Hey Bungie employee guy that leaked stuff a few months back, is this your doing? C'mon, tell us the truth

Hey Bungie employee guy that leaked stuff a few months back, is this your doing? C'mon, tell us the truth.

He's probably a Redditfag

lol it's not even subtle

It's funny how Bungie is saying it wasn't intentional. Do they seriously think people will buy that? A designer clearly went rogue.

What am I supposed to be seeing here

If I unfocus my eyes a lot it kind of looks like KEK is written on her arm?

>removed because lol it's a hate group
These dumb niggers taking memes seriously

| >| = |< |

>google this shit
>it's a bent out of shape Sup Forums meme about a fictional meme country and somehow this is racist

What the fuck who cares

>bungo pulls design
>fine ive got time ill read
>design is the "alt right hate group flag of kekistan"
>only slightly disappointed that it got pulled

maximum kek

it's some sorta nazi symbol or something

Bungie apparently.

Literally ANYTHING the left doesn't understand is deemed "hate speech".

They don't understand how to win elections and those aren't hate speech yet.

>Sup Forums proves itself insufferable
>people tired of their shit

This. Sup Forums are the biggest fucking dindus on the planet.

>Sup Forums constantly successfully takes internet memes and makes them become unusable by normalfags

At least they can do one thing right
better than /r9k/ poopoopeepee stuff

>It's Sup Forums's fault dumb niggas take memes seriously

the left is literally saying "kek" is hate speech. How is that not fucking retarded in every possible way? They're basically saying that anything Sup Forums uses is now hate speech. Sup Forums faggots drink water too. Is water now a symbol of hate?

It' not because Sup Forums uses it, it's because /r/the_donald uses it. In a roundabout way it's Sup Forumss fault for opening the door to those little faggots.

I'm not American, so please explain to me.
When leftist media says it's angry and triggered by this "kekistan" thing in Destiny, are they literally triggered, angry and sad, or they are triggered ironically like "we don't like this thing, so bend to our will, Bungie"?

>are stupid people actually stupid or are they pretending

i dunno what do you think


reddit constantly takes memes from Sup Forums and that's when the memes become popular
look at bobbyposting as the most recent example

>it's because /r/the_donald uses it.
either way. I'm sure they use other things. Just because a faggot uses a thing doesn't making that thing a symbol of faggotry. The left is being utterly retarded about this. If I teach a parrot to say "gas all kikes" it doesn't mean parrots are now a fucking symbol of hate.


if you are not behind the president you should spend life in prison for treason

Hitler drank water.

>reddit constantly takes memes from Sup Forums and that's when the memes become popular

Popular with who? Normies? That's probably true but by the time a meme hits Reddit, it's already dead on Sup Forums.

That's why redditors come here. Because their userbase is completely devoid of intelligence and free thinking so they scour Sup Forums for new memes to bring back.

So does most of this board. Too many brainlets think it's serious.