Graveyard shift

>Graveyard shift
>10 am Yuro shift

Let's see how long this thread survives: Dragon's Dogma thread motherfuckers.

Post Arisens, Pawns, Screenshots, request rents for your pawns, whine about there being no DD news at TGS, tell your ideas about DD2 and most of all wolves hunt in packs!

I'm curious as to how many of the old-fags are gonna' buy it again on PS4/XBO despite owning it on PC.

I have no PS+ at the moment but the game is only 25€ and it's be a global new start for everyone.. could be fun.. I'm still debating because I'd also have to get PS+ in order to make use of the pawn system (at least I think so)

Is it confirmed you need PS+ subscription?

I don't even own it on PC, since I played it to death on my PS3. Still one of my favorite games, but there is just nothing for me to do anymore.

Not at all, I was just presuming it did. But then it's not really an online game, so who knows. I googled about this and supposedly back on xbox360 you didn't need xbox gold in order to play the game to its fullest. So here's hoping

Perfect evening relaxation time for Aus/NZbros
I want DD2 to play the same as DD1, but with a bigger and fuller world with more content. Enemies, missions, and equipment

The great think about having 3 pawns with Bolide is that they manage to cast it at least once an encounter.

The terrible thing about having 3 pawns with Bolide is that they manage to cast it at least once an encounter.

>Relax time.
I fucking wish. Low-level BBI runs can be very stress inducing.

Posting pawn for some rift bucks.
She is a nice fighter, give her some love
Lv. 41, Name Chiki

Why was Dragon's Dogma panned by the critics on release?

It got 2/5's everywhere. Why?


One problem with game journalists is that they can't spend much time with the game, and even as a huge fan you have to admit that the start is prretty weak. Also many technical issues. Don't know what the releases of Skyrim and Dark Souls could have to do with it. It also needed BBI to esbalish itself as the Dark Souls of rpgs.

>I'm still debating because I'd also have to get PS+ in order to make use of the pawn system (at least I think so)
technically it won't because PS+ is required only when matchmaking is involved. But your guess is good as mine

World Difficulty is really harsh early game. This cyclops took 24 ingame hours to defeat, and it's the one you have to kill before you get your own pawn.

Basically, hoard a ton of oil and throw it at him then lure him to the fire, then repeat because the fire only lasts like a minute (but he takes more damage while he's on fire), didn't try poison on him because there's no poison urns this early in the game

>tfw I fought him before knowing that mage can do different spells

What... there's a difficulty harder than hard mode?

literally ahead of its time

some pls post dragon's dogma vs skyrim review comparision by IGN

1) japanese arpg
1)a. not anime
2)not cinematic
3)not first person
4)old english
5)not transparent enough to grasp immediately

Its a meme mod made by a transsexual.

Basically replaces each enemy's static defenses to retarded levels, so you only do 1 damage for the first 50 levels or so. The only way to progress is by literally cheesing with blast arrows, throwback etc.

Why do you think?

I just now noticed the "rocket boost" sound on shearing wind and blitz strike.

>tfw started a new game hoping I'd get RC and knowledge from old save's pawn returns
>he was hired four times a day last week
>now zero times apparently


>gameplay: 6

>gameplay: 6
>gameplay: 9.5


It changes a lot of other shit, new encounters, new behaviors for enemies, conditional spawns, it's not just an HP sponge mod (this and the intro Chimera are the only spongy enemies I've fought thus far, gobbos and wolves are a bit hardier than before but not too hard to defeat (its kind hates ice and fire both!)

I'm still early game so I haven't gotten to the meatier foes, will be back to report on them later.

To the arisen that rented Geoffrey to the tune of 300k RC and gave him bitterblack armour 3 as a parting gift, you've done aught kind and unexpected. It may not have put a smile on my sleepy arisen's face, but thank you!

I like the options the clothes/armor system give for dressup.

>have a total of maybe 3 voice actors and roughly 2.7 different "characters" given voice between them to cover all the people and creatures in the game's fantasy universe
>10/10 perfect sound design

Nani por que the mother fuck.

God damnit hardmode Grigori makes me mad.
Hard mode is such trash in general

Thank you my man.

This just happened too
>Do the Rise of the fallen quest
>Start fight against boss
>Start casting
>She downs him before my cast is even done.

This is the pawn I wanted!!



