Witcher TV show

Do you cunts think tom hardy is a good choice for geralt? he looked pretty decent in taboo

He's a great actor and I like seeing him on screen, but Geralt seems too emotionally detached so it might be a waste of his talents. Irregardeless I'd watch it.

So long as he re-enacts the spa bathtub scene, hell yes.


I feel like he maybe able to pull it off but geralt in the books is also bit less robotic tha the games

>black eyes
literally didn't even look at a single reference image of the character, typical cashgrab series, into the trash it goes

that image is from Taboo

You fucking retard, ever heard of contacts?also geralt in the books(which the Tv show is going to be based off) had black eyes so fuck off

Well, he is a big guy

>not understanding that the movie hasn't even been cast yet, even after reading the OP.
>immediately dismisses beloved series based on one picture from a different film under false pretenses.

The true embodiment of Sup Forums today.

>huhmmhuhum drowners gotta be mhmmhmhmm

The cast isn't even announced yet you cummuncher, also not vidya, fuck off.

I thought Geralt was casted already? Isn't it the guy who played Jaimie "Watch us bangin', 3-Eyed Raven" Lannister?

>Geralt seems too emotionally detached so it might be a waste of his talents

has thom hardee ever shown one iota of emotion in a role

Check out Bronson.
He plays the absolute madman Charles Bronson there.

To get back to the OP, he could pull it off. The thing is that players unfamiliar with the series (that only played the games) will not really understand Geralt's reasons for not getting involved in many situations, or not being a force for "good". The writers may also actually get mislead at points as well, because they have to choose to follow one of two methods.

It's a really rocky kind of situation, seeing as the games are what most people are familiar with and in the games you can choose Geralt's path. Canonically Witcher's are the great neutral ambassadors. They are not one way or the other in most squabbles. Geralt obviously being an anomaly that retains witcher ideals when it suits him/when it is convenient without actually retaining them.

The issue i see is them making him a true neutral path in the movie, when for Geralt this isn't the case. The actor also needs to understand this or the movie will flop.

TL;DR: The cast and writers need to understand exactly what/who the hell Geralt is. Unfortunately who the hell Geralt is may be lost on the "normie" fans of the series, as they don't have insight into exactly who he is themselves, because they choose his path.

To add, just for people who wonder why is this a problem:

Fans may be disappointed because they believe Geralt is a certain way because they made him a certain way (you may think this won't happen but pls.)

The other issue is that the writers may understand this and abandon Geralt's character to better suit the playerbase. This will obviously cause other problems.

The reason why the expectation of neutrality may exist for players of the game is due to them thinking that Geralt is supposed to be neutral, and through gameplay the player can shape Geralt, while this isn't the case. So they have an expectation that he will be Neutral in the movie, which is just mislead.

Ok, im done now, back under the rock I go.

If you think Geralt is not gonna be mr good guy always making the best choice out of all situations you're stupid and have never watched television before.

Yeah, that's my point, it's a fucking problem and the writers and cast need to understand who Geralt actually is.

The actor doesn't matter if they don't understand the core material. Which they probably won't. It's a damned shame what will probably happen.

I'm fine with it though because I'm part of the percentage that has never read the books and always picked the best "good" choices in the game. I just wanna see fucked up choices amongst the side characters.

That's fine for you to do, after all it is a game, that's your prerogative. The thing is that you know that you're choosing these good choices. You'd be surprised (or not) to know that a lot of people actually believe that the character is a certain way because they said he is in the game. That's the stupid part.

Most if his roles are emotionally detached, he is the perfect guy for geralt

I think he's a little too young

someone between 40-50 would be better, like mads

>Mads as Geralt
>Hardy as Letho
Yes please.


This guy gets it.

nononono, you are lying!

it's by the books

actually Geralt is grey but no very old looking
refer to his description
he is more like that guy from LOTR minus handsomeness

>being able to afford a A list actor

You people are retarded

Mads is the correct choice for Geralt.

I'm actually worried about the casting more than anything else.

inb4 cheesy Aragorn style """hero""" Geralt

>tfw Jennifer Connelly is old and ragged now and can't play the perfect Yennefer

Yen must be very young. Yeah.

>Aragorn style """hero""" Geralt
that's the most scary thing that might happen. Probably will happen, can't wait for lighthearted witcher tales.

Are you fucking stupid? In the books the cat eyes are a witcher trait.

>also geralt in the books(which the Tv show is going to be based off) had black eyes so fuck off



mmm agh
i have a use for you

any bets on "producer" not getting it and will make Yen ragged and MATURE?

Netflix fucked up too many things recently, so I don't trust they make good Witcher show

>Geralt in a movie
>Not black female


Delaney posting is pretty big on Sup Forums lately
I have no idea why
But in response to your thread

I dont know man, there is a huge time difference between the first witcher book and TW3 so he might be a bit too old

for you


best be careful now

they already said the series' central theme is
"an unconventional family in a world full of bigotry" so it's guaranteed to be a train wreck

oh for fuck's sake

>he looked pretty decent in taboo

>The Witcher stories follow an unconventional family that comes together to fight for truth in a dangerous world
to be precise

Tfw when you realize this show might be a low budget SJW tier bullshit, I really shouldn't get my hopes up should i?

