

>Russian character
>silvery blonde hair with blue eyes
Sasuga, Japan.

>russian character

AA girls usually are

Sorry to break it to you, but your wife (daughter) is a commie.

>all russians are commies

>Hey remember that old fart in the last case and his introvert son

>Let's have the DLC suddenly give him a Daughter/Sister who makes the introvert son look like a faggot

one of her lines describes that her mother used to be a russian soldier so she's technically half russian.

Uh what are you even talking about?

huh...I don't remember this at all but it seems you are right

Hey user, how about you actually finish the fucking case before you show up here

You seem to have a mix up on info

She can walk too.

If case 5 was split into 2 cases, what would the first half be called?

Turnabout Army?

Army was only the theming of this girl idiot.

Probably something like "Ownership of Turnabout"

Turnabout vote for Atishon.

No one told me this game has a sexy 12 year old.

Sorry, I was too busy being entertained by Datz to notice


You can have all the 12 year old loli's you want as long as you Vote ATISHON!

I thought it said Armie Butt for a second there

>almost no porn of her

What the fuck? We don't sexualize lolis here faggot!


>barefoot katawa NEET introvert blonde blue-eyed loli
Wew how have autists not jumped on this character? I was surprised when I got to this point of the game because from lurking threads I'd have assumed a character like this would be meme'd to death as early as pre-release

Sup Forums doesn't like loli

next you're going to tell me Sup Forums likes video games

>All those red stars and shit
>Not commie

Why didn't Phoenix adopt her?

AA isn't really that popular here.

But that's just concept art.