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gratz :)

Congrats dude!
That's a pretty fucking cracking prize. You going to sell it?

Im gonna give my One S to my father and take the X :^]

Mad as fuck I didn't win and I go there so often.

Congrats, you're one of the few people who will be able to play Cupboy

I fucking love fast food.
I don't give a shit what you guys and everybody else says.

Dont feel bad user, when they were doing the PS4 contest a few years ago i bought 15 or so of these fuckin things with no luck, and then i got this one on my first try

The Taco Bell gods are just you just have to have faith

>tfw I tried to text the number and it fucking crashed my messaging app. Three times

>bro gets this box for the contest
>Doesn't get the box
I felt bad for him
I never win jack

I'd rather just have what the prize is worth in tacos.

The most I ever won was a free meal, which is a good deal if you like the food.

fake and gay

Congrats OP

im fuckin serious man


I'm envious that America has a fast food chain that sells tacos

Not a fan of Xbox anymore but either way I'm happy for you. Congrats bro.

>You win a box you're allowed to play games on for three months

aaah I'm jelly

OP could've had a pretty good thread going if he'd asked if you guys have ever won anything vidya related through a contest.

Did you enter the code around that timeframe of 1-3 AM? I heard people have a higher chance of winning around that time. And congrats man holy shit.


Yes, i entered it at 1:40 am

>Inbox (1,248)

user please

while being able to order a taco and having it in a minute is a good thing, taco bell's tacos are really not good at all
ironically their namesake is the thing they do the least well on the menu

Amazing shit dude.

I am genuinely envious.

Good shit, m8

Congratulations! You can play a lot of games now like... uh... Cuphead! And watch Netflix... That's it.

Sheffield has a Taco Bell

At least he didn't won a GF

Where my fucking Xbox or some Taco shit?

congrats OP

I use a dump e-mail for things like this, and he might too. In any case, you get a ton of shit you don't really have to check, so the inbox just fills up with unread e-mails.

>OP wins a contest and get free vidya shit
>consolewar shitposters have to try and be dicks

You guys should be happy for OP. :)

theres also one in Lakeside

a winner is you

Thats pretty cool, congrats

Yuropoor here who never ate a taco, is this shit tasty? From the image it looks like shit

>3 months of Game Pass

Taco Bell tacos? No.
Regular ones? Yeah.

Can I have the xbox one?

I hope the diarrhea was worth it

It depends on how you season the beef, every taco place tastes different. Taco Bell makes very non traditional tacos but they are good imo

Taco Bell """tacos""" are shit. Regular tacos are fine.

It was

what's even the point?

One X is the new console coming out, and Forza 7 is the first Forza in 4k, which the X can now play

>a mediocre racing game and a console with no interesting games
what's the point?

Im content with the Xbox games, the only one im upset about it not having is SF5, but that just gives me an excuse to keep playing USFIV, which is arguably a better game

>mediocre racing game
What's better on the market right now?

If they gave you a Taco Bell menu it would be more valuable than an XBox One

I'm so sorry user. Not only did you not get a cheesy gordita crunch, but you instead were burdened with an XBONEX.

it's not only taco bell . America seem's to be ripe with fast food chains that supply tacos

Congrats dude

tacos are from Spain.

Small secret: Jack in the box has the best tasting tacos, 50 cents as well

t. Chubby American

>a console
both are underperforming. I wish they can make it stronger.

good for you. sell it for easy cash.

Jack in the box tacos are objectively the lowest quality tacos you can get from any restaurant. Period. That shit they call meat in those things is repulsive

Nice one lad

make some fucking tacos dude. They'll be better than what you get at taco bell. get some taco shells get some ground chicken or turkey (beef while fatty and tasty i feel overpowers the taco flavoring).
Go to >>/ck/
ask about some good taco seasoning blends me personally I use a bunch of garlic and cayenne among the regular taco seasoning then add salsa. This is after I drain the meat of all the extra fat and oils some people want the fat for the flavor but again i feel it makes the seasoning less tasty. Then add some ghost pepper and chili flakes shredded colby jack and some sour cream on that bitch BAM flavor town here i come.

>this opinion

Good job man I always believed in you

Are you looking forward to playing vidya on it?

Is this a shill thread?
The replies seem like it.

>jack tacos
are you kidding mate?a food truck chain or local Mexican fast food joint is where go for the good shit

congrats on the free bone op

Yes, i can wait to play Forza Motorsport 7™ on my new Xbox One X™ thanks to Taco Bell™ and their $5 Quesarito box™ (Think outside the bun)

No i think you're just salty

Sell it for cash!

how dose this guy keep himself small while eating so much junk food?

Baby Taquitos > Regular tacos

Brazil please

How the fuck have you never eaten a taco?

>the best in a pile of shit has to be good

Sell it and buy some pc parts

I also won. If I sell the console should I keep the controller? I don't see much worth playing on this I can't elsewhere.

what were the odds of winning this? id be mad if I coulda played the lottery instead and been happy for the rest of my life

Reminder that Taco Bell, Wendy's and In-n-Out are coming to Australia.

Rare as shit, but still better than you think. A lot of people just don't bother with entries.

Here in Australia, at least in QLD our transport service Translink tries to get people at stations to fill out surveys online. Many say no, and those who say yes often don't get around to actually doing them. The incentive is a $50 debit gift card.

I've nicked myself $400 through these so far.

price of xbox and game divided by price of meal times ten thousand

Play Perfect Dark @ 4k.

1-3am central?

How good are those three compared to mcdonalds or burger king?

Congrats user, have fun!

>In n Out in Australia but not in Colorado

I'd in n out wendy's taco bell if you catch my drift

What's the asterisk for?
>*It's an Xbox, enjoy your nogames

Good if you won like a chad at first try and threw the food away.
Pathetic if you are a 5000 tons hamplanet that virgin-vacuumed the whole state into 3rd world famine until it wins

>hard shell tacos
you burgermen are nasty and retarded.

ITT we post stories about winning game consoles.

>14 years old
>Go on date to cinema
>Put a £1 coin in a roulette scam macine because I did stupid shit
>Oh fuck I won
>Select the NES edition GBA SP, it drops out.
>Go watch film with GF, Shrek 2
>Go home and put GBA SP on eBay
>Sell it for £120
>3 months before UK release of Nintendo DS
>Import a DS from the USA right there and then

This reminds me of when a Mountain Dew hoodie showed up randomly in the mail like a year after I jokingly signed up for some Taco Bell thing.

tfw never went to Taco Bell before they closed
Feels bad, just wanted to try real american food


I got off an 8 hour shift and rode around downtown on my bike with my shirt off, Subway was closed for some reason so taco bell was the next option. I ate the shit out of that taco bell though

Congrats op!

I hope you're not secretly related to a taco bell employee.

shame the prize wasn't a girlfriend LOL

Is this bait? We do have tacos in Europe, ever head of Mexican food joints? Where the hell do you live?

Im not man but im all over their nuts now

Damn, this is probably the best ways to get the XboneX. Definitely not worth the $500 considering how weak the library is. Congrats, duder.

Damn good job

divine intervention

How's Taco Bell in comparison to Zambrero to those that have tried both?