rate my 75 thf tp gear

irrelevant after the next expansion/10

This isn't 14

No Mandau?
>12 bomb cores
Jesus. Are you the puller as well?
At any rate, no TH gear/10. If you wanted to DD, swap to a real job.

I'm on my private server, and i can't fucking find consensus for 75 era thf sets. This is what i plan to run for TP

forgot to add; no mandau because that goes without saying and i'm working on it.

Shit man, I was just fucking with you. Seriously though, if it is anything like release was back then, get a good acc% (supplement it with sushi) and then cap haste (25~26%) for a generic TP set.
Just with that, you will probably be better than 80% of the players. Might be different considering it is a private server, but if you have access to Homam and the other stuff in the set, it should be np to do good damage.
Anyway, keep a TH set around as well (Thief's knife and relic hands) for anything serious

Fuck me, i love this game and it's community.
Yea, if anything i'm slightly happy that i'm playing now since we fucking understand how TH is actually applied now. only took 15 years to crack the code.

>wearing that shitty helm
>not wearing a haste body

>Rapparee Harness at 75
haste is great, but is it actually worth giving up other stats?

Ha, no kidding. So much time people spent trying to figure out drop rates with various levels of TH, having the THF try to get the last kill, or making them single-wield the Thief's knife (assuming they were lucky enough to have one) to fight shit, or any other nonsense.
Anyway, marinara pizza is a decent DD+acc food as well, just remembered it. I imagine a lot of the information should be similar to what is available between the ffxi wiki and bgwiki. But trying to scrounge up old 75 sets is a pain because a big chunk of those sites are inactive now or just show the updates information.

updated information is the biggest scourge.
they just skip everying 75 related and say 'X is the best 99 Y and you shouldn't be using anything else'

Ain't perseus's harpe supposed to be better than relic?

Haste body should beat out Homam if you are not capped and if you don't need the accurcy.
Also, OP, I don't really know how good the mercurial dagger is. Check out X's knife or even Perseus' harpe instead, maybe even heart snatcher. Blau dolch is solid otherwise

aside from picking up rapparee harness i don't see a way to get over the 19-20% haste i'm at. But if i take rapparee i'm giving up acc and triple attack.

The point is to get tp as quick as possible, almost all your damage is from weaponskills anyway (which is why you're using a multihit offhand) and you put another body on for ws.

Depends on what you're fighting and if you have a bard or whatever of course.

Sub DRG and use the wyvern earring. :^) Walahra turban has 5% for the head slot, but I don't think many jobs had the option to cap haste easily back then

Right. speaking of WS's
Shark Bite, Evisceration, Dancing edge? and where does Mercy stroke fit in there?
for reference I played smn on retail so i have no idea wtf to do for melees

Ditch the Homam Head, get a Walmart Turban
Get a Rap.Harness. Make 2 separate TP macros for it and the Homam Body. Macro in Homam body if you're missing lots, or when you're fighting endgame stuff.
Get a Love Torque as soon as you can
Get an accuracy ring and only use the 5dex one for SA WS.
Ditch the M.Kris. You're just gunna feed TP to whatever you're fighting and get you and your friends killed while doing no dmg with it. Offhand Thief's Knife nearly always, because you're 99% of the time gunna be on Thf for the TH.
Work on getting Assassin's Armlets. For the same reason as above, you're gunna be wearing those 99% of the time too, only exception being TA WS with AF+1 gloves for 10% extra dmg.
Cuck Mantle is OK, but maybe get a Cerb+1 or something instead for the ATK. You'll do more dmg that way and shouldn't need the extra 5acc.

Also use Shark Bite instead of Dancing Edge. DE is only good vs lower lvl targets. Shark Bite is more reliable, especially on higher lvl stuff.

Feeding tp with the mkris was what i was most worried about.
TH is applied by the thf's first action to a mob, so they'll just be macro pieces.
I also have another set for WS's that stacks dex primarily, with attack/str for whatever isn't giving a boatload of dex

To add, work on upgrading from the Blue Douche to an Azoth or P.Harpe (P.Harpe NM can be killed with 2-3 Bsts) or work towards ManDouche (Relic Dagger).

Skill up Crossbow. Don't be one of those scrub Thieves that doesn't carry an Xbow with Blind, Sleep, Acid, Poison etc bolts. Sleep bolts and Acid bolts especially will save lives and speed up kills.

