Good tank games? Currently playing the everloving shit out of War Thunder, little over 2,000 hours in it already. Looking for a Red Orchestra 2-esque level of depth in terms of mechanics. Also general War Thunder/tankery bullshit thread.
Good tank games? Currently playing the everloving shit out of War Thunder, little over 2,000 hours in it already...
If you need a full blown tank sim, you can try Steel Beasts.
Also, can't wait for MBT-70.
AW on suicide watch.
WoT is a terrible game and I hope it dies, desu.
>german and american engineering in one tank!
My neger!
Wait, didn't the newest versions of WT have some sort of spywareesque shit in their launcher?
I remember seeing people bitch about it a year or so ago.
It has
It doesn't really do anything desu.
At least to my or other's knowledge.
t-64 tonka stronk, Chieftain still a shit
also how does the new MBT-70's armor fare against APFSDS?
I have 2k hours in WT as well, but I only play planes.
How someone can tonk for 2k hours is beyond my realm of knowledge.
>How someone can tonk for 2k hours is beyond my realm of knowledge.
Because it is fun?
Tier V is a fucking joke. Missilewagons kill the game. If it's later than 45, it has no place.
Tank RB is the biggest cuck gamemode of all time.
Literally get buttblasted by CAS.
You're just minding your own business, doing tank things, then BAM, some alpha as fuck fighter pilot rockets your tank out of nowhere.
Thanks for being fodder op.
I started off playing arcade tanks like any other pleb, for the next 1.4k+ hours I play exclusively Air RB with an occasional tank game.
Jokes on you faggot, the few time I do play tank RB, I uptier my Centurion Mk. 3 into top tier and spam the Firefly, I am the cancer
>fast retreating tank
>french media company logo
you're literally just proving my point
landlubbers can go fuck right off
Chieftain Mk10's turret is impervious to anything but HOT missiles. Save for some minor weakspots.
MBT-70 has paper hull with servicable turret, I think it could stop APFSDS on the outer parts where the sloping is getting ridicilous, but other than that, it's a machine that depends on mobility(30 hp/t, 65km/h both forwards AND reverse) to survive. T-64 seems to be very underperforming in terms of armor, ar at least at the dev server it was.
Hard to tell how those tanks will be performing on release, but as it stands MBT-70 is the best tank in game.
ATGM spam is nowhere near as bad as it usd to be, so there's that.
Good thing rockets are getting reworked finally, but I doubt this will stop RP-3 spam.
Is nothing comrade)))
Gee it's almost like IRL planes dominate tanks too!
I wonder if there's something you can do to negate CAS, maybe attach a few rapid firing low caliber guns to a vehicle and give them a very wide firing angle????
So much bullshittery in tanks I can only manage to play it for a few games, and thats with friends in comms. Its incredibly frustrating most of the time to me, gaijin related or just inherent gameplay related.
Might play tanks this patch if Gaijin is really dumb enough to release a mustang running on 90''' mmHg at 5.7.
Its an auto updater, you can disable it. Its kinda a nonissue to be honest but I can see why it bothers people.
I wouldn't doubt it. The launcher is a p2p platform, but can easily be closed. I do know that you should never click on their fucking facebook surveys that they link to on their own fucking website, because last time I did my account password got hacked and some guy logged into my account at 5 am and used all golden eagles to finish researching the panther G, used all of my boosters and then proceeded to just play a lot on my account. Customer service would do nothing to help me as they claimed they don't cover password related incidents. So now I still play their game for free and won't give them another fucking cent.
Just how better is the H than the D-30 that we already have? Someone pointed out it just has longer WEP.
>Customer service would do nothing to help me as they claimed they don't cover password related incidents. So now I still play their game for free and won't give them another fucking cent.
Kinda funny considering when a ruski hacked my account and set up two-step authentication. I contacted customer service and I just had to provide some proofs)))) that it was me, and they reset both my password AND disabled two-step auth.
I learned my lesson desu.
Every time I play Air RB I am baffled by how fucking retarded people are. Even after several days of game time people still can't wrap their tiny fucking brains around how the game works.
The "game" (not actually made by gaijin but by nature/man) punishes greed and rewards patience.
What I mean by "greed" is target fixation, wanting the kill so much you forget to manage your speed or are taken out by their wingman while you're shooting/lining up a shot.
To be better than 90% of players all you have to do is: side climb, climb at optimal ias, mec (for certain planes, ie opening bf109 radiators).
Patience and optimizing your climb rate so you get the altitude advantage over your opponent is half the battle.
The other half is not turning after a fucking boom. It's BOOM and ZOOM, not boom and turn.
If you cannot maintain over a 1 k/d in air rb, you are a moron.
Everyday I have to watch fucking retards who have 20+ days in the game climb straight into the enemy, engage at 3k, then follow bait down to the deck and either 1) get shot down 2) crash 3) killed by enemy aaa 4) wing rip
You know who you are you fucking eternal noob.
