What's the baddest you've ever been at a video game?
What's the baddest you've ever been at a video game?
Literally anytime I feel the stakes are high.
I can be amazing at a hard game until I figure out dying sets you back massively and suddenly it's choke city.
>tfw suck at Sonic Mania
>everyone is showing off their 72 lives and shit while I'm struggling with every level after the second
At first I thought we just sucked at the game as kids because me and my nephew only made it to the third level ONCE but it turns out this version of the game was so poorly designed that it legitimately was hard as balls.
you wouldn't like eve online or dayz (some of my favorite games)
I love the stress. The tension sets you free.
I keep dying on Reimu/Marisa in Imperishable Night on Normal difficulty. This game is considered the easiest in series, yet I keep dying like retard.
I have 1CC'd Touhou 2, 6, 10, 11 and 12, but can't get past Stage 4 in 8. Shameful.
genesis version is a lot better.
Any platformer ever, but 2d in particular.
Rhythm games bore me to death, so I don't even bother trying when I play them. Pressing butting in the order a game tells you too, cuts half the fun out of a video game.
I don't know what to tell you but Sonic Mania isn't that hard.
I really want to git gud at fighting games but I just can't
Everywhere I see people complain that SFV is too simplified and babymode and I still can't hit silver after 300 hours
Marisa's stars have smaller hitboxes than it looks other than that it's just practice
since you said Reimu/Marisa I'm guessing you keep switching characters which is bad since you're only getting half the practice, just stick to one and practice their spellcards
Roll down slopes and hold the jump button down when you bounce off something. How can you fuck up at classic Sonic with WIDESCREEN?
Playing Soul Caliber 2 for the first time against my friend who owned a copy.
I couldn't land a SINGLE HIT, he was dodging from above and below, using mechanics I didn't even know existed. I just immediately ragequit after one or two matches
I dunno, I haven't ever played a Sonic game to a serious extent.
I'm still learning how to play it well and I'm getting better. I beat it but I didn't get all the Chaos Emeralds so I gotta go through it again.
It's just too hard for me. I don't like randomized curtain fire that showers everything on screen. I start to panic and lose lives.
You can get all the emeralds earliest by Chemical Plant Act 1. The trick to special stages is to prioritize blue spheres first then rings. To know when to pick up the instant mach level ups too.
Any fighting game. I'm all fucking thumbs button mashing mongoloid. I think I had a brief stint of being good at the original Smash back in the day, but then Melee had waving dashing and whatever shit like that, I can't do crap like that I'm too old, leave me alone.
Try sm4sh
Victoria 2. I bought it from Steam and I don't have time to fully learn how to play. Makes me feel like a brainlet.
>hand somebody Mario for the first time
>they carefully try the buttons to see what they do and then press each button with purpose
>hand somebody a fighting game for the first time
>they start flailing their hands on the controller and pressing every button at once while wildly pissing the stick in random directions
why do people do this? it doesn't make sense
Yeah, you can get to the fourth level on genesis.
I can't play dayz without alcohol, stress gets too much and I start shaking without it
I guess starcraft broodwar
Mario doesn't have intricate button combinations, he won't suddenly do a magical ball attack if you press forward, forward, light kick, low kick, back, or something
Trying to play Warcraft 3 after five years of not playing any rts games. Feeling flustered 15 seconds in and hitting an blistering 0.5 apm.
I've got a ton of work to do if I ever want to get good at these games again.
Mines aren't seeded until after the first click though.
>Micromanaging a fight to save a whooping 100HP across multiple units.
>Meanwhile all the building queues are empty and the workers constructing that building have been idle.
feels bruh, feels
>All of the small efficiencies you create by being attentive and micro-managing are thrown in the bin because you don't know the meta/matchups and didn't build the right counter unit or handle a battle the correct way.
so the reason people do that is they're hoping to throw out some random special moves? huh, the more you know.
I think it's just that they panic in a competitive situation.
>brother has a really bad habit of seriously overhyping how good I am at games
>I go over to his friends house with him one day
>Arkham Origins, or City, whatever, doesn't matter much
>brother convinces him to let me have a go to demonstrate
>I die on the first brawl segment
>the first brawl segment
I've never been so ashamed. Granted it was a PS3 controller when I'm used to 360, but the mappings are more or less the same.
Some of the older windows 98 versions did though
If mines aren't seeded till you click why do they allow a mine to be under your first click?