Make an Evasion set
Make a SA WS set
Make a TA WS set
Basic Racc set for your bolts
Get a shield for /war or /drk, you'll use that sometimes. Tatami Shield is boss, but Viking Shield works too.

Well depends, some private servers it's like modern retail, others you just have to hit it once, some actually have Thief Kill programmed in for fun.

Dont neglect AGI set for TA WS. You're gunna want to do more dmg when TAing the tank.

Yea sell the M.Kris to a career Drk that'll use it for TP burns and spend the money on other stuff.

I'll ask the server owner if he's fucked with TH settings, How should my SA/TA ws macros look? I'm using the base game's macros so 5 lines is what im working with. I'm assuming i'm going to be told to upgrade

SA, go with a mix of Dex, Acc, Atk and Str roughly in that order

TA same except Agi.

If going SATA, use your TA macro first then your SA macro 2nd.

Use /equipset. In your macros tab you should be able to set an equipset to a number in game, make it remember everything you're wearing and then you should only have to macro

line 1: /equipset 1
line 2: /ja "Sneak Attack"
line 3: /ws "Shark Bite"

to change 20 pieces of gear.

to elaborate (and keep in mind private servers all may have their mechanics changed slightly, but lets assume it's like retail)

Dex (or Agi) amplifies your weapon's base dmg from the SATA, it's also your WS modifier (Dex&Chr for Dancing Edge, Dex/Agi for Shark Bite, Str for Mercy Stroke).

Acc you need to hit shit. Dancing Edge is 5hit (6hit if dual wield, dual wield adds an extra hit)
Shark Bite is 2hit. Mercy is 1 hit. If you miss a hit then you lose a lot of dmg. Acc cap is 95% but if you're acc is 85%ish you're good.

Atk is a direct check vs the mob's Def. If you dont have enough Atk to beat it's Def then your dmg will drop and vary wildly.

Str is the same but for the enemy's Vit. Luckily Str also adds Atk.

In short for THF this basically just means get the whole Hecatomb set for SA WS and then get some Agi gear for TA and you're good.

Stat bonuses come from when sa/ta is used, and not when the buffs are expended? Learn new shit every day

Lastly, the reason why I'm an advocate for Shark Bite is that for a non relic WS it skillchains pretty nicely. It'll close Darkness or open Light, just do some research on the WS Renkei and see which ones.

This is why Mercy Stroke (Mandau relic dagger) is the 2nd or 3rd strongest relic. It opens or closes darkness, is 1hit (so dmg gets HUGE when you use Assassin's charge. ie: 3x dmg) and adds Str as a direct modifier to your SATA.

I hope all this helps user. Thief is a fun as shit job and it's pretty versatile. If you're maining it just dont forget an Eva set and a Crossbow. Solo farming stuff speeds up heaps when you can sleep the mob and 1shot it with a Sneak Attack.

SA makes it so DEX gets added to your weapon's base dmg. Then after that normal WS modifiers still apply. Same goes for TA.

PS: if you wanna go full autismo, make a -pdt% and -mdt% tank sets. With an Earth Staff, Jelly ring and 20k on the AH you can get -30% physical dmg taken for nearly all jobs super easily, and that macro'll often mean the difference between eating dirt or surviving.

it's going to be impossible for me to remember all this so im gonna need to screenshot the entire thread lol. Yea, when i first leveled it i got some sick epeen damage, and coming from playing summoner all those years ago i nearly shit my pants. I get that thf isn't the go-to dd job but for what it is, it's absolutely amazing and i have loads of fun.

eh, so if i was to help swap tanks (for whatever reason) with SATA, i'd go for DEX or AGI? Or would i have it's own special macro for min-maxing the most possible stats

yea. A common mistake a lot of newbie thieves make is waiting ~1-2min to get that perfect SA&TA weaponskill. You're better off going SA WS, rotating, TA WS and by that time you'll almost be ready to SA WS again. Separate into 2 macros; one for SA WS, one for TA WS.

For swapping between 2 tanks then may as well use full SATA, TA macro first then SA macro 2nd so you WS with your SA gear. You'll get more dmg from WSing in your SA gear than your TA gear when doing SATA, mostly because Hecatomb gear adds +dicktonnes of Str/Atk too.

In events you'll be pretty much just using TA WS, to keep help put hate on the tank. SA WS just for kicks and some more dmg. In DD/Exp situation you'll use both equally. SA WS will do more dmg compared to TA WS though.

