That's good satire
Literally every single person who has ever played an online game ever has used the word nigger
He just broadcasted it to thousands
Why don't we have an eceleb board yet
>they're still doing it even after he cucked out
Keep poking the fucking hornet nest, kikes. 50 million autistic children will rain down fury on you like you've never felt before.
No, not literally.
So kiddos, were we going to discuss videogames or is this another worthless thread heading for deletion?
I've never used it. So, you're wrong xD
I hope this isn't sincere.
I've literally never called anyone a nigger in a videogame
With the amount of tweets that read "I don't hate pewdiepie for what he did, but I've never accidentally used a racial slur" you'd think they were given some sort of style guide by a ringleader.
beta cucks with no mic don't count
looks shopped
I've never once used a racial slur online, no matter how angry I get. The fact that you """randomly""" blurt out racial slurs and assume everyone else does says A LOT about you.
Not really.
The jews have been after him for a while but he's rich so they can't mess with him
Because only big alpha males who are obsessed enough with black dick say it, amirite?
Shut up nigger
Why is a streamer whose main audience consists of 12-16 olds so popular on, Sup Forums?
You know that those 2-3 "nazi" thing he did is literally PR right? (you talk about him and he is cool for the young kids)
>saving a picture of a cuck getting cucked
>but I'm not a cuck
are you also the one who spams blacked.com on every board?
The fact that you give so much power to words is also telling about you.
What a fucking nigger.
>being this assblasted by the truth
>Why is a streamer whose main audience consists of 12-16 olds so popular on, Sup Forums?
They can get mad at him for using a bad word but they can't change the fact that he's richer than they will ever be and he got that money by simply playing videogames for an audience.
No? That's the dumbest fucking insult in the world.
Weather you like him or not you gotta admit he's and absolute genius at his craft.
Can we please just go back to 6 months ago when everyone with 2 brain cells to rub together hated him? Getting real fucking sick of of having to read disingenuous half-baked defenses of his 'free speech' because dumbfuck mongoloids think he's /ourguy/ after he said a racial slur
because this shit will have a place on Sup Forums then
>WoW PvP stream
>"oh that fucking nigger"
>"so lucky"
Happens all the fucking time by European streamers and no one bats an eye. If the guy is from Northern Europe and is playing arenas you can be sure there will be some n-bombs on stream.
No one gives a shit about it. Why is everyone suddenly butthut by faggotpie doing it?
If words had no power, you wouldn't be here
He's swedish isn't he? He could only watch his whole country get blacked for so long before getting mad
because Sup Forums is filled with 12-16 kids
i hope a gang of niggers break into pewdiepie's house, like 30 of em, and make that faggot white boy take all their cocks, 2 at a time (jerking off/getting cummed on doesn't count towards the total), swallowing every droplet of cum they expel
and every time one finishes in him they yell
>ni-ni-*sobs*- nigg-
>ni-niggahs, i called you my-
>*crying* nig... niggers
>*crying intensifies*
this all happens on stream and is also recorded and later uploaded to sites like liveleak
and his neighbors can hear/see that something is obviously going on but don't care because he's fucking pewdiepie, and he can't be punished enough for his sins.
but then i guess Sup Forums would catch the news and make another e-celeb+Sup Forums thread so the ride truly never ends.
This is really the only thing that came to my mind regarding this 'controversy'
12 year old white kids yelling 'nigger' on mic is so common I doubt you have played a lot of online games if you haven't encountered it
Wow, you really showed him. You're SO virtuous! I mean, if everybody was like you the world would be a better place. You know?
Nobody cared about him until the Left tried to erase him. It's not even a free speech argument at this point, it's outright refusal to cave to what the gatekeepers say.
No you stupid faggot.
where are the video games?
Right. Because everybody is freaking out about a word. I'm just trying to make you see how foolish you're being. It shouldn't have power but it does because you kiddos give it power. If only you were as mature as me.
>not having a bit of banter with yours or the enemy team
Just because you get a lot of (You)s doesn't mean your post is the truth.
>fly lands on a rock
>thousands of offended liberal riot in the streets
He did something, but nothing worthy of controversy. He said a word directed at nobody in particular, because he was angry in a video game. This is something kids, and adults do every single day.