Same allthough i find them actually fun and would love to try them at arcades but boy i am literall dsp tier at them
i remember taking over 3 tries just to clear easiest setting songs in eba minus 1 song
fuck that little girl song
I couldn't get past Xavier in Sengoku Rance.
Worst feeling was a nomad game of AoE2 where I didn't scout and got scouted and got walled in and had my woodline compromised by towers
My feudal time was still great, it was just a very specific counter to the position I was in. But I've never felt more shit or impotent at a video game.
When I went to Smash tournaments. It was fun for a while, but I never put so much effort into it as some of the guys.
Also the smell
how do you play minesweeper anyhow? is it just chance?
It's mostly reading instructions and filling in blocks with occasional chance based decisions. But you can and should figure out what the odds for each block are.
I'm really giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming you're just ignorant rather than just baiting.
The number on a block refers to how many mines it is touching.
So a 1 surrounded by revealed tiles that is only touching one untested block means that one has to be a mine, etc.
the number on a tile denotes the number of mines surrounding that specific tile, say the number is 4 then that means there are four mines that could be on any of the 8 (or less) tiles surrounding it
I've barely ever played fighting games and this one friend would always put smash bros on at his parties, so I'd get completely wrecked because I don't know what's going on and they've played it for like 15 years.
The numbers under the squares tell you how many mines are adjacent to that square. It's all* logic until you've done it enough that it becomes about pattern recognition.
*Ok yeah occasionally you have to guess but it's pretty rare.
Keeping auto-fire on when I teleport crew over in FTL is pretty goddamn embarrassing.
80% are lying. Just join any Sup Forums lobbies and you"ll see.
I'm terrible at anything strategy. Turn based, real time, whatever.
I played the Medieval 2 Total War beginner campaign on easy and had to let the computer handle fights because I kept losing. I couldn't get past any of the first missions of Soldiers: Heroes of WW2. I had to use a guide after the first couple of missions of Advance Wars: Dual Strike.
If I play RTS games like C&C or similar, I have to play Skirmish on easy with an AI on my side in order to have a chance.
I did this once. I also forgot to teleport my crew back.
I hate this game's guts.
This pic accurately describes my entire life.
Because that's the most consistent way to win fighting games easily unless you're playing against professionals
>playing tekken against a girl
>get rekt
>be the worst in a group
>they all lose to a girl
>I win every time despite her actually knowing more optimal combos
Did she lower her power level because of my Chad abs or did I just have superior neutral
i tried playing quitar hero and absolutely sucked dick in it, it was like on easy and i still failed almost everything
Super Mario Galaxy. Shit was hard.
Talk shit about Manchester United with serious football dude's
End up with we argee to fight by play winning 11
Bet around $100 USD on myself
Fight again because Me and my friend both wants red shirt
Said Fuck it .. and both side is red.
Change many controller between first half
Many Yelling in second half
Friend get free kick, yank controller real hard
PS2 broken
We start punched each other
A lot of Shit in the room...
That's user.
have you ever thought about looking at what the AI does and doing the exact same?
YOU will be the one escaping!
to be fair how was he supposed to know he had to jump from the box?
I've ALWAYS sucked fucking terribly at MGO2. When they brought it back I thought Id have more patience to actually learn it. I still suck just as much as day one.
Now I just play BF4 and I'm actually pretty good at it. I just always play with bunch of fucking idiots that down know how to PTFO.
common sense?
I couldn't beat the Knight in Yukiko's Castle. It didn't help that I barely understood the several leveling systems in Persona. One day I'll try again.
>"Huh I can't seem to get enough height out of my jumps."
>"Better just keep doing the same thing again and again, surely it'll work!"
what knight?
This guy.
I think I might have done in the past? Like, trying to mirror an opponent's moves.
Generally I think it's a problem with thinking ahead, I have real difficulty doing that. I tend to react to stuff more than be proactive.
It's a problem in fighting games and stuff like air combat games as well; you're generally expected to try and think of what your opponent will do next so you can counter it, but I can't do that. I have difficulty with boardgames, chess, etc as well for that reason.
I'm very unobservant.
Enter the Gungeon
Killed every past(including bullet and robot), the lich, got lead god with the robot, etc. So I know my shit
I do a jammed run with the bullet, and a friend decides to watch me play. No biggie. Play flawlessly, and eventually get to Dragun with about 6 hearts, two armor pieces, and three blanks. He's jammed, whatever, should be easy.
Dumb damage after dumb damage after dumb damage, I reach his second phase, should be real fucking easy right to mop up right? No, I somehow eat three hits on the first wave and wipe the run
They don't.
