Why are pigs always evin in video games?

Why are pigs always evin in video games?

I don't know why, pigs are cute.

Fat, ugly, dirty as shit, and complete fucking pests. Only people who have never witnessed feral ones think they're "cute".

What is it fucking?

muslim devs

Not always

>Fat, ugly, dirty
user all of these adjectives just make the pig even more sexually desirable

They have the same level of intelligence as dogs but are portrayed as evil and we eat them.

>tfw no gf to fill with my pig seed



>it's heart stops beating if it doesn't bounce
pokemon is kinda fucked up

the cutest pokémon out of the 900



Evil is a state of mind.

no idea, they are lovable creatures

Such as?

fuck. now I gonna have to get on sad panda and find some ORC x ELF mangas. And I'm at work god damn it
>tfw fapping in the bathroom


do you really think you censored it with that crop

I don't see any nipples or anything really, user
just a nice friendly hug

left girl

*blocks your path*

why does she have a wart on her chest??

Because they're haram

>it's another harshly censored pigman fucking a girl

why is her fucking nipple there ffs, you retarded slant eyed shit artist, it would be hotter with it pushed/grinded into her thigh anyway

What a disappointment, pig in OP pic is fucking a furry.

> Grumpig premiered in the same gen as THOTdevoir
> monopsychic with Hypno average stats
> still has no mega

Why did Gamefreak want cutest pig to fail so badly?

They're literally never in vidya except weaboo trash and thats just because thats how jap retards draw orcs.

Not always

Strange, since they're the victims.

found from sweeping the archive: konopizaga!!

always be very careful with elven girls!