I'm still made about scalebound

let’s take a quick trip down Memory lane, shall we?
>Mad World: 3 year dev cycle
>Bayonetta: 2.5 year dev cycle
>Vanquish: 3 year dev cycle
>Metal Gear Rising: 18 month dev cycle
>Bayonetta 2: 2 year dev cycle
>Wonderful 101: 2 year dev cycle
>Korra and Transformers: 12-18 month dev cycle
>Ninja Turtles: 8-12 month dev cycle
>Nier Automata: 2 year dev cycle

>Scalebound: 4 year dev cycle, canceled
I’m sure that doesn’t matter,
I’m sure it doesn’t matter at all

Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw never will be hyped about Scalebound again
>tfw never will customize dragon bro armor and personalize his attack tactics.

Also, monthly reminder it was Phil Scumbag the man who killed the dream:

I would honestly be super surprised if crackdown 3 came out at this point. I was almost certain it was due to be out october, but the pushback basically cemented a cancellation.

fuck xbox

Those underperforming niche titles allowed them to carve themselves into an industry that is fucking terrible to break into in AAA days.

Arthus Gies needs to off himself.

Maybe it's sour grapes, but I'm actually okay with its cancellation. If it had been made, then I would have had to drop four hundred bucks to play it.
I just wish it had been cancelled sooner, so Kamiya could have worked on something else.
This brings up a good question. Does the Xbone have any exclusives worth buying?

That's funny because dev cycles used to be much shorter than they are now.

I'm in awe at how people try to defend Microsoft in this scenario, when they have done this shit before, and will keep on doing it. Truly, Xbros are the worst fanbase on Sup Forums on average, just not plentiful enough to matter.

Oh look it's Polygon Doom review guy.

I'm pretty sure it got announced for PC a few months before it got cancelled.

Anyone who saw any of the extant gameplay footage knew it was going to be a total fucking slog.

I'm glad it got cancelled.

What is the 2nd tweet referring to?

>(arthur gies)

Do these people live on twitter?

Everytime I go to check out one of their posts, they end up having 300 tweets a day

How the fuck do I find the time for that? Is it literally their dayjob? Why should I listen to anybody that has a dayjob tweeting

Until ~5 years of developent cycle is fine. To make great games take time.

That said, more than ~7 is an indicative that they don't know what they are doing and the game is problably horrible.

I can't say how much is fault of microsoft or platinium, but scalebound looked to be a horrible game in the videos they released.

I pretended to be mad about the cancellation, even though I didn't know the game existed and literally not 1 person ever talked about it.

I'm really happy that Automata saved Platinum. It felt like a genuine passion work that probably made Kamiya forget about Scalebound's disaster and the fact he showed up on one of Taro's livestreams in Emil's mask was extremely cute.

It felt forced as fuck, and way, way of Platinum's style.

Can't believe MS almost killed Platinum

>Scalebound: 4 year dev cycle, canceled
3 years actually.
The cancellation announcement comes almost a full year after Microsoft stop funding it.


I don't think kamiya worked on N:A

I never knew so many people were hyped about scalebound.

>posting some random hipster fuck's worthless opinions of the vidya industry
why are you doing this

>conveniently blocking out X-2, XIII-2 and XIII-3

They weren't. Until it got cancelled.

They won't cancel Crackdown 3 at this point, that's for certain, but the game development must've been hell after all the years and delays, this last pushback was made out of desperation to not release another >70 MC score exclusive game

I'm sure Microsoft Studios is to blame. They probably "suggested" Kamiya to change many things during development, resulting in endless delays.

game looked gay as fuck anyway desu

he's referring to platinum. even though it doesn't make sense

Hopefully Kamiya has learned that full creative freedom is better than stronger hardware and he'll put that into consideration when thinking of publishers for his next game.


Why people wouldn't? There is literally nothing else with that concept coming any sooner, just more shitty sandbox shooters and indie retro hipster platformers.

>Arthur Gies making excuses for MS again

Thank God he retired.

>DURR HUR i get all my social interaction and opinions from Sup Forums only
Plenty of people where hyped about it.

Your face looks gay as fuck, yet you didn't get aborted.

Its cause they just HAD to have coop in the game. I didbt want to play it with friends and now I cant play it at all

And there was a lot less potential and a lot less expectation in those days. Then shit like Doom, Wolfenstain, and Quake got made, exponentially increasing the demands for development either financially or in manhours. Programming a 3d engine is not a joke, and including features like multiplayer was even more convoluted since there wasn't a pre-existing model to refer to.

FF days you could reuse engine, sprites, tiles, spells and story was limited.

It's also very slanted when you say underperforming. Platinum has never worked with a big budget and a lot of their games have had really short development times, the only games of theirs that truly underperformed were Mad World and Anarchy Reigns, every other title they did was made so quickly and cheaply that what little sales they managed to get was still profitable. Underperforming my ass, they sold accordingly, great in fact given their development cycle. There's a reason Platinum hasn't went under, and it's because they always cut a profit. Scalebound nearly bankrupted them from the time and effort that went into it only for it to be cancelled, but luckily Nier Automata was a huge success and saved them.

