This is honestly impressive

this is honestly impressive

I like that one.

i dont get it

>Fucking idiot going round with metallic weapons in a storm
>Oh fuck he's got it out to throw it

>lightning attracted to metal objects (weapons/shields)
>visual cue its about to strike when sparks start coming out of your weapon
>the weapon he's using acts as a boomerang
>chucks it at just the right time to it hits the stalnox just as the lightning strikes, killing it instantly.

The weapon is made of metal; if you are wielding/equipping anything metal during a thunderstorm it will conduct the electricity from the lightning, those "pulses" show how long until it will conduct. He basically waited til the right moment and threw it just before the lightning struck. I think that's it anyway

A shit ton of fun mechanics but not that many times to use them properly. Hopefully the inevitable sequel (or majora's mask 2: the engine is great so why waste it bungaloo) is a bit more focused, if it makes any sense. The attention to small details in botw was excellent though

An OP who has never played a third party game is impressed with the combat of one of Nintendo's 23,554 Zelda games

I get what you're saying but that webm doesn't give a good example, even though it's cool

the webm in the OP looks way more impressive

How is this a good example, when people have been doing this in Monster Hunter for years before this came out? Also, this isn't nearly as impressive engine-wise as OP's example.

tell me one (1) modern game that does this

You missed the point completely.

you forgot

It didnt even kill it, theres a bit of lightning at the end that does it


There is no cure for bad taste

No really, you don't actually know the topic of the thread.

>sub 30fps the entire fight
>generic skeleton with glowing weak point
>weather is more threatening than the boss

>anime super attack
>75% of the screen gets taken up by UI popups

Do you even understand what you're posting?
The first one is 100% dynamic and utilizes the weather mechanic, your posts are literally just normal attacks with pretty animations. There's nothing impressive about it.

oh boy they killed some trash mobs

You are completely missing the point of the OP.

Are Nintenbabbies the most delusional people on Sup Forums?


is this the power of sonyfaggotry?

what is this trying to prove? what is impressive about the combat in botw is that you can use any tools, any natural occasion to cause damage. you can roll boulders on enemies or chop a tree to fall and do damage, you can throw metal weapons to attract lightning and kill the enemy. What you're showing is just visually pleasant to watch, there's no discussion about the functionality of it. maybe i understand you wrong.

the worst part is the hitbox when you fight him on foot.

>tfw someone saved my webm and reposts it six months later

>Doing a spin move in a group of enemies kills them all

>A, B, X, Y buttons

it didn't even land properly.

u smart

>Xbox button prompts
>Not a silky smooth 20fps
Wrong boogeyman faggo

>spin move in a group of enemies
cause you can't do that in a zelda game


Kinda wish environmental damage would do a set percentage of damage against enemies. It just doesn't seem very practical against black/silver enemies.

>People fawning over a glorified charge attack
Zelda fans, everyone

lol literally everyone itt mad

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild by Nintendo

You're still mad no one liked your shitty webms and tried to explain why what Zelda did was quite impressive?


OP didn't post a webm of Link spin attacking, because it's not impressive. Just like how the spin attack in that idiot's webm wasn't impressive. What the guy isn't understanding is that OP's webm features manipulations of seemingly arbitrary conditions of the environment to make a fun an interesting kill.

ngl this is lit af
might pick up the game if i can find a cheap used switch

>glorified charge attack

That's not a charge attack at all. The player has no control over the lightning strikes and the timing required is a lot harder to pull off than it looks.

I know. I was mocking him for even using that webm of the spin attack.

You two clearly missed the joke

>literally Guts

It clearly looks charged

What could have been happening ITT: people talking about fun enviromental mechanics and T E C H N O L O G Y

What really happens ITT: people sidetracking because one troll and probably starting a console war, following a doubles spam and 404

T-thanks Sup Forums ;_;

>enemy is ded

looks like it landed fine

Using a weather effect that is intended to be used in conjunction with the bow, with a lazy animation I might add, is not impressive. It's an integrated canned QTE.

or get it for free on wii u


Imagine being so mad that a JAPANESE game looks better than Nintendo's beep boop Zelda rehash that you go calling people names

For shame

>Nintenbros are impressed by this.
How embarrasing

You have to remember that OP and every other retarded nintendo fanboy has never played Shadow Of The Colossus. This kind of thing is completely new to them.