End of the day depends how seriously you wanna take thief. If you just wanna take it casually you can just use Hecatomb set for WS and use the same gear for both.

FFXI's autism lies in just how seriously you want to take a job, which means how many min-maxxed gear sets you wanna make for it. Thief is one of my favourite jobs but my main is Bst, for which I have 12 sets of gear and 5 palettes of macros, then more gear and macros for every job /bst.

Don't let cookie-cutter endgame LSfags tell you what to do, use your own imagination to push the boundaries of the jobs with your gear yourself. Otherwise they'll just have you fulltiming that homam set because it looks cool and they told you to.

If I may ask, which 75cap private server? Nasomi or Era?

neither, it's a bit of a no-name server (which is down right now because of hurricane Irma)

What server? Any non nasomi servers with an actual playerbase? I love XI but I don't want to invest time into a server with less than 20 unique players.

I guess I'll just have to settle with Everquest time locked servers.

Frankly speaking i can't say how many people are on, since i had stopped playing a while ago and just came back, and a couple hours after getting on the server went down due to the storm. I sympathize with not wanting to invest the time into a server with no population. i really have no idea how many people really play concurrently, since i was planning to actually check how many people were playing during peak hours, but like i said, power outage.
Supernova is the name by the way.

>largest 75cap player base, i think about 200pop last I heard
>1x exp rate and no FoV for purist vanilla experience
>Admin/community will oust you for not playing the game exactly how they want you to
>other than that, the classic oldschool XI experience

>just recently merged with another server, pop slightly smaller than Nasomi, between 70~150 depending on timezone
>5x exp rate and FoV, fair enough if you're too busy for shit like taking 6 months to get to 75
>Community depends on the LS, some are dicks, some are chill. Overall everyone gets along.
>Only Private server with working Puppetmaster

And after that the other 75 cap servers are tiny or niche communities. It's a pick you're poison. I'm on Era personally, but tried both. Just depends how much time you have and what kinda experience you want. If you wanna get straight to the endgame and want chillaxxed people go Era. If you want oldschool exp party autism then go Nasomi. A lot of people have alts on both.

Also online players is probably about 1/4 of the actually community of the servers, considering timezones, work/school and shit like that. Also, not sure about Nasomi, but up to 6 multibox characters are allowed on Era so you can always lvl 6 Taru Blms (or Smns) and win everything forever if you wanted.

To put things into perspective, small retail servers like Cerberus only have 500-ish pop, with at least half of those logged in being vendors.

I'll just continue playing Everquest. I really wish 11 wasn't so niche.

It mostly is because SE are too dumb to realize how they could profit off of this. There are enough people playing 75cap private servers to populate an actual retail server. Instead they tried to put the game down like a lame dog to get people to move to FF14.

At least we know they won't bother doing any sort of C&D.

150 or 200 pop might sound low, but honestly when you're in a linkshell with 15-30 something friends it doesn't really matter. Even in the golden age, most retail servers were only 500-700ish pop anyway, with easily 1-200 of those being afk in Rolanberry Fields vending or trying to bot HNM zones.

>It mostly is because SE are too dumb to realize how they could profit off of this.
i felt the same too, until i heard how the game had been developed explicitly for the PS2, using PS2 dev hardware... SE bought up the last of them when they stopped making the equipment, but once those die, there's not much more they can do. so just transferring everything over to a pc is kind of difficult.
On the note of retail population; i was on Bismarck where during the golden age it wasn't uncommon to have 2k+ on at a time. Unfortunately significant amount of them were nips

well PS2 and Xbone support for FFXI has already stopped. It's PC exclusive now, which means it's dead as far as Japanese players are concerned.

FFXI literally was the only thing keeping SE alive for a good number of years and is, to this day, still their most profitable game. With WoW's C&D turning that private server into a legacy one we can only hope that SE get some brains in between their ears and do the same.

Until then we at least have an active private server community and retail still gets updates, so that's something.

It was a cool thread, glad I could help an user out with his Thf. Hope to see some more screencaps in a few weeks user.

i swear to fucking god, SE copies the fucking worst things from blizzard

>there is literally no way to relive this joy
>even playing now with the trust system, the cap is 99 and its not the same

I'd say why live? But I fear that if I do i'll come to the worst conclusion.

>A final fantasy game had its level cap raised to 99
Really get the lawn mower revving.