It looked like an interesting concept with a decent soundtrack and some typically corny JP acting. It was at least something intriguing and new. Instead we get a shitty GTA clone that doesn't do anything truly interesting.

im fairly certain what happened with scalebound was that microsoft wanted some sort of boy an his dog-alike adventure game to compete with last guardian, platinum wasnt pleased with shitting out "cinematic" shovelware so they made an effort of trying to make a good game and completely missed the boat to a point that microsoft just gave up on competing with last guardian and cut losses because it was just an attempt at a dick-waving contest, not an actual effort on their part to put out a quality game for the console

but it didn't even look good

>Mountain Blade: Bannerlord: NEVER EVER dev cycle

Who the fuck thinks trailers and videos make out for the final game? This game needed a chance.

how were the trailers or early gameplay footages for their other games?

>be a lazy dev
>expect to get $60 for some FOTM multi-player rooty shooty garbage
>cry about FUKKEN WEEABOOS when i buy japanese games with single-player content instead of buying the same shitty, MP-only, e-celeb shilled boomheadshot simulator/poorly made unfinished survival sandbox crafting shitheap over and over again

if developers are providing less content then they need to stop expecting to get paid $60-$100 for their dumbed-down counterstrike clones or 60 minute long walking simulators.

I'll put it this way, if the game was made by any other developer I wouldn't give a shit. What the game was going to be was only interesting because of who was working on it. I was curious to see what Platinum was going to do with the game and the dragon and what mechanics would be involved, and when they announced online coop it was a fucking huge surprise and I was interested to see what that would be about. I was basically wondering if it was going to be Platinum's Drakengard with dragon segments mixed in with on the ground melee hacky slashy hoards of enemies. There was definitely a lot of potential for that. I don't know if it would have been a good game or not, but I would have liked to see it. Cancelling the game might have been for the best but it's disappointing nevertheless.

Who gives a fuck about what this libcuck thinks?

>Xbone exclusive

And nothing of value was lost.

Trailers looking good and the final game turning out shit are nothing new, it's the old art of deception. Scalebound needed a chance because it's concept was unique, if it was to fail, then they should let it fail big time and go back to making average, geenric shitty Halos and GTA clones, killing creatity in an originality stale medium like videogames is never right.

Its cause Xbone is a shit system.

inv arr

I doubt it wouldn't have made its way to PC eventually like literally every other Xbone game right now. It has basically become a poor man's PC at this point.

It was coming for windows 10, was one of the main games of the "play anywhere" bullshit, along with Horizon 3.

are there really no other videogame that lets you fight stuff with a dragon as a partner? or are you talking about something else when you say unique concept? I didn't really follow the development of the game but I do remember some people being underwhelmed for some reason

Watch them announce it for the Switch tonight. The 2ch Direct leak had something about dragons so maybe that will be it.

xbox division doesnt currently releases exclusives, it's all UWP

I'm pretty sure it was MS' idea that the game should have multiplayer and Platinum couldn't deliver on it

>are there really no other videogame that lets you fight stuff with a dragon as a partner?
There is Drakengard and that's literally it and it's only in some parts of the game, is just your average Hack&slash with some dragon sections.

>or are you talking about something else when you say unique concept?
Yes, the dragon partner and fights were the focus, you could fully customize it's fighting style and tactics as well as armor and other stuff, the coop component also could have been done well.

though windows store isnt really a better option

>Posting Arthur Geis

The first gameplay footage kinda surprised people a bit for a platinum game. It was not the typical fast pace action focus platinum game but more RPG-like with more customization and skill/item management. Co-op was weird for the mood of the game and the main character's trait as well. However, the customization system itself seems pretty cool. It would have been something different for xbone which had millions of shooters and sport games already.

Forgot to add, Kamiya retweeted the Direct news. Git hype.

It couldnt have been that the game always looked like garbage conceptually and every time more was shown off...nope! its the big bad microsoft thats it! the same microsoft that gave us blood wake, fuzion frenzy, ninja gaiden 2, gears of war, and sunset overdrive, thats the answer!

>let’s take a quick trip down Memory lane, shall we?


>Arthur Gies

Wasn't he the one responsible for the footage on that Polygon Doom video?

>Makes AA games that niche fans love
>Niche fans follow them console by console
>Puts out solid numbers.


People need to learn not every game needs to be the same Destiny bullshit that flops if it doesn't sell 21 million.

They have no one to talk to so they shitpost all day on twitter. It's all about them.

I want a game where I can play not!Dante and fight using custom Dragons.


What 2ch leak? I need deets, stat.

If Platinum retained all the rights to the actual code and assets, they could do that, and it'd be fucking hilarious.

So while time does make the game, but at the same time you need money to create it. 5 years to see a return on an investment isn't something that most investors are willing to do which is why 2 year cycles are common.

If I had to guess it was Microsoft's management which caused it to fail, not platinum games.

Actually; it depends.

Running costs for Video games on a Publishers side are entirely dependant on Marketing and shit.

tfw they reuse scalebound's mechanics for a new drakengard game.