OP's picture is impossible in most versions of Minesweeper.
Same here, i can't count the number of game overs i had in the first few zones
Mark Twain answered your question long before you were born:
>"There are some things that can beat smartness and foresight? Awkwardness and stupidity can. The best swordsman in the world doesn't need to fear the second best swordsman in the world; no, the person for him to be afraid of is some ignorant antagonist who has never had a sword in his hand before; he doesn't do the thing he ought to do, and so the expert isn't prepared for him; he does the thing he ought not to do; and often it catches the expert out and ends him on the spot"
Isn't it literally impossible to get a mine in the first click
>need for speed underground (maybe? im not sure which one)
>get steering wheel and pedals because im like 12
>cant even finish first race
>play 8h
>still stuck with first race
>next day play 8h
>still nothing
>decide fuck it, play with keyboard and finish race
>still feel bad about wasting money on a meme wheel.
Depends on what implementation you play
Shit I recall I downloaded one about a year ago off the Android store and it seeded upon start, not on first click
its nice becoming better and better with time but it can be reall frustrating to be shit sometimes
League of Legends.
Honestly love the game. But have been playing since S2 and havent been able to pass Silver II
never played it but Gold sounds not too bad considering that KD
My friend always used to get butthurt when an enemy did something dumb that he didn't expect and thus cause him to miss his suprise attack
Good times
Mine field was additing as fuck
First time I played pic related. I'd never played a Souls game before, so that didn't help. I ran out the clinic and got mauled by the werewolf, picked my weapons up in the dream, came back and it took me four tries to kill the fucker. Then I ran outside and made it to the first alley leading to the bonfire with all the patrols walking around, and couldn't make it past. Ragequit soon after, and didn't pick it up again until a few weeks ago. I've gotten pretty gud since then, and now it's one of my favorite games of all time.
Yeah if you're not accustomed to souls games it it can be brutally hard, but you got it user, i believe in you.
Why is this so funny
When I played the first Dark Souls, I didn't know you could lock-on. It was also my first Souls game and I hadn't seen gameplay or guides, so it was already hard enough. I got up to the gargoyles but couldn't beat them. Got invited to a guy's place to play so he could help me with them, then he asked "why aren't you locking-on to anything?" and just like that, it was as if I had discovered easy mode.
there is a version which never has a mine on your first click and generates the mines after you click
>Friend tries to teach me to be good at real fighting games
>Do the training mode
>Take the time and practice out the moves and learn basic combos
>Ok, let's have a practice match
>Instantly forget everything and become a bumbling retard
Fightan gaems are fucking sorcery to some people.
wow you mean like every fighting game ever
Battlefield 3/4 easily. I literally can't fucking see what's going on in those games. It's funny because I was pretty good at bc2
you mean every minesweeper ever?
Pretty much every fighting game.
well obviously not the one in OPs pic
The final mission in the original Assassins Creed. It wasn't even that difficult but the fucking templars kept ganging up on me and didn't even allowed to fucking parry them. I ended up breaking my mouse because of it
In any RTS when it looks like I'm rocking because I'm being aggressive instead instead of cautious. Then as soon as I notice my resources are going to get low, I start withdrawing my forces a bit to have reserves. Then I end up doing bad because my assault is to weak. End up spending up my resources to recover. I get fucked.
literally me.
>you're the last man of your team standing
>enemy is a literal aimgod
>feel 4 russians preparing a total chimpout just ready to be unleashed over mic
>drop the ball like a total idiot
I'm shit at everything with turn-based combat.
I love XCOM but I have savescum even at low difficulties with extended timers if I don't want my campaign to end after two months.
Same with Divinity:OS, I can barely beat any group of enemies on the first try. Sometimes it takes a shitload of wipes and reloads until I clear even trash mob groups.
I guess I'm not intelligent enough.
lmao I'm the complete opposite. I have 200 hours in Xcom 2 playing ONLY ironman.
However, I watched a really good player complete legend/ironman so I have a general idea of what to do. Killing packs in one turn etc...
>Go to friends house
>They want to play FIFA on PS3 and have clocked a great deal of playtime in it across the the many annual iterations
>I have never played a FIFA game before
>I have never played on a PS3 before
>He gives me the best team he can find and takes one of the worst for himself.
>Thanks to only a basic understanding of the controls from his quick rundown and a lack of familiarity with the button placement I still lose comfortably.
This literally cannot happen
If he had more than 2 brain cells he would had gotten it after the first jump failed