10 Box One 10

Who else is getting one?

Not me


Why would I?

I was going to pre-order one but ran into slight financial troubles, so decided to stay off it. Will probably get one a bit later on once I get a proper 4k TV to go with it.

I liked the Xbox CCCLX much better

xxxxbonexxxxx one xxxx the most powerful consol in teh wurld get it now so you can play crackdown and halo 7 (343 edition)

Nah, my Xbone is nothing more than my occasional Halo/Destiny box, so I can't justify spending that kind of scratch on what's going to be a glorified dust collector for the majority of the year. I've already got my PC and a PS4 Pro if I want to play anything in 4K. I did recently upgrade to a S, but that was mainly for 4K blu rays.

You mean Halo VII

>PS4 Pro
>Xbox One X
>Just the same system with muh 4k and extra fps

This console generation is a joke. And that's coming from someone who enjoys my PS4.

I have One S which I barely touch. Got it for Horizon 3 and Im playing even that on pc. Xbone was a mistake. PS4 is better.

ten bo ten one ten

I am in the same situation with my PS4, got it for Ace Combat which comes for Xbone and PC too, kept it for WipEout and that's it. If it wasn't for a Rehash of a remake, I would've thrown that thing off the balcony.

I'm waiting for a 4k/xbox one x combo to come out. I heard Microsoft was teaming up with samsung.


Me. Still no games on PS4. May as well get better multiplats instead.

no one is buying this fucking thing
I don't even know a single person that owns a regular xbox one, they all play on PC and PS4 or both

When did companies start getting so retarded with their naming schemes?

already have an S
my TV is from 2011 so it probably doesn't support 4k

Tfw this thread was made just because it's literally the 10 box one 10

>Sony shills coming out in full force
How much did they pay yall this time lads?

Halo X

>mfw just convinced a coworker to get one instead of a PS4 Pro and have one pre-ordered myself

I've been a bad boy Sup Forums

My few exclusives already justify ps4. But what about xbone? 99% of those games are on pc.

p.sm i know nier is multiplat, but ita still not on xbone.

Already pre-ordered.
Kingdom Hearts 3 and Monster Hunter World both deserve to be played on the most powerful console.

>xbox games that are also on PC don't count
>I know nier is on PC but it counts because it's not on xbox

you really are the most retarded fanbase aren't you?

Those games are also on ps4. You know. Nier is just on one of the consoles.

lol look at this darkie and his collection of bad games that will be traded in at gamestop as soon as the new shiny comes out

I'm getting it for Halo 1-4 BC, Halo 5 4K, and Halo 6 right after.


I will get it on launch along with a 4k monitor