The great debate

The great debate

there is no debate. video games are gay and so are you

More people have played Horizon than BotW.

Don't think that is true with PC emulation. But more people have played Horizon than people have played Zelda on Switch.

>Videogames are gay
>On Sup Forums


I fell for the horizon meme, just another shitty open world game. Game play loop gets old quickly and it's too easy to get the best gear. Also story is shit.

Got bored in the desert area not played it since.

i haven't played either of these, but I'm not buying the "le manface xdd" and "botw = goat" memes. one has you running through dungeons and doing puzzles and one has you hunt robot dinosaurs. am I missing anything?

Knack 3 will beat them both

Horizon is SJW trash, Zelda is a mediocre game, overhyped by paid "journalists".

yeah but which one is better

both have you hunting "big things", the dungeons in botw are filler content

Zelda is better overall, but Horizon has better combat by a pretty large margin IMO.

The open world design in Zelda is far superior though,

Horizon looks better
Zelda plays better

I honestly think the bow is nicer to use in BOTW but HZD's has more impact on hits. I can't say much good for BOTW's melee combat, but when the other has none, there's nothing to compare.

You mean which one is worse?

One plays like a game, the other barely runs at 15fps

>more impact on hits
Except when you are fighting humans. I also appreciated that BOTW's arrows actually had some drop on them.

I though the robo dino models were cool, but every encounter plays out the same, nothing unique between dinos at all. Lay trap, shoot shiny.

All shitposting aside, HZD actually runs a fairly stable 30fps out of all things.

To me the answer is obvious. One has better combat, graphics and technical performance. Combat is the main part that is fun about these games so there.


You sure we played the same game?
You can't just lay a trap and shoot a weakspot. If you do that you'll die.


Wow I threw an arrow at a dinosaur

Sounds like Zeldur, honestly.

He just missed out the dodging part. Obviously you aren't going to kill a dinosaur in one trap.

Or i threw a grenade. Or i chained a robot down to stun them. Or i set it on fire. Or i froze it to increase my damage twofold. Or i corrupted it so it fights for me. Or i used a machine gun to kill it.

>Combat is the main part that is fun about these games so there
What? BotW isn't even about combat. You can play the whole game without fighting a fucking thing except the bosses.

That is a big dynamic. Some enemies aren't good for using traps. Especially the flying ones.
But combat is still the main part that is fun. If i wanted to do other shit i would play The Witness or GTAV.

That is exactly what i did and i had no trouble with any encounter really.

Fuck you retard. If you cant enjoy the GOAT open world game then you should just kill yourself

You're supposed to use the bow, ya dummy.

You are using hyperbole to say the least. OR you didn't play against all the different enemies.

>Horizon is SJW trash

no it's not

>black muslim female head scientist from tehran in burka

Not really, please explain the different tactics you used. It's just traping, shooting and dodging with every enemy maybe flying being the exception.

I am not saying it is impossible to do this but you wouldn't do this if you were a normal person. Most people actually use the different elemental effects.

Can't say much about Zelda but Horizon was one of the most boring games I ever played. It's literally just your standard generic empty open world with nothing to do. The only decent parts of the game are visuals and combat to some extent. Everything else is just bad. Got it for free with PS4 bundle and was very happy to sell this piece of shit.

They are both good


>Horizon is SJW

If it didn't feature gameplay where you lick black man's butthole like white people do in San Francisco, then no.

So Zelda then.

BotW has nothing to do either. Shrines and korok seeds do not count as content


Op is a faggot and has always been, no debate

Sup Forumsfag here, nothing about Horizon was SJW trash beyond female protagonist
fuck off retards

Yeah, same. This game was just fucking boring, especially when compared to other open-world RPG, like Witcher 3.

How many open world RPGs have you played? It's trash compared to Morrowind/Witcher 3/Gothic 2, sure but it's miles beyond Ubitrash

You can tell when a person hasn't played HZD when they use the SJW BOOGEYMAN excuse.
There are exactly two moment in the game with anything resembling SJW bullshit. One is in a text log, and the other is when a quest giver suggests Aloy use her reward to buy a pretty dress and she goes "Excuse me?".
The first major antagonist in the game is a black dude who kidnaps and rapes white women.