As one user said earlier, it's artificial difficulty without the word being a buzzword in DD's case.

Warrior is so badass he only needs half the skills other classes have to shit on everything in the game. He doesn't need flashy special attacks, just cold, hard steel.

>turn on ignore vocation restrictions in dinput
>equip a magick shield
>Extra 3 skill slots (abyssal anguish on Greatsword/hammer is nuts)

I want 6 warrior skills not 3. Why would would i want that jank tacked on to the wrong vocation?

>I want 3 more charge up attacks
the entire warriors vocation can be summed up in 3 skills. Area, Knockdown, Money Shot The most egregious crimes against the warrior are it's poor damage late game, and it's lack of a move skill. Even like a back or a side step you could use while charging an attack would be just functionally orgasmic.


>more time were spent on minigames


teaching your pawn how to act according to your style

That's the point. I just want to add the lesser used skills to break up the the holy trinity every warrior uses. Adding the pawn jump, and war cry in addition seems like a reasonable request.

anyone else here always gives secondary pawns a moldy apple as a parting gift?

>he uses infinite stamina / infinite carry weight cheat mods
>"i-it's not a cheat, it's just quality of life!!"

Why don't you "quality of life" yourself to level 200 then with dragonforged end game gear, you little shit?

fucking Lol. how can anyone take IGN seriously? it irks me that this medium continues to generate loadsa money for its shareholders

Owned it on 360, never played the PC version
I have the XBO version preordered

Fighter pawn or heal/buff bot pawn?

Depends, what are you?


strider/ranger trained to mainly attack with bow.
Can't tell you how rare they are and how useful they are for just clearing fodder and flying enemies.

Oh shit, that's my pawn on the far right. I hope he hasn't gone full retard since I stopped playing.

not sure yet, was thinking about sword and shield assassin

Fighter. You won't need to worry about heals later on.

Sword and shield assassin actually isn't too bad. Your shield skills are nice and grant you some high mobility, plus sword assassin gets access to the ever-entertaining powder barrage.

I give hard bones to riftsluts I approve of and hoes to any I'm disappointed with.

Oh, the most important thing I forgot to note about powder barrage is that it's REALLY good at staggering enemies, knocking them over and sending them airborne. REALLY GOOD

Is it wrong that instead of choosing my pawns based on their class I just pick the one that is prettiest?

>Cyclops by waycastle suicided again before I could get to him


>dd only has 25 hours of gameplay
>character customization is part of skyrim's gameplay
>skyrim supposedly has a better character customization than dd
>dd has generic soundtrack despite having awesome unique soundtracks for every boss but skyrim gets a pass
Who the fuck trusts these people before buying a game

I want to start playing this again but I've no clue where I left off, so I'll start over again.
I've never played as a ranger/MA/MK, are they any decent?
Can I play as a MA and do alright without leveling as a sorcerer for 90 levels first?
Same question for magic knight.

I'm buying it again, third time for me.

fugg. I never used it but now I want to

Ben had a hard life

Powder barrage is bery gud for crowd control. Even the gunpowder trial leading to the explosive package deals minor damage to any enemies it comes in contact with.

Powder barrage can also protect you from mimic chests, if used correctly.

Place the charge in front of the chest, then run away and back, and ignite the fuse just before opening the chest.

I'm in postgame and want to kill the dragon on the road from grand soren to windbluff tower but that little shit just keeps flying over the river and takes a bath out of range for any weapons
Gives me a failed ambush quest every time I walk past there

>fighter pawn, 3 star bestiary, right inclinations
>he's perfect... but maybe I should finally try giving him shield skills
>hey I'll give him Shield Storm for skeleton lords and such
>and Shield Drum so he can tank if I summon casters, or aggro flyers
>and Divine Defense so big he can block hydra's tailswipe and other big attacks
And then his AI changes from spamming Blitz Strike / Dragon's Maw / Heavenward Lash to hiding behind a shield, or banging said shield for 90% of the fights.

I don't like the idea of AI mooks following me around, is the game viable to play solo?

Unfortunately, just plain dealing damage is usually a better way to generate enough aggro to make a monster focus on a pawn. Shield drum is good in context, but not in practice. Shield storm isn't bad though, but your pawn will tend to spam it quite a bit because it's both offensive and defensive.

I never thought of that. That's clever.

