Trophies in game are piss easy

>trophies in game are piss easy
>except for that ONE cockblocking your Platinum

>not autistic so don't care about trophies or achievements

>trophies require multiplayer
>multiplayer is long dead


Tell me about Sucy, how would you describe her personality?


>muh cheevos

She's in constant trip-mode, we'll probably never know what she's like sober

This is now a Sushi thread

Bumping for glorious sushi

>online multiplayer only achievements for a game thats dead or has no servers anymore


Honestly Lotte is just better.

I want Sucy to give me a blowjob while she has the jagged teeth.

>Doesn't even want to DATE a guy until she has feelings for him

Honestly is there a maiden more pure?

>that one guy who got every achievement in dead space 2 except for completing hard core

>equipment/in game items require multiplayer
>multiplayer is long dead
just don't do this shit man


>Achievement include the devs

>win a match against the devs

>multiplayer achievements in general

>achievement for 100%
>fairly common bug that makes100% impossible
>devs patch in achievement for experiencing the bug, mocking your ocd

>selling anime BDs is piss easy
>except for that ONE from Trigger that sold twice as playstation games

is there a name for this archetype?
besides "best girl", obviously

>achievement requires that you collect every last one of a stupidly numerous collectible
>like there's hundreds and hundreds of the fucking things
>some are hidden
Fuck this shit

>requires long grind
>requires a WORLD RECORD
>entire leader board is full of glitch exploiters
Anyone here tried to 100% lost planet 2, fuck those "Nom de guerre" (titles), I have all but 2 and they need world records, whoever thought of making those mandatory and not even consider leaderboard resets was an asshole.

300 hours man, I couldn't even glitch as hard as some of them assholes, I can win team games fucking solo by playing the objective and just kamikaze my way to victory, I've even shifted the weekly faction pie charts by being good but nothing prepared me for that damn leaderboard


Capcom retail games are always the shittiest to try and get 100% achievements on

In lp2's case I think its the japanese influence, the past few resident evil games and even lp3 were much more reasonable.

Shame lp3 was so shit

Wish I knew

Mad Scientist?

>win a match against the devs or someone with this achievement

>what is stardew valley

Achievements are the sign of casualness. Back in the day you could "punch Diablo to dead" or "kill every single NPC in Baldurs gate" for the lulz or bragging rights whithout needing a socially accepted medal in your socially accepted online platform (see: DRM).

>Send an email to the dev who will unlock this achievement for you

Yeah keep thinking that

I'll do, my positive reinforced casual friend.

>posts on Sup Forums
>not autistic

> I like this game, I will try to get all achievements
> "Play during early access"...

How to spot an underaged faggot or a beta manchild?

Ask him if he cares about achievement.

>beat journey of the prarie king without dying
fuck this, i'm terrible at this game

>do i fit in yet?
nothing wrong with having the option to complete mini challenges

I like achievements that makes you replay games in a completely different way.

HL2 has some really interesting ones, like "do not touch the sand" in HL2, "shoot exactly 1 bullet in the entire game" in HL2 EP1, or "deliver the gnome to the end" in HL2 EP2.

Progression, un-missable, and "kill x enemies" kind of shit achievements must be banned from games.


>buy 500 dildos
I'm so hardcore.


>Progression, un-missable, and "kill x enemies" kind of shit achievements must be banned from games.
Yeah, achievements for the sake of having achievements are retarded.

>finish the game in the hardest difficulty
>you don't get the easier achievements

>>finish the game in the hardest difficulty
>>you don't get the easier achievements
i've never had that happen to me in a game but that's pretty retarded

Killing Floor 1 had that iirc

Volvo achievements are the best.

>caring about trophies at all

I'm not your friend pal

Who thought speedruns achievements are a good idea?

Fucking Hollow Knight.

What about S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat achievements?

Hello EDF trophies

this. ANY kind of leaderboard system ina a game is useless. No matter what platform, the top ones will always be hackers/glitchers

Oh hai user

>chalice dungeons in bloodborne

The stupid ass fucking Covenant and Rings trophies from Dark Souls 2 and 3

>Most games have at least 1 trophy thats WAY more tedious than anything else

If trophies stuck to like story progression or beating hidden challenge levels they would be fine but in my mind they're just stupid filler so I ignore them.

Honestly I have no idea why they caught on like they did. There are people who buy fucking games JUST to get platinum trophies and add to their gamescore or whatever it is. I know thats not news but when I found that out it blew my mind.

>I gotta hunt cookies laid down by the devs to be hardcoar

TIL hardcore gamers weren't a thing before achievements.

Fucking idiots.

Trophies are fun but I never understand people who get Platinum on everything.

In most of games it feels like work rather than just playing the game.

This asshole

>lol lemme charge at you with no windup and hueg hitbox and OHKO you lol

At least cursed Amygdala felt like a cake walk afterwards, blood queen was a joke

>it's a game where you can get plat by naturally playing the game and doing all the content

>no windup
you need glasses user.