It must be just me because the moment I got into T5, the game started sucking major ass. Tanks slow as fuck and matches turned into huge, grueling sniperfests.
I'd rather just fucking around with in T2-4 with stupid shit like Horo and Sturmpanzer. Now that's fun to me.
I get near sexual satisfaction when I cockblock suicide planes too.
Why open the radiators on the 109s? Meredith effect or something along those lines?
The 109s overheat really bad, especially on Sicily, unless you open your radiators to full.
If you don't use mec while climbing in a 109 your engine will be toast by the time you're at altitude.
The H is a lighter airframe with a larger vertical stabilizer, the real difference comes from the ADI performance (WEP).
The manifold pressure or 'boost' of the D-30 Mustang we have in game is on I believe 67'' mmHg on WEP power (only mostly sure but its around there).
With the ADI (anti detonation injection) the P51H can run on much higher boost settings allowing it much more power, and in this case its 90'' vs 67'' of the D30. The gambit however is that the P51H only has I believe 8 1/2 minutes of this performance boosting WEP and then it becomes something akin to a D-5 Mustang off WEP (61'' mil power I think?)
I might not have remembered the exact numbers 100% correctly but suffice to say the P51H is going to kick the shit out of everything for nearly 9 minutes. To put it in perspective it is much better than the spitfire Mk 24 we have in game with the 150 octane fuel and 21lb boost.
I think Mustangs are the only planes in game with Meredith effect modeled. You open the rads on other planes because they cook too much. Thankfully on 109s the drag penalty for opening the radiators to 100% is pretty forgiving.
The radiators on a lot of radial einges like the P-47 are a different story, a lot of drag produced.
You can build your own tonk in From the Depths.
Weird, I only seem to have overheating problems in the Romanian G-2, never the G-14/K-4. Then again I climb, level out, set the throttle to 80%, cool, and repeat. Would I save time by just opening the radiators from the start?
Yes, as mentioned earlier the drag produced by the 109's radiators aren't that punishing.
At the 5 minute mark of every game make note of your altitude and compare it with your previous games to see if the changes you've made are making a significant difference to be sure.
agreed, high tier tanks are mostly a waste of time. there's this rough spot in the BR of both planes and tanks around 5.7-6.3 where all you are playing against is the higher end of the BR because most people don't play that high up, and the ones that do have already unlocked everything above you. I just gave up trying to upgrade the 109 g-14, g-10, k-4 and 190 a5/u2. the grind is insane for how fucking terrible both planes and tanks are unupgraded.
you either stay in BR 1-5.3 or you go all the way to the top and play jets.
well world of tanks has become pure shit ever since they fired the old balance team. I guess i was supporing the wrong game all along because at least WT wouldnt have used my research to misrepresent the tanks of a whole nation.
I along with another guy did all the research on the Swedish tanks for WoT
Why are slavs incapable of keeping bias out of their games, anyway?
Seems like every slav game has a huge issue with Russian bias.
At least I hope it's good.
The G-14 and G-10 are some of the only 109s with actual forgiving cooling performance. You can kinda auto them but its better to just put radiators at like 60% for them and leave it there unles you get in a big pickle. K4 seems to be better than it was heating wise but things like the F-4 are a furnace.
A bit of a crash course on MEC:
In any plane I fly I set my radiators for a level where they will never hit red for at least 20 minutes of WEPing, if that means 100% then I will do that and just lower it manually during combat. Set prop pitch to 100% (90%~ when not climbing as prop will create drag at 100% PP at high speeds), radiators to wherever I can WEP the most, and climb at 260kph IAS to the side. Mixture only effects a few planes but I know P-47 likes 80% and a lot of russian planes like 45%, don't mess with things other than radiator if you can help it. And learn where your supercharger changes are.
Its almost always better to just open radiators and WEP rather than lower throttle or just go mil power 100%.
Just get good, Russian shit kinda blows in this game unless its shit in the cold war and even then its equal to or worse than burgershit.
G-14 and K-4 are the only ones worth playing. They're also very much so worth spading as they're a dream to fly, just need to have somewhat competent teammates close by.
> Get good.
But, I only play Russian tanks because they're OP. That's the whole point. I'd prefer to play other shit, but, slav bias is so such that there's no reason to play vehicles that are like 10-20% worse for no reason.
>posted as I get HESH'd/HEAT-FSd by an undertiered stabilized allied tonk
>play tank in WT
>drive for a minute to the front line
>get one shot by enemy I can even see
why aren't y'all playing Wargame in preparation?
I can tell you what isn't a good tank game, and it's obviously World of Tanks.
Took me years but I've finally dropped it and it feels amazing. I'm glad I spent next to no money on it. Fuck Serb
Do people actually buy premium tanks?