So I'm level sixtyish, Assassin. I've done the main story, done the ur dragon and got some everfall gear. I got the void key with almost no problems. But then this undead dragon wrecked me hard.

Do I new game plus and hardmode or just level up in the everfall more?

Yes there are even augment skills that give you a stat boost when traveling alone
I think you need the assassin class for that
At least for the first few levels I would use pawns tho

I thought Fishing Planet wouldn't work for me without PS+ seeing as it's always online. Works fine and it still shows other players in the game and has the chat function.
Hopefully DD will be the same with the pawns.

farm everfall bosses or just the urdragon specifically
once you got the best everfall weapons to dragonforged you should be fine with going to BBI

Is Bitterblack Island the Dark Souls of Addons?

Funny enough I've played this game so many times and yet I've never played as a female. When it came out on PC played as a Shota mage and his older female teacher who was also a mage. Was a fun playthrough, and when I start another game I liked to pretend the characters are descendants of the first character I made on that save, so I threw this character together. Going Magic Knight because out of the hundreds of hours in this game I never once played it. Also I've been wondering but are there any mods for the game that are actually worth it? All the ones I've seen are the stupid fucking infinite weight and stamina shit.

>is the game viable to play solo?
Yes, and it's fucking satisfying.
Just never try Mage or Sorcerer solo. It just doesn't work.

Warrior only has 2 charge up attacks, dude
People want 6 skills for the situational stuff that you can't really equip now because lmao 3 skills

>finally got around to getting the save manager so I can backup my NG++++ save as a short red-head mage girl and do something besides spam focused bolts
First reply tells me what vocation I'll go, anything besides another mage/wizard is fine.

Unarmed monk with 2 bloody knuckles.


MA and MK are both really good, MK is gamebreakingly good in dungeons
If you're playing on PC I recommend getting the mod that gives hybrid vocations better level up stats
Ranger is a worse strider for anything that isn't speedrunning bosses with tenfold

>If you're playing on PC I recommend getting the mod that gives hybrid vocations better level up stats
I would like to know more please.

You can set a portcrystal there and spawn on it
That might work

9 playthroughs in and I still wish the game had a dedicated dodge beyond just jumping. You take a random pawn and it's liable to jump whenever an enemy scratches its arse.

>Ranger is a worse strider for anything that isn't speedrunning bosses with tenfold
Ranger's raw stopping/killing power says otherwise. Nothing sends things sailing over cliffs like reaper's arrow does. Nothing shaves off multiple health bars in a single hit like reaper's arrow, either.

>getting the mod that gives hybrid vocations better level up stats
Better off tweaking it manually if you're gonna do that. The presets don't strike a good balance at all.

How do I do that? I haven't played since the PC release and there weren't any mods at the time.

Magick archer > all

Isn't there a mod that lets Warrior use six?

Brain splitter exists. Sure it's not a SINGLE hit, but you deeps is gonna be better than reaper arrow
Also, ranger is just boring, tenfold is his only top tier skill. He doesn't have a hailstorm volley type skill,Gamble sucks and reaper is just terrible bend but you can't move and have to time or it'll do shit damage.

This is just as painful to watch every time.

Nope, warrior doesn't even enough worthwhile skills to need six slots, which is why he doesn't

Core skills are supposed to be his bread and butter, not skills. And he excels at slaughtering just about everything with those

I think someone made a GUI for manual editing in one of the mod packs

Are you the same guy that keeps defending 3 skills? How does it feel when even devs realised their mistake and gave warrior a proper amount of skills in DDO and you're still here, shitposting?

Yeah, brainsplitter is multi-hit so it doesn't count. Won't deny that it's obscenely powerful as well, though.
Also, a lot of people seem to forget about or discount crippling arrow. Sure, it doesn't deal tons of damage on its own, but the hitzone defense reduction is actually a pretty big deal, especially if you land it on a monster's weakspot. It gets pretty silly if you crippling arrow with conqueror's periapts and/or blast arrows. With crippling arrow, you can just choose between blast arrows or conqueror's periapts and still melt daimon with amazing speed.


At level 35 i dont find BBI on hardmode any fun.

>He doesn't unlock Warrior's true funmode with CE to enable alt-class arts and six slots

>multi-hit so it doesn't count
Oh come on dude, 90% of skills in this game are multihit, even shit like the Arc and, I'm pretty sure, the Lash