2 days until Sup Forums: The Musical V kicks off!

Post your
>favorite song
>favorite singer
>favorite year
>favorite art

Other urls found in this thread:

Remember not to share song lyrics yet. That starts on the 15th

unfunny garbage every single time

Reddit tier shit. Kill yourself if you participate in this.

kill yourself

literally kys

>the meme generation

look at me

not video games

>Every year, people complain about the musical and all of them act like total newfags
>And every year, more and more people join the musical

Truly, the most Sup Forums thing of all.

i guarantee i've been here longer than you. this shit has been absolute cancer since day one.

I see the anti-musical crowd is out in full force tonight. Must be Australians

2007, fag. I was posting when I was in fucking middle school.

I want a right-wing parody of some ramones song. Lyrics with heavy reddit triggering content

I plan to use nigger and faggot in almost all my songs

2005. 07 is newfag btw, which you'd know if you'd actually been here since 07

And yet you hate fun because you're jaded and shitty.

western US here
fuck this gay shit

Try participating this time. You might have fun!

>not making fun of ''free'' college and affirmative action that will skyrocket reddit's blood pressure

but this isn't fun
it's unfunny cancer

>the meme generation
this is cringe and reddit as fuck

You already posted that once, buddy

I'm sure someone will somehow make that vidya related

Can it be about videogames and not just taken over by Sup Forums again

I'm honestly not ready for the metric shit-ton of 2016 Sup Forumsfags to dump a million terribly written political songs this year. Like, I was already writing lyrics for a song complaining about it LAST year.

Name one (1) time where this happened

Ausfag here
Its better than nothing

Still my favorite

not funny

Then why are you still here?

I wrote a song last year I'm pretty hype desu

My favorite mostly because I know the guy who did it

>2 days
I look forward to another pile of misery that lends itself to great music.

How long until the one autist starts complaining about the shadow canal again

Now pay attention, friend. This is what is known as a loaded question. No matter what the response made, the counter would be an earlier date or if it's too early to reasonably claim you were here earlier, "prove it, fag."

Fuck off faggot it's not the 15th kill yourself.

2 days, except it'll probably move on from the IRC Illuminati to, I don't fucking know, something even more retarded like the Discord Freemasons?

The actual loss comic is funnier than this

That's why it says 2 days away you mongoloid

Loss is always funny so I don't see your point

Discord Dilettante

yeah that'd probably be the only reason you found this funny

Still hte best thing to come out of this faggatory

Yeah and so don't fucking make a thread about it for another two days you cock inhaling retard there's literally no point to fucking dick jerking about nothing being posted two days out you shitsucking faggot end your life with a lawnmower.


>got here in 2014

That implies they are a disorganized mess who just wants to make music with no real direction.

actually way earlier

that sounds pretty accurate

That's exactly what happens

Meme culture xD
Board culture xD
>Everyone who doesn't like gay musicals about video games is a newfag

>TFW 2015
I feel like cancer, but all around me, I see people worse than me.

You sound like a swell guy

>writing song on EvaXephon
>wanted to include TWO MODES in, but he flip-flopped on it
>tfw stalled the writing until 15th so hopefully he does something dumb again
Also, where's the hype video like last year?

>Sup Forums hates fun
Wow, who could've thought!

Fair enough. Guess I know what to screech about when we need bumps.

>every single year
>everybody mad
Should wait with the threads until the actual date though

There's really nothing fun about this.

If you are so mad, why not just report the thread and fuck off instead of throwing an irony fit.

Nah I feel like these threads are a good reminder that it's happening to people who are interested. I would have forgot about it and then missed it if I didn't see this thread tonight.

I wish you guys could just recognize how retarded you are. Not in an ironic way, in a serious way. I want you to look in the mirror and say to yourself "instead of talking about video games on a board dedicated to the discussion of video games, I write songs about them and the culture surrounding them. I am an idiot."

he just wanted to be the guy that made a popular thread
attention/praise is the only reason these redditors do this faggy musical

you seem mad

Is there a hard cap on filter length?

Well, even if you miss the first day there will still be threads going on for like what was it, a month? Two weeks?

>I write songs about them and the culture surrounding them
And the problem with this is?


you absolutely are cancer
the songs aren't even fucking about vidya half the time
they did one about barneyfag last year for fucks sake


now we're getting somewhere

>u mad bro

Not discussing video games. Just making songs about them. You don't go to Sup Forums to make songs about movies.

True I guess. I think we were trying to keep it from going over a month on purpose last year

You sound like a redditor.

>You don't go to Sup Forums to make songs about movies.

>you absolutely are cancer
I agree. But even if I am a blight upon this place, I am here forever.

Do you complain on the drawthreads too?

Also: pic related

Yes cause they're off topic. Same as E celeb threads etc.

What's with drawthreads never ever fucking off to /vg/ anyway

>imgur filename
you literally can't make this up

More Voltaire. Preferably Aurelio Voltaire.

Pretty good

The only good song ever was the Friday Night song someone made a couple years back.

The rest is pure shit

hard to find instrumentals for the guy

Dammit, man, last year you (or some other IRL guy) brought him out of the woodwork, he posted one WIP clip, and then he disappeared. Not that we'd force him to participate, but what happened to him?

Isn't he busy playing 40k with his son?


>early Sup Forums was literally all OC meme stuff and shit like this
>nobody else from that time still exists
>next wave considers themselves the oldfags and calls things that would have been at home on real oldfag/v/, the new reddit

I don't know what's real anymore

someone post it

Let's not waste it on a gay-ass thread like this one.

I am real

We should sing some eurobeat in all honesty.

No problem

How has this not happened?

early Sup Forums also didn't need a circle jerk organized parade for their oc once a year and threads to discuss how funny their OC is and pat themselves on the back. don't act like this garbage didn't come after the reddit infestation, faggot. old Sup Forums made memes and oc to make others laugh. people do this shit so they can say they did it. it's just a bunch of ore existing memes sung into pre existing instrumentals by people who just want compliments. it's never good and it's never funny.



Making Pre-Threads is so fucking gay that the musical seems straight by comparison.