Madds, fucker. Any other choice is basically saying "look at me, I'm stupid".

He's like 5'8 lol. So no

still sounds stupid as fuck to be honest

As much as I adore Nikolaj, I doubt he'd be the right fit for Geralt..

Just make every other cunt shorter

You can already be "hero geralt" in the game more or less with some dick sarcasm on the side

Too old for the story as it stars of with the first book, would have been perfect if its was around TW3 timeline

>Thinking they'll base it off the book no one has read and not the games everyone is familiar with

Well it's a pretty vague description that could fit with certain parts of the saga.
Still, coming together to fight for truth sounds really fucking lame.

It will look too obvious. They'll have to shoot all these weird angles to try and make it work. Ever watch Flyweight men fight in the UFC? Ridiculous little midgets zipping around. They're all fucking killers but you just can't take any of them seriously because they look like buff children.

Does it ever give Geralt's height? I imagine he's at least 6'2 because he towers over Peons all the time. If Hardy is 5'8 then everyone else needs to be like 5'3-5'4

Geralt doesn't really age much during the stories, he's already nearly hundred at the start


Don't know who Geralt will be, but I've found the perfect Yennefer.

Of course you can describe the books that way if you REALLY wanted, but it's pretty telling that this is their take away.
It's guaranteed they'll crank the muh bigotry shit to eleven.

So it's about Geralt, Ciri and Yen mostly? They're sort of a family

Netflix shows seem to actually choose to follow the same multicultural inclusive crap that the BBC has to do but they do it by choice
Literally everything I watch on Netflix I end up making dumb Sup Forums and Sup Forums shitposting jokes in my head and it takes me right out of the show
I was watching the Omen spoof, Little Evil movie the other day and he had two black guys on either side of him talking about his life and I just thought that was nothing, although I cracked a whole "wtf I love black people now." In my head, but then later when another best friend was a lesbian who was extremely unfunny and the midget character, who nobody makes jokes about being a midget, it all just fell apart for me.
Also in Ozark, which is a great show. Making the FBI agent gay and he talks to the Redneck while fishing about his partner, I don't give a shit about any of that, but then he asks him about the his ex gf and he says, no way man it was a guy, but I only fuck dudes who wanna get fucked. The character was too smug and he's meant to be a great FBI agent and he's just blowing his investigation by needlessly pissing offended ignorant people, but the plot will allow it I guess
I hate noticing this shit in every Netflix show and can't enjoy them at all now, the only thing from Netflix without this crap is F is For Family and Castlevania

> cast best girl

He and the rest of the wolf school guys are all looking late 30s early 40s in the games but geralt is in his 90s according to the beginning dialogue with vesemir outside the inn in white orchard. So with how long witchers live Id say that sounds aroubd right if its hes almost 100. Vesemir is in his 400s and he looks like a mid 60 year old.

Stop watching interracial pr0n

Ragnar is a decent choice and he isn't too short either(still only 6 foot though)

Guess we'll see. No matter what the show ends up being I honestly wouldn't care for it very much anyway, I still have plenty of witcher material to go through.

Fuck off

Too Scand looking to be Geralt.

Ever thought about looking up facts before spewing random bullshit retard? Its based off the books and the author plays a huge part in it

MMHMMM a company man you say? mhmmmmmm

> is promiscous and cucks geralt when he's not around
> has black hair and blue eyes and pale skin
> choker
literally Yennefer

I dont give a fuck what Geralt looks like, I just want more Witcher tv episodes, I fucking loved the original series.


Hell she even cucks him when he is around. Poor Geralt really made a bad choice with that wish.

>>Sup Forums

Geralt is a "Nordling" he's supposed to look like that

Lol he is Australian but we can change the eye and make him look older and more rugged like in the later seasons



In the books he is 5'7 you fucking retard

Christopher Lambert

Oh shit, i'm actually OK with this.

Nordling is just a Nifgaardian word for everything north of Nilfgaard dummy. Similar how Romans called all non-Romans barbarians, regardless of their actual culture or geographical position. Temeria, Redania and all the other kingdoms have middle-European climate, Skellige and presumably the countries further north, like Kovir, are more Scandinavian

mads would be the best geralt.

Photoshop bros give this lass some eyeshadow and a scar to look like this plz!


God no

heres the problem
Mads is to fucking handsome to play geralt

Geralt is supposed to look like a mutant

Witcher already had a TV show and a movie.
It was fucking boring.

Heres your reply

How is it Sup Forums related? I mean, its a tv series, not a game. Did you create the same thread in /lit/ just because Witchu franchise started with books? What about /out/? There's a Witcher School camp in Poland after all.

That doesn't matter, shows are made to make money, the money is in the games not the books.

The Take

Just look up what its based off they literally confirmed it