Why does Sup Forums hate master pieces

Why does Sup Forums hate master pieces

fuck you

breath of the wild does not come close to even great

Who is paying you?

I like them all quite a bit but none of them are THE best

Why is The Witcher 3 here?

dark souls 1 was better

because it's populated by underages and Sup Forumstards

BotW and Witcher are shit by virtue of open world games being boring as fuck.

It offends me that Sup Forums on average actually accepts open world games these days. We used to mock them.

Never played Bloodborne but Souls games look slow and boring to play anyway.

>DS clone
>Skyrim done wrong
>Skyrim done right

But it wasn't

Never played the first two but TW3 is shit, anyone who likes it is cancer.

>everything and everyone i don't like must've come from Sup Forums

I agree DS2 is better than Bloodbore.

The only people on here who hate Bloodborne are mustards or Xboners that have never played it, and are just salty it's a PS4 exclusive.

Your opinion means jack shit, the only opinion that matters is mine.

I really like TW3 and it is the best game for the past 5 years.

Come at me bro!

I am even doing ''the reddit spacing'' for you.

The only people on here who hate TW3 are trolls or people who never played the game.

to be fair they do act like Sup Forumstards

I've been wondering for ages what reddit spacing is. Does it just mean starting a new paragraph after every sentence? Is that really what they do on reddit?

Have both PC and PS4. Nowadays playing much more on PS4 than on PC. Got BB like a week after release.
It's fucking suck donkey dick, mainly for havinf painfully boring and bland world with clunky controls and graphic that don't follow any coherent style on top of it.

So what now?

To be fair everyone in this website acts that way

>Is that really what they do on reddit?
I have no idea.I rarely go there, when i google up compatibility issues mostly, so i never made the connection myself.

The only people who loves Witcher 3 are normies and CDPR shills who never even played rpg and only played like 3 games in their life

>three greatest games ever created
>all very recently made


I hate it when people reply to posts like OP's as if there's any chance that he is not shitposting. You people are the reason why there's shitposting. You enable it.

And I am aware of the irony that by replying to YOUR obvious shitposting, I am enabling you. There's just no way out anymore. Fuck it all.

Fuck you, who is paying you for that shitpost masterpiece?