Weird fetish, but okay.
bit gay my man
Lefties are saying reporting on looters during a hurricane is racist, they can do no wrong.
Meanwhile a white man says a word and it's front page news.
I'm pretty sure that's being done mostly because Sup Forumscucks get unironically triggered by interracial on /hc/ and /gif/. Getting a glance of it apparently ruins their orgasms.
>tfw capirote is a cool ass uniform in the same tier as crusader gear
>it's tied with KKK now
Fucking why
also the baller nazi/SS uniforms
haha just for laughs haha
Whoah you really thought through your fantasy Pewdiepie and blacked.com crossover huh?
>the Left tried to erase him.
man if this isn't the most infowars shit
>cursing someone in specific when playing online games
As it has always been, it's just 12-16 year old kids back in the day weren't sucking eceleb cock left and right.
Right there.
that looks gay as fuck, not remotely on the same level as crusader armour.
Has anybody thought this has been done for more money? It's insanely good PR and he'll get way more viewers now. A bit like how Sup Forums got loads more users since BANE? posting.
I'm here because people will try to ruin your life for using the wrong words and i prefer anonymity for discussions as opposed to something like reddit. Words like nigger have no power until you give them power by acting like whoever said the word punched a child.
but the ones who post it on /gif/ are literal cucks generally
masturbating to penis in bagina is cuckoldry and masturbating to x race benis in y race vagina when you are of y race is advanced cuckoldry, you can't argue this
if you're gonna wank do it to the female form or a drawing or something
What Sup Forums has become?
did you jack off before or after you wrote this?
thats quite gay, and very explicit... think your brain is messed up from all the ganking done to you
It's one thing to say that kids spouting racial epithets are common in online games, and another thing entirely to claim that everyone who has ever played a videogame has been one of those kids
Check the twitter feed of every game journalist you read and notice how many either post or retweet liberal memes. It isn't a conspiracy.
Fuck off neofaf nigger
>claims to not say nigger
>says faggot instead
Odd, I remember him to be more handsome.
Could just be a cherry-picked shot though.
Not the gif I was expecting.
I miss my cheetus
Blame moot. He opened the floodgates to these literal faggots during gamergate by making its discussion warrant an instant ban despite there being no rule against it. It made these people feel at home because they believed their precious moot had created a safe space for them where nothing controversial is allowed to be discussed.
It's full of newfags that save blacked pics on their computers
You have a weird idea of what is cool.
Or you can be secure about your sexuality and just self-insert as the guy.
calling someone a double nigger isn't racist right?
If you get too many DMCA strikes, your channel can be taken down.
>getting mad at games to the point of yelling obscenities
How big of an autist can you be? Calm down
Fucking cucks, all of them.
I'll do that as soon as I check my direct deposit to make sure my Soros Protestor Bucks came through this week
All I said is that I've never called someone a nigger in a videogame. I'm not asking for a safe space, I'm just stating a fact.
>self insert in non-POV
>self-inserting as a different race
it still boils down to you not getting any and wanking to someone who is though, it's cuckoldry and voyeurism
If I don't hate black people, what's wrong with saying nigger?
Is there any way to rebut other than saying "no you really do hate them"?
why do people give a shit?
>posts sonic the hedgehog
>calls others autistic
Ah, and once your Youtube channel is taken down, the gestapo hauls you off to Guantanamo Bay for thoughtcrimes, I think I follow
And he's saying the reason why thin-skinned faggots like you who would probably be on reddit otherwise are here instead.
They look like church wizards!
they're the magic DPS to the crusader tanks/melee DPS and the priest healer
Peediepie should never have apologized and then laughed it off. People want his head even when he apologized, so what is the point? All it does is embolden these people. He said nigger to no one in particular while playing a video game. Is the mere act of saying nigger a crime? Who gives a fuck, stop being a nigger and suck it up. This is a nonissue.
Nice goalpost moving.
but what if I'm black
>they're like church wizards
wizards have cool hats though
>calling someone a double nigger isn't racist right?
Don't worry, it's a double negative.
They don't, this is fake news