Sony consoles have enjoyed superior games to Nintendo ever since the PS1 era.

pls go kys

>integrated canned QTE

He's shitposting.

desu as the guy who posted half the dragon's dogma webm's I came here with the intent of making you mad but I'm about to go to bed and when I pray to the lord beforehand I want to make sure I have a clear conscience.

So here it is. I am sorry for derailing your thread, OP. Please proceed.

sotc is trash lmao

The only game I've found to be more inventive and free with ways to fight enemies was MGS:V

SotC gives you specific and rigid rules for fighting each boss. While some are inventive and clever, you are not free to stray beyond those constraints. In BotW or other games you have the ability to find new ways to fight enemies.

>Using a weather effect that is intended to be used in conjunction with the bow

So you've never played the game yet insist on trying to shitpost, alright then

fuck off you garbo consolewar turds, anyone with taste enjoys both games

wii u:s are expensive as fuck for being a dead console. even used ones are 2/3rds the price of a new switch

BOTW is really fun

Post some fun games for me to play Sup Forums

And yes I played Dragon's Dogma

The fire from the aftermath of the shock is what killed it.

There's nothing impressive about the OP either. I bet you're impressed by no damage lionel fights too

>Not 5
There's a reason the Roman empire doesn't exist anymore, it's because they made their letters numbers without making their numbers letters to cover their asses when they needed both

>griffin stops in air, turns around


I get the feeling it started out legitimate because he didn't understand the webm but now that it has been explained he is doubling down for the "i was only pretending" defense later.

>we will NEVER EVER have BOTW interactivity ,inventiveness and open world in Dragon's Dogma combat system

>you have the ability to find new ways to fight enemies.
To solve problems that are never hard or challenging to begin with.

>sneak in a storm and replace the weapons with metal ones
>alert the gobs and watch them kill themselves
>metal boxes in every other cant that they clearly intended me to magnesis on
>rocks that I can (miss with) as I try to send them propelling at enemies

All secondary to either using a bow and landing headshots or using Urbosa's Fury.

I love Dragon's Dogma and all. But that's nowhere near as impressive. Not even that impressive for being Dragon's Dogma.

Bows are also damn fun to use in BOTW. I like how smooth the aiming is and how you have to compensate for arrow drop and such.

You can't have inventiveness and push X to anime at the same time.


>and how you have to compensate for arrow drop and such.
Not at any distance that matters in actual combat. Arrow drop will only ever be a thing you deal with regularly at the start when your bows are shit and when you're doing the shooting courses.

I like to snipe with bows in any game I play, so I deal with drops quite a lot

Dogma is a million times better than Zelda #2145625687756432345678675432354657. At least it's an actually new fucking game. Infinitely more impressive.

Don't listen to this guy OP I started the DD posts to get a rise out of you but it's bad for my karma so I want you to know BotW is a perfectly fine Zelda, it even has an above average Link

>i was merely pretending

Not the guy you've been arguing with. But the OP webm combines the elements of
Horseback riding.
Thunderstorms locking onto metallic equipment.
Throwable weapons.
And the lightning's ability to set the environment on fire.

In order to take down an overworld boss that drops its eye upon its health falling below a certain threshold.
But this does at the same time make the boss invulnerable aside from the its then dropped eye. And it's impossible to kill the boss with one strike because of this.

What the player in OP's webm does however. Is circling around the boss while shooting it with arrows. Putting the boss's health close to the aforementioned threshold. While the already equipped boomerang has attracted thunder all that time.
And then he times the boomerang throw in conjunction with the thunderstorm, hitting the boss's eye perfectly. Which really isn't the easiest feat to accomplish.

But it's not merely him working with the thunder, making the thunder hit the boss and ultimately killing it. Because as stated above, you can't kill that boss with one strike due to how it drops its eye, making it invulnerable.
It's not actually the thunder that kills the boss. But the flames in the grass that the thunderstrike caused.

It's a pretty impressive feat of skill that makes use of both the tools available, the environment, and the strengths of the boss. And how all of those different elements can interact with one another.

My favorite game is SotC, and thought BotW was really great. Not everyone is a single console faggot like you/


samefaggot nigger


Do we really need 20 threads a day of sonyfags and nintenbros arguing over BotW? What entertainment do you find in this?

I like you.

Further, that particular boss's hp is half in its eye that starts to pop out at around 50%. It doesn't actually die until the eye itself is killed. You can notice he actually saves its hp until that point and normally hits it with the boomerang before the lightning strikes, popping out the eye for it to get immediately destroyed by the lightning.

wena nido

dungeon master pls go