The only one I've bought was the captured t-34 and that was with a 50% discount.
How can you not love this man)))))))
You'd be surprised.
well, I mainly play air AB, tank AB/RB, so I don't know if that's still the case. All I know is that in air AB the highest tier 109's fly like bricks before they are spaded, making it damn near impossible to get them leveled up in any reasonable amount of time as a f2p'er.
my all time favorite 109's are the F4 and G2, or the G6 with 30mm installed specifically for bomber hunting
Chi Nu II is fucking amazing.
100% regret the fucking Jap Tiger desu.
>Wasted days grinding on WoT
>Cannot be arsed to suffer another grindfest in WT
I had my fun with tank games i guess
I miss armored warfare, it used to be pretty decent
Not really, there's a reason it died.
But he could see you, so you are obviously doing something wrong.
Get gud
get gud
use binoculars
>premium tanks are now as good if not outright better than normal tanks
>introduce super heavy tanks with no weak spots (except premium ammo)
I wonder who could be behind this
War Thunder is a shit game. If you want a good tank game then Steel Armor by Graviteam is amazing
Oh wow, care to elaborate the "misrepresent the tanks of a whole nation" bit?
How's been working under WG anyways? I was always intrigued with military equipment researchers and their work.
We need a BR game with tanks
WT has it's issues, but it's getting there, over time.
The devs clearly have bitten off more than they could chew by trying to develop tanks, planes and ships at the same time.
Thank god, maybe then all the dumb weebs will leave tank games communities.
>gameplay looks even worse than wot
Not gonna happen so long as the WoT mods exist and the anime is around which won't be much longer
How can WT even compete?
Well im by no means professional im just a guy who is interested in tanks and has access to archive material. Though the other guy i worked with on the research is studying to become a historian now.
As for working with WG, well i dont think they know what the fuck they are doing. We were in contact with one guy on the balance team and other than that we met their historan twice when they were measuring the tanks at Arsenalen museeum.
i like how you think
As for the misrepresentation part. There is more to it than this but basically the top tier TD line vehicles are medium tanks and the others in that line either lack engines or guns. Some had their gun depression or traverse halved etc.
Should I buy Panzer IV G or stick with the F2?
Premium tanks being as good as normal tanks isn't an issue, the issue is that some of them have too unique styles that might make them either underpowered or overpowered
To be honest WG picks and choses stats as they wish. It's now commonplace. Ahistorical gun depression ranges, armor values, ammo choices etc.
G gets smoke launchers, and gets addon armor.
Wargaming have official collaborations with GuP for tanks were they helped with the GuP movie and maybe even with their new game
While on the Warships side they literally have official in-built anime voices and ships
>what is game balancing
>G gets smoke launchers, and gets addon armor.
F2 also has these.
I ask because G has 30mm thicker frontal armor and same BR as StuG III F.
>german tanks still catch fire, constantly get ammo racked, low pen values for the sake of history
>soviet tanks just get stats that make them work well
you only really notice the soviet bias once you start playing chinese shitboxes, which are basically just russian models without the bias
salamander killyourself
Smoke launcher on G is different.
It's the type with tubes sticking outside the turret, pointing to the sides. Ofcouse go for it. No reason not to.
You also get bonus RP for grinding out each tier of upgrades for a tank.
>AW on suicide watch
The game's been trash since 1.37, you fucking cuck.
>No reason not to.
Well I'm saving money for Panther D and don't wanna grid a new tank. G look nice though.
Credits shouldn't be an issue, at it least never were for me personally.
How much does panther cost again?
230,000. G is 100,000
the thing is that the tanks could have been balanced with the real stats in mind and they would have been under the older balance team. The czech and japanese tanks were for instance.
It fails to do some really fucking basic things, and the devs are clearly too lazy to do it all properly since instead of fixing shit they add yet more vehicles to bloat the roster and make more money
Fuck Gaijin , play good games about vehicles in war
You should be fine, You still have ausf H ahead and Panther itself.
>gravimeme games
Good question.
fav tank in aw
>shitting on the best tank sim on the market
Why are you still playing Bore Plunder
Guys how do we stop the T-14?
Press the brakes and see the turret fall off.
It stops itself
That's false, slav biased doesn't exist.
t. 2000h, Tier 5 for every nation.
>War Thunder doesn't even have adjustable gunsights
I wish WT went back farther and did WWI-era vehicles like WoT did. I want to play my tankfu, and all her 12 variations!
>want an old french whore
She outlived your german shitbox m8
>disgusting rust bucket with limited time vomit paint job
spoiler that shit next time
Br 1-2 is the most fun tier in the game tho. I'd love to have more bizarre interwar shit available, instead of boring-ass modern tanks. Same with planes- biplanes and open-cockpit ftw.
When the hell are ships coming out.