150 hours and Im not sure if I even enjoyed any of it

150 hours and Im not sure if I even enjoyed any of it.
Played on ps4 to make it even more questionable.
Settlements were fun for a while after I got the season pass, though.

Other urls found in this thread:


>150 hours
>it's shit

How did you even manage to play it for 150 hours? What did you do?

He fell for the Bethesda RPG meme

Settlements and far harbour

Don't worry user, I feel that way whenever I play Bethesda games too.

>Think to myself, I'm gunna play differently this time and do all this cool shit and have fun
>Do the exact same shit, almost exact same build etc...
>Realize I'm not having any fun at all, just playing in the hopes of eventually having fun

>tfw you have 300+ hours invested and still arent tired of it
I dunno why people dont like it, I have a great time

Settlement building gets pretty stale and there isn't much to do desu.
I wish the other dlcs were as good as far harbor.

Yeah, the DLC was really disappointing, especially when they increased the price of their season pass to supposedly give us better content. All they did was try to charge us for mods instead :^) I wish there was more to do with Settlements myself, I end up just using one of them as a personal base and ignoring them completely

I played for 50h before I got bored of it
Exactly the same amount of hours I played Skyrim for

I felt like I did all the actual relevant content in the game that had some work put into it, it wasn't great really, i didn't have the time of my life, but it was comfy and somewhat enjoyable

For 15$ each game, they were a good buy to me

I can't understand how someone can put over 100h on these games though, they're so bland and repetitive

Yeah I do the exact same thing.
Trying to manage every outpost and all the other shit that comes with it is annoying or tedious.

>Played on ps4 to make it even more questionable.
So that's 1/4 of your playtime wasted on loading screens.

Settlements were a good concept but I wish there was a a reason to revisit them, once you build a certain amount of defense, raiders stop attempting to attack them. Making base building for the sake of combat pretty useless

Still waiting for a mod that gives it normal stats and leveling system, fuck this 'perk' Skyrim shit

But the leveling system in Morrowind and oblivion was shit. With ordinator we actually have good perk trees.

I'd rather it just have what was in F3 and NV, or something similar but more in depth, or even the fucking original game style but fucking anything besides 'select 5%' gun damage and shit.

Wish there where more quest like the silver shroud or the captains dance. Any other quest similar to those?

Yeah, it's not so good.

But I absolutely cannot get enough of the whole Bethesda walking/kleptomania simulator thing. I would play these games if they had no quests or combat. That might actually be an improvement now I think about it.


Play as quiet

How is skyrim any different to oblivion or morrowind or fallout 3/nv, You still have stats that increase from 0-100 just now you have extra options to make because you get to pick perks. Also ordinatior gives you more playstyles then any elder scrolls game has ever had so +1 to that.

Though I do wish they would not keep lowering the number of skills. If I want to role play Mo farah and be a level 100 athletics god I should be able to.

>play game for hours
>"hey are you enjoying yourself?"
haha retard

That is what all of the perks in those games are though. In Fallout they just have a cute little picture and flavor text.

Fo3 had alot of bad perks that just added +5 to small guns skill etc. The damage ones in fo4 are better than those

Oblivion has good quests instead of generated ones
Morrowind is even better giving you directions for the quest instead of a fucking you fast travel to


The same way a gambler can acknowledge it's stupid and bad but keep doing it anyways.
The same way a fat person knows they should eat better/less and they do it anyways.

Well, it's better when the directions are correct.

The games are at their best when you're exploring,it helps that morrowind didn't need a expansion to add a world worth exploring

>The games are at their best when you're exploring

Sure, the quests to remote locations that have shitty directions are still obnoxious in Morrowind though.

Being addicted to gambling makes sense. There's that small chance of winning big and the thoughts of recreating a past win.
Being addicted to fatty foods makes sense. It tastes good. That's it.
Playing a shitty game for 150 hours is fucking retarded. No matter how high your hopes are, if you aren't enjoying it, STOP. You don't get anything out of playing a shitty game that long.

Just so you know, those settlements don't ACTUALLY need your help. You don't have to save them every time you're asked to.

Yeah,i was often stumped and back-tracking,but it's better to be lost and wandering than just doing powering through a checklist.

Imagine being so pathetic you play a game you don't even like for 150 hours.

How long do you think you've spent browsing Sup Forums.

I like browsing Sup Forums

that just means he's more credible

350 hours in across 3 characters, still having a blast. I wouldn't even think about playing the game vanilla, though. Survival without quicksaving is just retarded, normal is way too easy and a damage sponge central.

The fundamental parts of the gameplay were fine I thought; e.g. the gunplay/combat itself, and the world was the best of the FPS fallout games in that it was nice and dense with lots of fun vertical design. some of the missions, in and of themselves, were also pretty great. the factions themselves were also more or less fine & interesting.

the problem is they never coalesced into a proper whole. character building/leveling feels off in the way it "scales up", in that you either have very little at your disposal at low levels, vs. completely overpowered at mid to high levels, with very little in-between to make the content challenging/interesting. while the locations are good and abundant, there are little rewards for exploring them; legendaries are underwhelming, and magazines/bobbleheads dont affect gameplay enough to be fun to find. the factions were good as isolated entities but there is no meaningful interaction between them to make the world feel dynamic/decisions you make have impact. the settlement system was a fun and reasonably well executed idea as far as building them, but they serve no interesting purpose and you are generally better off ignoring settlements completely, even on the new survival mode (settlements are basically just a glorified place for a bed + a water pump).

i enjoyed it, i think Sup Forums overreacted to how "bad" it was (like usual), but to me its mostly unfortunate that they couldnt take all these individual good pieces and assemble them into a complete product

How do I make this game fun? Are there mods to increase enemy AI or combat?

I played it for 400 hours on PC and it was one of the greatest gaming experiences i've ever had. Felt like i was back in the golden age of gaming like in the '90s.

hopefully you learned a lesson and will stop giving money to bethesda

ESPECIALLY for bullshit like season passes. if everyone stopped giving them money, they'd stop restricting their games behind paywalls


I might be alone here, but I really don't like the idea of radiant quests.
It totally fucks with my desire to have an ending to an NPC's storyline