid Fire + Spell Sword. Give me a reason to use another class when you can get this
Bluemage is the only class you need. They can kill anything through the power of numberwang which is much more satisfying that hitting for 9999 4 times.
Try Final Fantasy Dimensions. Maybe XII the zodiac age.
It's pretty trite
One dimensional characters, low customization.
I really liked the original, it's comparable to FF6 but you can really see the evolution in character development during later titles.
But that is endgame plus turbogrinding. What kind of stupid complaint is that? No one forced you to powergrind all 4 characters to max out the jobs.
>oh, if you get a billion EXP and max out every single job and use the strongest build four times, the last 10 minutes of the game becomes too easy
Strategy is decided before the encounter even starts. Everything else is just punishment for using menus.
>Level 40s is turbogrinding
Fun facts from the last Sup Forums archive census:
>87% of all hate for 4, 5, 6, 9, X, X-2, and 12 come from 8fags.
>54% of all hate for 7 comes from leafs who post simular hate in all non-falcom RPG threads
>98% of all hate for XIII and XIII-2 currently comes from LRfags
>93% of hate for LR comes from a variety of origin countries with a wide variety of taste expression
>82% of all 8fags have used kino unironically on Sup Forums at least once in the(at the time) last four weeks
>3% of all XVfags have continued to post after at least one 3-day ban(although ip evasion is a thing so unreliable)
I don't hate it, it's okay
But it does bug me when people call it the best. There are so many amazing FF games, I think FFIV fans are just trying to look cool by choosing the earliest FF game that has a decent story and isn't horrible to play like FFII.
I don't think FFIV should even even be compared to FFV, FFVI, FFVII, FFVIII, FFIX, or FFX. All are more fun to play and all but FFV have far better characters/storys (and FFV's story/characters are just as good as FFIV's).
You can easily finish ff5 in your late 20s. Level 40 is insane.
My problem is then you don't have to react. You essentially have everything already planned out and so you're just going through the motions.
could atb mixed with press turn work?
>2/3s of the characters in 6 are useless
I never get this argument. This would be a problem in a hard game, but not a single mainline Final Fantasy has been hard. Just pick the characters you like.
If you want to skip a whole bunch of shit then you can but what's the point of playing a FF game if you're just going to power through the main quest?
It is. Not to mention if your freelancers are pimped out with a ton of stat boosts and skills, you have already overdone it.
The beauty about FF V which is wasted on your brute forcing the game is that you can beat all sorts of stuff at a much lower level if you play creatively. Certain bosses can be crippled with special ailments like Old. Adamantoise and others are weak to Death. Carbuncle and Titan can shut down certain fights. Float makes the Crystal Guardians easier to fight.
Even if you do every dungeon in 5 you should still be in your 30s. XP doesn't do anything in that game anyway aside from give you a little more HP.
ATB turns aren't any more unpredictable than normal turns. The bosses actions aren't any more random. You can still anticipate when the boss is going to act and how you'll need to respond.
The only real problem with the way FFX did it is actually just showing you the turn order at all times. That does make it too easy, but the basic idea of a pure turn-based system with a dynamic, reactive turn order is better than ATB. Also being able to switch out party members mid-battle without using a turn is pretty overpowered too.
>Rapid Fire + Spell Sword
>stopping there
Rapid Fire + Spell Sword + Dual Wield was the greatest thing to happen to my power hungry ass
>when it's easily the best in the series?
C'mon now user its a good game but its the weakest of the SNES era. V and VI both improved on it because you know this was back in the days when sequels actually improved on their predecessor instead of being the same game with a new coat of paint.
Not him, but having recently just beat FFV, I just played normally and was lvl 43 by the time I finished. I didn't grind at all. With the game's absurd encounter rate, you'll hit those levels pretty easily if you aren't running away from at least half your battles or skipping the tablet dungeons.
Blue Mage vs Neo Exdeath
>Use Magic Lamp on the back to 1 shot it
>Cast Dark Spark on the Front, Middle, and Top to cut their levels in half making them an even number since the game rounds down.
>Cast Level 5 Death on the Front killing it.
>Cast Level 2 Old on the Top and Middle to reduce their levels to a multiple of 5.
> Cast Level 5 Death on the Top and Middle killing them.
>Defeat the final boss with a single character without dealing a single point of damage.
Huh, I remember my party being in the mid-30s. Maybe I ran away from too many encounters to save MP.
I feel like random encounters almost never enforce a strategy and just result in spam. Do you think a game with only bosses could work? Maybe instead of EXP you get rewarded with items in which you make your character stronger so you don't need battles to level up
random encounters exist to wear your party down/deplete your resources like mana/items.
everybody loves longass dungeons with poison effects.
>mfw FF III
>long ass dungeon with no save points, if you die fighting the boss you have to restart the whole thing
I at least wish they had a no encounter option for a dungeon you've already been too. I like exploring new places but when I have to go through the exact same place again I don't want to deal with it. Even worse when you're forced to walk out of a dungeon you just finished because the game arbitrarily decides when you can and can't use teleport
Bravely Default does this so well. You can double the encounter rate, halve it, or completely turn it off. It's a bit too convenient since you can turn off encounters when your party is running low on heals, but still a great system.
And then you run into omega and shinryu and have to abuse the shit out of everything AND turbo grind.
I think the way Bethesda does it where there's usually an easy in and out opened up from a dungeon once you complete it is a pretty good system
Visible map encounters are 1000x better than random encounters. Most JRPGs use visible encounters now and let you decide whether to attack or avoid. Random encounters eventually become hell and you end up fleeing just so you don't have to deal with it. The early FFs are particularly guilty of having retarded encounter rates. What should be a 30-second walk through a room becomes a 5-minute ordeal.
I liked the way Persona 5 did minor enemies. The weakness/1-more/hold-up system rewards you for not just mashing attack blindly even if the battles are easy regardless. It's overall one of the better turn-based systems I've played.
Chrono cross IIRC level caps you until you kill the next boss, and then the exp is so absurd you level obscenely fast after getting a new level cap. I believe it did end up using random encounters though instead of the open encounters like trigger. It does compensate by giving you a fast forward buttton after your first clear at least.
Romancing Saga 3 is a bad game in a lot of ways, but it does some interesting stuff. You get all your resources restored to max at the end of every fight with the exception of items and LP. Whenever a character dies they lose 1 LP and when their LP reaches 0 they're dead for good. It lets them really crank up the complexity and difficulty of random encounters since you're expected to spend all your mp on each one.
The problem with Bravely Defaults system is that it revealed how shitty their map design was. Every dungeon is the same hallway with one or two branches for a treasure chest.
Or you could just buy some elemental rings and use a Bard. Omega and Shinryu are only difficult if you try to brute force them.
FF2 is the worst of the entire series and it's amplified by the fact you don't even GET exp in that game. It even has literal trap rooms where the encounter rate is like every square almost. And they're everywhere.
At least 5 provides you with a chicken knife for all the running you'll inevitably do.
Nigga, that's literally the only way you CAN kill them. Even if you grind it out they instagib your party too much.
That isn't true. You only need 1 water ring vs Shinryu and you don't have to use a bard. Omega can be done with 0 rings and without a bard.