>day 0 paid dlc and season passes out the ass
>extremely tight moderation of online interaction
>invasive drm, occasionally always online
>devs shitting their pants over being called out for not pandering to the politically correct regressive crowd hard enough
>extremely dumbed down gameplay mechanics
>pandering to streamers and stream watchers as their first priority
>video games as a propaganda machine for peddling sjw ideology
This is the state of the modern video game industry. Say something nice to her.
Day 0 paid dlc and season passes out the ass
Nobody cares about what's making you insecure, you silly little cunt. Go play some JRPG and fuck off this board.
>stop talking about vidya!
That is a HER???
you are being told to fuck off because we've heard this story a billion times. vote with your wallet and move on
Why does shw have stretchmarks on her face?
and you are being told to fuck off, heaven forbid this board actually talks about video games.
Go back to Sup Forums and complain about your asshurt there fattie
Stupid pol nazis
dumb frogposter
You really type like you have a small penis
and what game are you talking about? for fucks sake people, you can't just post some random image and expect everyone to know what youre referring to
well that's a first.
frog poster wants to talk about video games and the thread devolves into Sup Forums
gears 4
>how should we design this character?
>imagine Harry Potter became an obese transvestite
>say no more
is that a joke? theres no way that picture is from a gears of war game. or did you mean the shitty practices. also why did people get so butthurt over a pepe?
>Frogposter with a folder filled with MAGA memes and a most obvious falseflag OP wants to talk about videogames
nice buzzwords you've got there, sonny
Can someone post this infographic with like 20 latest game titles where all of protagonists are black and like 3 slides from some game presentation saying "making games is political"?
I don't think you know what that word means
normally I dont care about race in video games, there are some awesome black characters, asian characters, etc.
that being said, the new Dishonored protag is a literal ape. that fucking face is obscene
Watch_dogs 2 didnt sell as well as Ubisoft wanted it to so its not like this type of behavior is being encouraged
I don't think you know what that word means
i always thought it was hilarious that ubisoft wanted to gamble with diversity after the nitemarish launch of the first watchdogs
The problem with voting with your wallet is that we are actually in the minority here. Our absence in the sales numbers will always be overshadowed by the huge number of people who don't care about video games as much and thus don't care to punish shady business practices. It's why things have gotten to this point.
modern video games target non-gamers. it's impossible to win by voting with your wallet against such a sheer mass of people with no standards and no idea about video games in general. what's even worse, once those people get into video games, they grow up thinking this is how video games should be and everything else is wrong.
Watch Dogs 2 Complete Edition when? Fuck those stupidly high DLC prices.
Game was actually good but I don't blame anyone for not even bothering with it, considering the shitshow that Watch Dogs 1 was. Sold like 30% of what WD1 did too, eat shit Ubisoft
Watch Dogs 2 sold dog shit though.
>dem symmetrical scars
Except you aren't taking about game, you're talking politics, just like you were back in January when I first came to this board, only a shill can be butthurt this long.
>just like you were back in January when I first came to this board
pretty clever, have a (you)
yeah that's a lesbo check from watchdogs2 that sides with a big corporation to try and take you down. damn script kiddie.
they're uv tattoos or something
are we ever gonna recover from the 2016 election?
go back to neofag
I expect that was more to do with the fact that 1 was such an indefensible turd more than people being upset over the content of the game or the business practices involved in selling it.
Welcome to the free market. This is the point where you blame jews, go to pol and never come back
Im actually playing through it right now, i pirated it so i'm not doing online stuff but it all seems like just random encounter side quests anyway. I'm actually having a lot of fun with it even though it can be very fucking cringey at times. i just think it's pretty funny that the whole game panders to liberal bullshit, but then I 3D print a fucking LMG and silenced Ar-15 and gun down a bunch of minority gangbangers in the street.
i hope not.
Not until the 2020 election and that's only because the united states will have a civil war.
He's an anti Ubisoft shill, the last time I posted on this board was february and he was still shit talking about ubisoft and for honor (a game that included deus vault Templars) and he's bitching about Ubisoft pushing sjw agenda lol
The SJW bogeyman lurks everywhere. In movies, games, tv, music, sports, bathrooms. They are going to get you and turn you into a homosexual liberal.
Blacklight tattoo
Oooo Im gonna get you! You are gonna start posting half naked anime boys with every post.
>You are gonna start posting half naked anime boys
you say that, like its gay.
>play japanese video games
>nothing of this apply
its supposed to be an exaggerated caricature yet its so accurate
It's already too late for this user. He walked into a "Mens" bathroom one day and a Tranny blew a kiss at him. He was never the same again.
you'll get your nation wrecker on 2024
>Shut up and vote with your wallet.
>Voting with your wallet doesn't work to stop shitty business practices.
>Please say something offensive so I can deem you Sup Forums and ignore you.
Never been to Sup Forums and I don't care to go now buddy. But blatant anti-consumer shit is blatant anti-consumer shit, no matter who your boogeyman is.
The fact remains that the games industry has been getting shadier and shadier because people who don't care about the idea of say, microtransactions in retail games, reward that system by buying into it. The minority of people who care enough to want to try and improve the state of the industry (And the products it produces) are going to be overshadowed by those who don't, so voting with your wallet doesn't work, so making your voice heard in other ways is necessary if you want to change things.
Granted this whole discussion is about anonymous bitching on a Cambodian Cross-stiching message board, but still...
Don't. Buy. What. You. Don't. Like.
Why do you Americans take politics so fucking seriously?
