Nintendo makes a shitty console with only 32GB storage

>Nintendo makes a shitty console with only 32GB storage
>somehow it's Ubisoft's fault that they have to scale the game down

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>beign that jewish that dont want to make your game in better cartridges
>sell the game for actually 40$

yeah, nintendo fault

>Advertise it as the best version of the game
>It isn't the best version of the game

Like I fucking care about jewbisoft?

>nintendo makes a shitty extremely outdated cheap ass console and sells it at the regular console price
>devs are fucked because the hardware is terrible
>1-2 switch is $60
yeah ubisoft are the jews

>>sell the game for actually 40$

wait a sec, nintendo fagits have to both pay the tax and the have the game in a small cartridge ?

>nintendo makes a shitty extremely outdated cheap ass console and sells it at the regular console price
>run a game that 1000$ PC cant emulate at barely 30fps


>re-re-re-release a 4 year old game with nothing new
>make it the worst version, cutting content to make cheap production

Yeah, nintendo is the worst company ever

They shouldn't have given it a misleading title. That was entirely their choice.
It would be the same game if it was just called "Switch edition" or whatever and then these shitty articles on shitty news websites wouldn't exist.

>didn't even use a 8GB cart
>uses a fucking 4GB cart, the cheapest of all cards
Literal jews

>The Nintendo Switch’shardware specificationsarched some eyebrows when it was revealed that, once again, Nintendo was launching a console with a shrimpy 32 GB of flash memory on board. Now we know what it really means to a user.The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wildrequires 13.4 GB of storage spaceif it is downloaded to the Nintendo Switch. That is a little under half of the internal capacity of Nintendo’s new console.