I don't understand why people compare these games.
HZD is far more similar to Witcher 3 than it is BotW.

Dude, too many to count. I'm a multiplat oldfag (PC+PS3/4). Horizon just didn't capture my attention at all - the world while beautiful was empty and all there was to do it hunt at infinitum or follow uninspired storyline. Besides, I don't even think throwing ubisoft bland turds there to compare is a valid point. They don't claim to be RPG, unlike Horizon.

What about the 60+ side quests, most of which are pretty decent. This isn't including the 40 shrine quests, which are usually puzzles but sometimes more.
I don't like either because I'm fucking tired of open world games, last one I really enjoyed was TW3 but even then I avoided all collectibles and just did the main quest with a few side quests that seemed interesting, and even that put me at 70 hours which is decent.

Zelda redefined the open world genre

Horizon was a by the books ubisoft open world with SJW undertones

Where was the SJW shit? I played the game and I didn't see shit.
t. Trump supporter

I think it's because they came out around the same time and they're console exclusives.

>by the books ubisoft open world
Except it has shit to do in it and the combat was actally good.

combat isn't the entirety of gameplay.

>black muslim female head scientist from tehran in burka
so you didn't play the game

that's in bloodborne, too.

retards think this is the final boss

It is the main point of the game.

BOTW is far more innovative, the world is alive with it's physics, i expect tons of games are going to take notes from BOTW in the future

While HZD's world is static as fuck, the graphics are 2017, but the gameplay is 2007, it doesn't evolve from the Ubisoft formula at all

But really it comes down to what you like, a cinematic polished experience or more of a focus on gameplay with story taking a backseat

I bet you're just one of those salty nintendo fanboys making up bullshit about horizon to shitpost it.

>Medival dating sim with trash combat
To each their own.

wow... such great combat. Horizonfags btfo.

Kill yourself, shitposter.

Well, 4 year bestselling console VS just released console

If by that point in the game, that's the only way you know how to fight him.... just stop and sell your ps4. There are like 20 different and better ways to kill him much faster.

Fucking retarded to do one hit, dodge and repeat until he's dead. Whoever recorded this shit did not learn a damn thing and just rushed through the entire story just to record it so he can be the first to put it up on youtube.

not an argument

More like ps4 actually had 4-5 really great games the month horizon was released. I remember Gravity Rush 2 among them.

Meanwhile Switch only had Zelda.. so of course all buyers would pick up Zelda since there was barely a choice. It was either that or 1-2 switch...

They're both overrated, mediocre games.

you sound fucking retarded

I don't care about Horizon, but not only is Botw's combat garbage, it's utterly pointless.

BoTW outsold Horizon months ago and you can emulate it.
BoTW has way more players

Also pirate on Wii U

>cacti explode just by walking into it while riding something
>you just phase through it when walking
Are people still defending this trash?

BoTW is better. It has better gameplay.

nice assblast

Was someone insecure enough about all the videos of Aloy clipping through everything that they went on and made these? Wew

imagine being this mad over a video game

This isn't a very good webm user.

what's so bad about it it proves you wrong

Yeah man, we're the mad ones

>when Aloy spazzes out after hitting the target
Holy shit.

>smashing objects


But why does she freak out after hitting the first target? I've seen Bethesda games that have never done that.


and it's also super shit how you can't fly/glide in Zero Dawn in such a huge world. OH and it borrows the worst mechanic of third-person shooters & FPS in general. Health Regen.
Fuck that.
It did a fuck ton of things wrong.

>Health Regen.
so you retards keep showing you dont play the game


Well yeah I get that you're mad about people criticising your shitty game but that doesn't answer the question.

I wish chink moot would delete Sup Forums once and for all

so this is what extreme mad looks like when you get proven wrong


Proven wrong how?
Are you trying to say the spazzing was intended?

thisnow go away mad man

ITT: nintenbros making shit up again why horizon is so bad only to prove they never actually played the game

This is why nobody likes nintenyeardrones. Bunch of rabbi fanboys that would go to any lengths to shitpost games they never played just because it's not on their console.

me too but horizon sucks dick
