How do I stop eating when playing vidya
How do I stop eating when playing vidya
Use both hands.
>tfw I overeat
back to /ck/ with you boyo
I bet your controller is really greasy
Don't think about eating
Stop being fat
Chew gum.
I never eat while playing games it's too distracting
play more engaging games.
if you absolutely have to eat, maybe eat some fruit. also keep a bottle of water nearby.
>if you absolutely have to eat, maybe eat some
Protein.. FTFY.
Eat nuts. Walnuts, almonds, cashews etc
I had the exact opposite problem. Games kept me so occupied that I would often get shakes due to lack of eating.
Asuka a shit
How is this an issue?
I can't even think of eating when doing things and have days where I forget to eat. I'll never understand how people actually get fat. Fat people are disgusting and should purge themself off this world. I'd say hang yourself but me and you both know you'd break the rope
>eating near your keyboard
>not eating your keyboard
fuckers are stupidly calorie dense
>playing game for hours
>remember I haven't eaten all day
The fuck do you have against calories?
Unsaturated fats and protein. Can also be low in salt and carbs depending on the nut. You shouldnt eat carb heavy snacks after dinner and nuts are a good solution. They are pretty filling anyway, so 2-4 handfuls should be enough
>have days where I forget to eat.
Eat breakfast, brush teeth, forget about food.
Get a different addiction. Black coffee or cigarettes won't make you fat. Or chew gum like said
Whenever you want a snack drink water, coffee, or a zero calorie beverage instead. Do push-ups during loading screens. How I lost weight in HS
Just watch Joey'sworldtour after you eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner then want to vomit if you think about eating anymore.
Have your mommy move your snacks out of your reach.
>if i'm non-stop playing vidya I can go days without eating a good meal
>as soon as I do stop I eat everything in sight
I get this is some sort of eating disorder lite but I can't stop
This doesn't even look like Joey.
Good thing your body isn't a fire.
Good job you just gave OP.lung cancer and made his clothes smell even worse. My dad smoked around me every day when I was in school and literally ruined my lungs giving me asthma and making me known as the kid whos clothes smell like shit. My dad is a retarded fuck and has to eat all the time when he isn't smoking or getting high like the degenerate retard meth head he is so that's just another stepping stone to addictive habits.
speak better about my wife
if my body was a fire... eating nuts would be bad
sorry, I'm half asleep
I will if she wasn't such a shit
Chew gum or eat the shelled sunflower seeds.
Just don't be an autist and eat the shells.
Because your body fills you up on protein. Also, personally, nuts are a good snack if you're a fat fuck because you'll stop eating them sooner than chips or sweets because they aren't so good you want to eat an entire bag/jar/etc
Shut up Ace we already know Zero wants you dead.
that's incredibly subjective
>because they aren't so good you want to eat an entire bag/jar/etc
H-haha, yeah, who'd eat a whole bag, r-right?
That would be why I qualified it as a personal statement
>tfw games are the reason why i don't eat as much
Eating feels like a chore
Spoken like a man who's never fumbled his way through an entire thing of pistachios in one day.
>friday off
>wake up before noon
>play vidya
>"oh yeah breakfast"
>only make cup of tea
>play vidya
>"time to go out"
>go out and start drinking
>realize didn't eat all day
not eating enough is jsut as bad as eating too much
>your fingers afterwards
>Calorie is defined as the approximate amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius at a pressure of one atmosphere
Stop being ugly, cheap cosplaying roastie.
You eat in response to anger. So you need games that don't make as angry. preferably the kind of games where you have to work on something or build something, like terraria or rune factory or monster hunter. games which take time and reward you for it.
Man I'd kill for a good roast right about now.
It's a unit of energy. Your body requires energy to do things. Did you drop out of high school?
Don't buy snack
either way, stuff that's good for you. fruits was the first thing I came up with, is generally cheap and accessible and is sweet.
I know it isn't but I suffer from minor anorexia due to how much I hate the idea of being fat so doesn't really bother me much.
its impossible to eat if youre dead
so kill yourself you faggot
True facts stated by a pro esport player
He won't be fat though
>tfw Sup Forums is full of fatties and skeletons
where my skinnyfat homies at
Drink water, and take a small one min exercise break every 30 mins.
What are some games with shit loading times? I wanna get buff
>skinny fat
Yeah I'm rich poor here bro cause I also lack a functioning brain and an understanding of words.
skinnyfat is an actual term ya brainlet
Smash one of your teeth with a hammer. The pain will make chewing/eating unpleasant
eat while gaming
im not very fat but i overeat nuts too, it might not be a solution for many people. today i ate 10 oz of trailmix with the little chocolates, and ive done the same with straight unsalted almonds, cashews, pistaccios, its not a cheap fucking addiction. of course though i only buy a bag every once in awhile since it IS so expensive but if youve got money to buy chips and soda every fucking day you might be fucked
>not buying the deshelled
literally fucking why? what the fuck is wrong with you? the same sized bags, and yet the deshelled despite actually having more nuts costs LESS because they sell it based on weight. you are a retard if you buy shelled pistaccios, enjoy your fucked up fingers nigger
>b-but i eat it for the activity of deshelling
i recommend either pumpkin or sunflower seeds instead. pumpkin can be deshelled but are soft enough to eat easily with no digestive problems, sunflower seeds are optional as well but are harder and can eventually lead to digestive problems. pistaccios are hard as rock and a quarter of them are almost completely fucking closed and hurt like fuck to peel open
I've never even seen deshelled being sold anywhere.
t. yurofag
I'll fill you up if you know what i mean
they sell deshelled 10 oz bags here in mississippi for 8 bucks at walmart, you might be able to order deshelled online