Name a sexier gun in All of Destiny...

Name a sexier gun in All of Destiny? Nothing in D2 so far even comes close to the Beauty and power of this dirty little handcannon.

Is this piece of shit game worth it? I'm an FPS god but I'm not dragging my friends into casual shit like this.

>I'm an FPS god
No, you're not.

I'm a LITERAL fps god you fucking child.

Stick to CAWADOODY kid.

I don't play shit games you fucking child.

>You must be 18 to post here.
Better get back to bed before your parents wake up little guy.

See me in Quakeworld you literal fucking shitstain.


Who the fuck are you? You're nobody.

Is this an FPS worth playing if you can point and click? That's literally a yes or no question you fucking mouthbreathers.

they aren't fun to use. Need to reload too often


Looks like one of these abominations which everyone bought then instantly tried to get rid of because they are pieces of shits.

What a shitty, generic design.

We're the rats

TLW was better

Looks like shit
Looks retarded
Lex prime looks better but they're both retarded
Yeah the Lato actually looks pretty good

Also the OP said -in destiny- not in f2p destiny

May or may not play for C9.

>tfw you're bored of all your games and have nothing to do until Destiny 2 releases for PC