Why don't you main this Mexican hero?
sombra always looks way cuter in art rather than in the actual game for some reason
because when i think of beaners and/or see them i just imagine diarrhea coming out of her ass from all the beans, tequila and rotten street tacos.
i personally find beaners to be more disgusting than black people, or as i like to call them niggers.
Sup Forums
because i don't like brown people
because she requires team coordination, and good luck finding that even in masters/GM
not even Sup Forums i just hate beaners, niggers and russians.
Because she has that retarded skrillex haircut and a fat face in-game. It's really not hard to make cute black/brown characters, just take a white character and darken their skin and hair.
She is voiced by Saito Chiwa in the japanese version, I highly reccomend chaning the in-game voice.
WM is an Ara-ara type too
>Why don't you main this Mexican hero?
Because I don't play Overwatch.
Why pick
>sad submachine gun and overdependence on skills and distractions and running away
when you can have
>glorious attention-grabbing rocket launcher, simple straightforward synergy and rocket jump w/ training wheels
i do, she is unstoppable in total mayhem
the only people that don't hate spics are spics
because retarded half shaved head that blizzard has a fetish for and weird playstyle that I dislike
>in mayhem
Take hog, he doesn't die
Spam heal after every 3 seconds.
Enemy needs ana +zarya ult to lock you down and stop your heal otherwise you won't die even in 6v1.
I take hog and literally hold payload for minutes all alone.
>the virgin flanker
>the chad frontal assault
Why are brown grills patrician tier?
They are for breeding.
I'm bad at both heroes. Sombra is too skill-dependent and I can't hit people with the rocket launcher.
>using an ability
>in total mayhem
>while sombra exists
hhaha yeah okay
>tfw you will never mating press best girl
because Im mexican and I hate her
Absolute suffering.
Because everyone already thinks I'm Latina.
FACT: Overwatch has no ugly girls.
*puts up turrets in room where Sombra is about to teleport in and hack healthpack*
*stand inside and wait for her*
*roost her while she try to escape*
Nothing personal.. señorita
She was made for cowboy dick.
She is good but she constantly cycles between going in and translocating to a health pack which wastes time and participation in teamfights
Because my team already instalocked 4 dps
that can be said for literally any character anywhere at anytime.
because she's not a hero
The russian tranny like.
Especially now - most of the masters/GM players got bored and quit and now diamonds are moving up to fill the gaps without actually getting any better.
>ywn choke and dominate Sombra
>ywn sit on her face and make her give you a sloppy latina rimjob
what is the point of living?
>Young Ana
>not Current GILF Ana
Young Ana is a breeding machine.
Because I'm not Silver elo
Shit taste detected
kys, she's perfect.
Life is suffering waiting for seasonal events
>holding her by the jaw
Symmetra with her enormous fucking lantern jaw is kinda ugly.
Zarya, if you're not into her type (which I'm not).
Orisa is not just ugly, she's a bad design overall.
Because mexicans are filthy tacos niggers, also because Overwatch is shit, Blizzjew is evil, and neck yourself
>Nothing personal.. señorita
Nothing personal niña
>make best girl
>everyone hates her whether she is played well or badly
Yeah seriously, it's strange but whenever I see a beaner girl I can't help but think about the frequent nasty diarrhea she gets.
I wanna fuck a brown girl
I too wish to fuck Sombra.
It's understandable.
I already main best boi
Because she is bottom-tier
This is most likely coming from a burger sliding American.
Your intestines must be greasier than a McDonalds fryer.
That's because Zenyatta is best doto
>requires aim
>rightclick charge to peek gib, particularly fun on widow
>paper, requires great positioning
>can generally have a fair 1v1 vs most of the cast
>fuck you ult
pharah's typically flank too
My aim is shit.
>shitty meme haircut
>the worst
Why do you use twitter speak?
because ranking up with her isn't reflective of your skill
her SR gain is fucked up, there are far too many sombra mains in Master, and far too many bad ones at that
>the word worst is Twitter lingp now
Eventually this board is going to run out of words if it keeps labeling everything Twitter or Reddit
No, the expression "omg this is the worst" is.
She's my third most played.
Anyone wanna guess the first two?
found the virgin
genji and mccree or hanzo
Is there any chance mercy's ult will change again and not just a tuning? If the rez has to go okay but I'm not sure I like a healer's ult that seems to encourage you to stop healing for the duration. Though, to be fair, I haven't played it yet
>virgin hide and seek
>Chad from Above
Nope. #1 is defense and #2 is tank.
>start up a game
>mercy and Zen instalock
>Winston and roadhog lock in the first 15 seconds
>get to try new junkrat
>most fun I've had in OW in weeks
I need to play like the shitter, stop caring about rank & teamcomp, and just have fun.
>shoot the air next to my chest
>shoot my foot
>100% damage done
Mildly upset
>implying sombra can gun down hog
He will just run to pick health packs and just one hook will delete her.
She teleports back, he heals again.
The beam chaining and beam range boost is far more useful then the pistol buffs. It's just not as attention grabbing for YouTube subscribers. Once it goes live you'll see less/no valkyrie mercy and almost all beamchain Mercy.
They'll probably tone down what you can do with the pistol since they don't like that people are using it to just go apeshit with Mercy instead of using it to really amp offensive output(e.g. using Pharah or tanks to augment healing/damage output with Mercy's ult beam).
They probably intended it to be the quick-fix/kritzkrieg to Zenyatta's "ubercharge"
Honestly, I think we need a few weeks with it in actual gameplay before we see how it settles.
>tfw snowflakes ruined punk haircuts for everyone
It's not fair
... How the fuck can you not hit people with Pharah's rocket launcher???? It's literally less aim dependent than fucking Winston.
A hipster for punk hairstyle.
Just end your life.
Or launch the nuclear warheads and just end this suffering
never change Sup Forums
Best girl always manages to make me rock hard. Fucking christ Blizzard knew what they were doing when they make Widowmaker.
>widow maker
>not a samus ripoff
beaners actually have lower IQs than blacks, anyway
punks are faggy as fuck in every way after you get over 14 years old.
Samus rip off makes me nut more than Samus
I'm not good enough with her to main her