What are Sup Forums's thoughts on this? I'm at the second dungeon, 3rd floor and I'm on the fence about dropping it

What are Sup Forums's thoughts on this? I'm at the second dungeon, 3rd floor and I'm on the fence about dropping it.

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I dropped it somewhere mid hospital dungeon. Too grindy for my taste.

It's okay, I like the interactions and dialogue during combat but at the end I remember Naoto being really handy and Aegis being one of my favorites to run with.

I liked it because I like Persona characters, even of they are flanderized in PQ. The game is piss easy too if you keep Naoto in your party.

I dropped it at the 4th dungeon. It's pretty tedious.

Game can feel tedious at times.

Couldn't get past the first dungeon. The game speed is just so mindnumbingly soulcrushingly slow. Even with all the animations turned off it feels like there's a second's wait between every consecutive action.

Best Persona ever.

Runs out of gimmicks past the third dungeon, I guess most EO fans just have a hard-on for drawing maps but that wasn't enough for me.

If you're interested in pushing on, know that it eventually becomes a cakewalk when you get multiple hama/mudo spammers and personas that basically guarantee infinite SP for dungeons. Also just because it's easy and there's limited inventory, don't go nto the final boss without revive skillls/items like I did or you'll get fucked over by mandatory death timers.

I liked the interaction the two cast had with each other.

I switched it to safety when I reached the 4th dungeon just to complete it.

The game is okay. Nice that Aigis and Junpei are like the best characters.

You sound like a Personafag, who expected a VN, but found actual gameplay.

I love it. It's my favorite Persona game.

Is perfect for me, it has everything i like from persona without the "school's life simulation" shit i hate.

>sound like a Personafag

I really enjoyed it, it was legitimately hillarious and had me in a good mood the whole time through.

I was worried since I don't generally enjoy first person RPGs and I've never liked the mapping stuff, but it's done well so it's not a chore unless you want it to be.

There's not really any grinding, there's a tonne of fun quests and while the party members are unbalanced as fuck the mechanics of chaining attacks is pretty fun.

Plus it was fucking glorious to not have random Persona inheritance. Thank GOD 5 took that idea on too.

It's probably too hard for nu-Sup Forums so they'll bitch and moan about it :^)

It's the only good persona game, but still vastly inferior to EO.

I liked it, although I dropped it on the first leg of the final dungeon.

I just got kind of bored with it. Say what you want about the VN elements of the mainline series, but at least they break up the gameplay into doing different shit.

That's because the gameplay is almost always the worst part of a Persona game.

Persona 1 being an adventure game and Innocent Sin/ Eternal Punishment/ 3/ 4 being VNs might actually be an improvement.

EO for babies


So, basically just EO?

Why is it so expensive?

It's Etrian Odyssey for people too casual to handle Etrian Odyssey. That said I enjoyed it because I'm a sucker for EO.

60+ hours for a cute crossover with no real importance is just too much.

I bought it fully knowing i wasn't going to finish it and i still don't regret getting it.

It should have been a 20 hour game.
And Atlus expects you to replay it for the different route? are they fucking high?

Not every JRPG needs to be long, this was the perfect example of it.

23$ on amazon US right now you eurocuck peasant.

Enjoy that Merkel tax, Mohammed and his 7 children need gibs.

Terrible game with shitty meme music

>best battle theme of all time
>meme music

P4 side version is superior. Just like the game itself.


>b-but this one track

Laser Beam is a god tier boss theme.

I don't get why Sup Forums seems to like laser beam so much. It's not even that good. Here's the best battle track:

>penultimate boss has better music than the final boss
why is this allowed?

That isn't Friends.

Laser Beam is gibberish meme music.

you're a meme faggot

I bet you hate Mass Destruction, too

>not just downloading the .cia

Didn't make it to the first boss, but also didn't pay for it so whatever. I just don't like EO gameplay no matter how appealing the skin is.


I couldn't get past the butchered characters and dropped it in like 2 hours

Anyone that dislikes this song can fuck off, they are dead to me.

Persona Q is really good.
That entire third dungeon was a nightmare though.

And then you realize that 2/3 of the FOEs in there can be killed with Hama spells.

Don't care enough about Persona characters to get into the story/adventure when the game focuses on them so much

Best Persona battle theme though

You're not normally supposed to fight FOEs even. They're more like tile puzzles. Fighting them is basically just bruteforcing your way through the game, because you couldn't solve a puzzle.

Eh, i liked it, introduced me to the EO series which i guess was the entire point of the game

I don't have a hacked 3ds, if that's what you mean.

In which case they should either make FOEs so strong that you can't reasonably beat them when you first encounter them (which isn't really the case for the vast majority of them even on maniac) or lower the encounter rate so that puzzles that require a lot of walking don't feel like a chore. Even with Disperse Amulets, encounters feel way too frequent when you're trying to get shit done and Repulse Bells become available too late and are too expensive.

meant for And it has nothing to do with not being able to solve the puzzles (the babies for instance can barely even be considered puzzles), it has to do with dancing around FOEs resulting in so many random encounters that just killing the fuckers is less annoying than dealing with a bunch of trash enemies.

You fucked up OP, you should have been playing it on easy at least.

Music is 10/10 btw.

The true best theme is Friends (Outtakes)
Best dungeon theme in the entire series is Steps of Time

I really liked it but I agree on it being tedious. First time I played I ended up taking a few months long break in the middle of 4th dungeon. It's definitely the worst one but it picks up right before the 4th boss battle.
Are you playing side P3 or P4? Side P4 has better and more elaborate events so it's better to go with it if you don't feel like playing the game twice.

P3 side.

Why easy? Is there a big difference between difficulties?

Literally no excuse

I hate to ask for spoonfeeding, but there's no thread up right now. You got a link to an up-to-date guide for hacking a 3ds?

Sure, 3ds.guide

Coincidentally that's where I dropped it, twice. It's not a bad game, but I just can't get into it.