>Blaze not in Sonic Forces
>While her buddy Silver and fucking Charmy are
>Isn't even in the mobile game
>Blaze not in Sonic Forces
>While her buddy Silver and fucking Charmy are
>Isn't even in the mobile game
Other urls found in this thread:
She died in Sonic 06.
Nobody likes that bitch
Rogue is where its at
She's the bad guy
>fucking CHARMY got in before Blaze did
She will be DLC
What the fuck sonic had ears the whole time?
are you retarded
Blaze is genuinely my favorite character in the whole body of work
It's not fair!
>best Sanic character is spared from appearing in a shitty game that would tarnish her reputation like 06 did
And all is right with the world.
look at tails ears
Charmy fucking Bee is in this?
If Sonic is 20 how fucking old is everyone else?
So we got:
> Team Dark
> The Chaotix
> Team Sonic
No team Amy and no Blaze (maybe) but Silver is in when this is apparently Generations 2.0, hell even the Sky Sanctuary is apparently back with new twists. My only gripe with Blaze not yet confirmed to be in the game is the fact that Infinity can tear shit from alternate dimensions, that's basically where Blaze comes in to play.
>Blaze is missing from Sonic Forces
>Waluigi was missing from Mario Kart 7
Criminal she is best girl for sure.
That song has no reason being good as it is
It's because she's flat
One of the 06 writers is actually writing Forces.
jesus christ
Go home, Rouge
wtf? I thought the alligator got his eye ripped out
I have a feeling Silver is going to be a boss fight before he joins. He'll see fire and destruction and get dooped by Eggman or infinite like in 06 or make assumptions like in Generations.
He looks like a robot.
We heard him talking in green hill and city heights which are both clearly early areas so I doubt it.
Post your crying Blazes
You mean crocodile and why would you think that?
Oh then he's there for memes isn't he?
>Team Chaotix Returns before the protagonist of the birth of Boost games
>both Cats in the series got Gutted again
>One Fat
>One Flat
>Playable Blaze DLC with her own set of story missions
Hell yeah I'd buy that
Crazy Blaze is best Blaze
Silver isn't there either, we only know he's in the game because he happened to have a couple lines in the Forces gameplay footage. Blaze will probably be in the game since she's definitely more popular than some of the characters we've already seen and this phantom ruby apparently messing with dimensions gives them a perfect excuse to have her show up.
She dodged a bullet.
There's no other Sonic thread, so I thought I'd ask here.
How the fuck do I beat this boss?
Jump at it.
Yeah, got that much. The problem is that every time I do that, the game ends up soft-locking.
>Tat bat is hiding her jewels.
I hope they didn't reduce them.
No. I hold out hope.
That is reassuring. I hope she makes it for she is my favorite female character. She deserves better than what she has got recently.
anyone got a .ipa file for the game for jailbroken users? Cbf making a Philippines account.
wrong thread, philipenis
It's just like the cast of Heroes. Only Big and Cream are missing.
blaze gives me big creams, if you know what i mean
he is a robot.
the real tails is infinite
upon further inspection, there's something purple around Rouge's neck. Did they change her outfit slightly to cover up her cleavage completely?
I pet the cat
You silly billy
Infinite is Blaze fused with Iblis' soul gone through time and acquired the Ruby Stone bent on being its guardian
She is enjoying the pet.
post this kitties tummy
Sneak attack
is this underwater ray romano?
> the game ends up being terrible
>underwater ray romano
man i knew it. its the vute furry ears. never forgot those ears, not even after 12 years, or the waifu who owned them, man, that was a great game. i need to play it again. dont even have a wierd ear fetish, they just stuck out to me
>Team Dark in the game
Silverfags be damned, Blaze's best incarnation is the Rush games. No future bullahit
lul good read
I want another goddamn Rush game. Rush Adventure was fun and cutesy enough to have been the plot of a classic Genesis-style game.
>no more games with Sonic and Tails going on adventures with best girl in an alternate universe
that is the cutest 3d amy yet, waifufags will have a field day
Charmy is part of the Chaotix, which since Sonic Heroes has consisted of him, Vector, and Espio. The Chaotix are popular I guess and if you get rid of Charmy then the group might feel incomplete to some people.
I'm with you though. Not a fan of Charmy either. The only purpose he has is being the Flying-type character of Team Chaotix and being cute. And the latter he's not even that good at. Plenty of Sonic characters are cuter than him.
