What are some games with good archery?

What are some games with good archery?

None at all.


Not Crysis 3

The bow in crisis 3 in fun


Fistful of Frags

That 2mph arrow gets me every time

I always wondered if you can catch the arrows because the pick up prompt is there for a split second

Mountain Blade

Turok 1 and 2

Zelda for the arrow arc, Horizon for arrow impact, TF 2 for satisfying arrow headshot.

Non because archery is fucking gay!
Go suck off an arrow if they are so great!!



BotW actually makes archery fun. I wouldn't say the whole usage and posture of using a bow is highly detailed and realistic, but it's fun to use and the path the arrow takes is very real and natural feeling. Gyro aiming is a blessing.

Gothic 3

Thief 1-2 or the dark mod.

I love the bow in bf4, but god damn i'm so shit with it.

Far Cry 3 was alright.

i saw it too

yea Oblivion had a surprisingly satisfying archery system especially given how shit the rest of combat was


Fun, accurate, powerful.

OP said games

Tomb raider