A man can dream

Concept looked good.
Gameplay was fucking boring

Coincidentally or not, the game that they showed on E3 and wherewer else looked like shit. There was this neofag post about seecret behind the scenes showcase OOooooOOOooooOOOOOOO, where apparently it was the best game made by mankind, but that's now what I saw. I saw an obnoxious protagonist, a horrendous artstyle, constant performance issues, coop no one asked for and slow, non-impactful, poor gameplay. You can attribute these to Platinum or to Microsoft, but it's irrelevant since the only way to fix those is to make a different game.

It was posted in one of the Direct speculation/hype threads, maybe I can find it in the archives.

The gameplay looked absolutely terrible when they revealed it. Even worse than FFXV's gameplay.

Is there a list of studios and projects MS has killed?

What a blight on the industry. The trends they introduced and normalized are probably even worse.

They're funding the project.. that's the entire point of the publisher. Studio promises X + Publisher demands Y for a milestone and publisher will payout to the studio.

Unless we're talking about a distributor which in the case then yeah, they'll advertise since they're going to make a cut out of every sale by basically doing nothing beyond advertisement.

scalebound looked like shit in every video they showed
maybe it was because of microsoft, but it was always shit

Everyone on Sup Forums in particular also could see it as a disappointingly looking game when gameplay trailers come out. It was supposed to be 30FPS but had way too many drops during the gameplay and was closer to 25. The gameplay itself looked like generic ARPG with a powerful dragon that fucks shit up for you. The protagonist looked dumb and had fucking Beats headphones on him.

Year later and there are conspiracy theories about Microsoft fucking up Kamiya's masterpiece.

If you take 4 years to develop a decent length singleplayer game, you've definitely been fucking yourself over a lot along the way.

I was only exited for Scalebound to read all the fanfiction about the MC and the dragon. Oh well.

Yeah, the game's tone definitely looked like Plat's handiwork but the actual gameplay looked pretty underwhelming compared to even their most mundane titles like Transformers and Korra. Still, I was excited to finally have another dragon game. It's been so long since I played shit like Drakan and Drakengard.

Man, why is MS so incompetent with the japs now? 10 years ago there was no problem getting stuff like Lost Odyssey, NInja Gaiden, Tales of Vesperia, etc to release as Xbox exclusives. I know Xbox was never a hit in Japan but they really shit themselves this gen. I guess Phil just hates the gooks.

because peter moore and don mattrick actually had balls and j allard and ed fries were still on board and they made a conscious effort to appeal to the gooks. however, no matter how hard they tried, the gooks just would not bite. they still went to the ps3 and wii out of brand loyalty despite 360 being the clear winner. if those nuked alien rats actually bought into it microsoft would have always been on top

They literally have done the same thing with Obsidian:

it didn't even look good. kamiya is a hack.

Nah. Multiplayer was in from the start and it worked in that you could summon other players to help with the larger bosses like Dark Souls. The problem was the game was a complete wreck as it was way too over ambitious, Platinum just couldn't get a grip on Unreal 4 so the performance was awful and the Dragon Link system controlled horribly. It didn't work and it was cancelled. The "Neogaffer" who saw it and was claiming "Best game ever" was probably JP before he fucked off to EA.

Supposedly they are trying to do it slowly this time. Arc System Works were one of the first ones to get a Scorpio kit because Daisuke complained loudly how bad the xbone dev kit roll out was and he wanted to work with MS again as they were big supporters of Arc during the OG Xbox and early 360.

Considering Stormlands ended up reworked as Tyranny in the end. MS dodged a bullet. And that pitch sounds awfully like how Defiance turned out.

What was scalebound again?

something that needs to be weighed

a bad game that no one cared about until it was cancelled. all microsoft needs is a decisive sega exclusive and a real ninja gaiden 4 and they are golden.

I don't get twitter
It feels like you're talking into a void for no reason, just hoping someone responds. The only thing I've done on twitter is replies.

Rare is the most obvious one. Last good game was Grabbed by the Ghoulies and I know a lot of people hated that one.

Sometimes you need stronger hardware to have full creative freedom. He reached Microsoft ONLY because he has a huge hateboner for Sony. Ironically, Scalebound would still be in the works if he just stopped being a petty faggot and proposed it to Sony. Valve might have also been an option, but turns out he also hates PCfags. Now all he got out of the deal is also hating Microsoft. Great job.

So he hates everyone besides Nintendo? He should try being less of a bitch then.

I actually heard from youtubers who have inside sources that Microsoft was very pissed off on how Scalebound was handled. Microsoft was giving platinum games a lot of money to make the game. However, platinum games was literally taking developers off scalebound and putting them on other games to work on. Essentially, Microsoft was paying them to make other games. Microsoft never wants to do a deal with platinum games again.

>Singleplayer games

>When Fallout 4, Witcher 3, Nier Automata, Wolfenstein The New Order, nuDoom, Pillars of Eternity exists

I expect this dumb shit from Polygon tbqh

>Heard from youtubers
Please don't talk.

These youtubers were right before. They even knew project scorpio's real name before the reveal and much more.