Even this long after the election people still seem to be obsessed like if it were election night I don't get it
Didn't mean to reply to
I don't. But look at that, the industry got shittier, even though I and the few others who care enough to do so, did that! That really is all I'm saying.
it exposed how fraudulent the entire process is, and is the beginning of the end for liberal institutions. The entire system of liberal democracy only really works if liberal institutions have legitimacy, and Trump has destroyed that.
Brainwashed every single day with pledge of allegiance. Constantly told they are the best, the most free, the pinnacle of society. Consonantly told they are under threat from some unseen enemy. Conditioned to choose between Red/Blue their entire life, and any other option is a waste, unamerican, or ridiculous.
Because we elected easily the least qualified and dumbest president in the history of the US. All because a bunch of retards with thin skin antagonized another bunch of retards into voting for an asshole out of spite.
>Why do you Americans take politics so fucking seriously?
But Americans dont. The political system is set up to be as off-putting as possible, and the result is barely a third of voting age people actually participate, spiking to barely 50% for Presidential elections. As to why people still fight about it: There is a huge split in America on every single major issue. It's not just that people disagree about how to solve problems, it's that they disagree whether there is even a problem in the first place. See, for example, climate change. So when you have that, politics turns into a neverending fight rather than a set of boring elections every 5 years as you might get in a generic parliamentary system.
real life americans don't talk about politics much, they have other things to worry about
the people that don't do anything all day have plenty of time to consume media, and topical media is easily produced, so politics wins over the simple crowd
That's the state of the Western industry. Stop supporting Western games.
>SJW bogeyman
>not wanting to suck a dick, is bigoted!
>Why do you Americans take the future of you, your family, your society, and your world so seriously?
These are some of the reasons I'm incrementally getting out of video games and branching out into new hobbies. It's actually dizzying how bad the video game industry has got in the last 15 years.
don't go with comics, its fucking worse.
No I mean real, productive hobbies not more bread and circuses.
have you started stockpiling guns and ammo, yet?
retain their value and useful tools
>oh no some random fucking blogger on a feminist website shared their opinion, this is surely infringing on my rights and choices
>there are people in this board and in this thread who hate Trump and claim he's the worst person ever, etc
Jesus, it's like i'm in reddit/facebook/tumblr/twitter/etc. What the fuck happened?
Did you think we were LARPing when we told you NeoGAF has completely subverted Sup Forums? Welcome to 3 years ago.
stop buying that garbage and they'll stop shitting it out
there's plenty of good games coming out still like DOOM, Souls, Yakuza etc
Holy fuck.
you act like this is a one off occurrence.
If watching the videogame industry develop has shown us one definitive thing, it's that sales don't actually matter.
Sjw games sell like dogshit but they keep pumping em out, why? Because the rabid community behind the ideology shrieks, screams and tries to push their nonsense at any turn.
The only way to get what you want in videogames is to get really really loud and insufferable. It sucks but...the squeaky wheel gets the oil. So just do exactly what the sjws do, bitch and complain, rally, yell whatever and eventually those pussy devs will cave to pressure.
They always do because modern devs are creatively bankrupt and will jump to cater to whoever screams loudest
no on gives a fuck
one rule
talk about videogames you cunt
Yes, I know that nu-Sup Forums doesn't give a fuck.
>Impling Sup Forums can innawoods
>implying /k/ wouldn't want to have a go at the commies
>impying /k/ are skinhead faggots like Sup Forums and wouldn't shoot them too
>Sild 30% of eatchdogs did
I suppose people would be still mad about watchdogs but i didnt know they were that mad about it.
>devs shitting their pants over being called out for not pandering to the politically correct regressive crowd hard enough
>video games as a propaganda machine for peddling sjw ideology
if you want to talk about politics, there is a board for that, you don't need to pretend to care about video games
>implying Sup Forums are all skin heads
there's a reason why there's a strong cross population between the two boards.
nazis get the helicopter as well as you communist fucks.
post pepes
pretty much this
Game devs pandering to SJWs and turning their games into shit is related to both video games and politics. So yes, this belongs in Sup Forums despite it also belonging in Sup Forums
the idea of some 30-year-old overweight neckbeards running around in the forest with some kiddie paintball guns, trying to hide ther horrible body odor with camo fedoras is pretty funny.
Thanks for the laugh, man. Thanks for the laugh.
Why do game developers and publishers pander to SJWs if there's no money to be made there? It just makes no sense from a business standpoint.
If /k/ got a free license to kill you can bet they would kill the commies and nazis first. Thing is, there's like 20 million commies and only 400-500 nazis.
na-na-nazis w-watch out!
>taking the future seriously
>you have to chose between trump or hillary
sure thing mate, i take my future serious too.
I'm still not sure to get AIDS or HepC
>I'm still not sure to get AIDS or HepC
there was always a worse option. In a way im very greatful for the dems backstabing the commie.
trump would have had to chance against the tzar of gimidat
Sup Forums triggered by childrens toys
>wouldn't have had a chance
Cos their marketing was garbage. They tried to use reddit.
Ok imagine if a literal TV celebrity wins the highest office in the biggest upset of your country's history.
Ok now imagine instead of your shithole of a country, it's United States with most powerful military ever devised and the world's top economy.
>imagine if a literal TV celebrity wins
I can't because I live in a civilized country.
>literal TV celebrity wins the highest office
you act like he isn't a real estate mogul, first and foremost. Who is a tv celebrity only because of his business acumen.