When and where was it confirmed that Blaze isn't in the game? Silver has less of a reason to be here than she does.
I'm conflicted.
One half of me wants to see what shitty and actually good art came of this nonsense from shipper-fags, but the other's screaming at me to avoid that brew of autism.
please i dont wanna fap now
too bad
>tfw Waluigi and Blaze be getting it on a cabin away from all the losers
>Well then, where do you want me to burn you first?
>Waluigi gives Blaze the purple eggplant
are you a mind reader Juri is literally my fav girl
>no flat cat
>remove bat's tats
Doomed to fail
hit only the head, I remember that fucker from sonic chaos.
Sky Sanctuary is only in the Mobile game tho.
They ought to just get rid of Silver entirely and give Blaze his telekinesis powers. He's the worst character. Trying to salvage him is no use.
>yesterday a Fang the Sniper discussion thread
>today a Blaze the Cat furry thread
Why all the threads about irrelevant Sonic characters?
Blaze is best character because she is simultaneously cool and cute.
It's because Iizuka doesn't want to address Blaze's dubious place in the continuity after being called on his bullshit by the fans, which probably also spawned the whole "two worlds" nonsense in response.
Either way, who gives a fuck? All the characters that WILL appear are just going to be relegated to the sidelines while spouting "THAT LOOKS LIKE A HOMING SHOT" tier dialogue at you the entire game while not having any real purpose in the story beyond fighting the bad guys in the background during cutscenes, while your Literally Who Donut Steel OC swoops in and saves the day because everyone is too busy jobbing to Mephiles 2.0.
Why are people hyped for this game's """""story""""" again? Is it just autism? I will admit it is probably going to be marginally more entertaining to see than the game's actual gameplay because I think it's abundantly clear that it's just going to be another boost snoozefest with half baked gimmicksed duct taped to it. Also the salt from Modernfags who deluded themselves into thinking the story written by a guy who helped write Sonic '06 could be "good" on any level will be good for a laugh or two.
Silver's only in because he's Shun Nakamura's (the producer and writer for Forces) baby and Japanese developers are very transparent about this kind of thing.
why talk about the main crew for the millionth time when you can see the others?
People are finally starting to dismiss the "Sonic was never good" meme, and now we're witnessing the end of the "Sonic's supplementary animal friends were never good" meme.
>Waluigi gives Blaze the purple eggplant
>Waluigi from Mario prepares the mating ritual where one commences sexual intimacy using their own genitalia against anothers, specifically in this case coitous, with Blaze the purple anthropomorphic cat from the Sonic the Hedgehog series, which where one can make a humorous joke by drawing comparisons between the male organ known as a penis with eggplants, a phallic vegetable that is a favorite of Waluigi from Mario games, and stating that such character would give their phallic object to a character that would be the second person in this sexual relationship instead of stating the obvious like saying "Waluigi fucks Blaze"
that´s not the best incarnation, that´s literally their official one.
Whatever fag
>They ought to just get rid of Silver entirely
Agreed. Who even likes this loser? He's marketed as "Just think of Trunks from Dragon Ball." Thing is, Trunks was likable (since he didn't have Vegeta's annoying ego/pride issues) and didn't really overstay his welcome, though he's around in kid form people ignore that because they consider Trunk's true arc the Cell Arc and after that ended? The whole time travel future affair also wrapped up and Future Trunks stayed gone.
Silver on the other hand keeps on showing up. It's just annoying how they keep bringing this idiot up and the only reason he has "perceived" value is he's one of the privileged Hedgehogs who has a super form even though it felt lazy and not as well earned. Plus it was Silver's existence that cemented the whole "You need to be a hedgehog to actually matter in this series." Fuck that mentality.
>her buddy Silver
>Rush/Rush Adventure are objetively her best games giving her a lot of spotlight
>get paired with marihuanahead for no good reason once in a game that everybody hates
>now she can't exist without him
Being a blazefag is suffering
Sonic introduces these characters purely for the roles they have in their games.
The issue comes up when you have 8+ characters who do absolutely nothing but stand in the background and say lines, because you've added them to the main cast so you gotta put them in the game.
She looks ready to sock a bitch.
>06 isn't even considered canon anymore
>She still is paired up with him because 06 was well known compared to either of the Rush games
Blaze fans are insufferable whiny bitches. Fuck off.